: 56 January 30, 1976 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Palestinian Refugees: Created, Fostered by Arab Politics By MAURICE ROUMANI (Editor's note: Outlining "The Case of the Jews in Arab Countires; " on be- half of the World Organi- zation of Jews from Arab Countries, Dr. Maurice M. Roumani has exposed many distortions and lit- tle-known facts about Jewish and Arab refugees in the Middle East. Dr. Roumani is a research as- , sociate at Bar-Ilan Uni- versity and head of the re- search division of the department of Sephardic communities of the World Zionist Organization.) Many opportunities were available for the proper set- tlement of Palestinian refu- gees. Even prior to 1948, the Arab world was in need of a population redistribution in order to influence progress. This condition could have provided easy ground for refugee absorption. For ex- ample, in March of 1951, the 1- 0- International Bank for Re- construction and Develop- ment reported that the en- tire Palestinian Arab refugee population could easily be absorbed by Iraq alone, "were its natural re- sources developed." The need for a population increase in Iraq was obvious as early as 1928 when the Prime Minister, Ja'far Pasha Al-Ashari stated: "What Iraq wants above ev- erything else is more popu- lation, this is a necessary condition for progress." Another country that could have-easily absorbed a large portion of the refugees was Syria. The Chatham Report in 1949 estimated that "Well over 200,000 Pa- lestine refugees could be absorbed within five years in agriculture alone if Syria had the required political agreements." To this day, none of the four Arab host countries, with the exception of Jor- dan, has awarded citizen- ship to the refugees. In Lebanon, refugees are re- garded as being there on sufferance, they are not granted residence visas nor are they entitled to cit- izenship. Work permits are diffi- cult to acquire and restric- tions are placed on move- ment. In many cases, local leaders prohibit refugees living in camps from leaving them. The situation in Syria and Egypt, while somewhat less critical, is nevertheless com- parable, especially in so far as the political rights of ref- ugees are concerned. Even though refugees have been offered full citi- zenship in Jordan, their sit- uation is yet unsatisfactory. It was reported in an analy- sis of the Quaker Report that, "Some 300,000 Arabs left the West Bank and East Jerusalem between 1949 and May 1967 as a direct result of persistent unrest and lack of economic oppor- tunity in the area." UNRWA describes the deplorable condition of Arab refugees as: "Legally, humanly and economically speaking, little better off than they were when they first left Palestine," and di- rectly relates this situation to the fact that "No govern- ment, except Jordan, has proclaimed the right of ref- ugees to stay." Arabs have repeatedly rejected proposals for a re- settlement of Palestinian refugees. In 1957, the Beirut daily L'Orient wrote: "The responsibility of the Arab governments is very great. For eight years these governments have been ap- plying to the refugees an ab-. stract and inhuman policy. "Under the pretext of cultivating in the refugees the. longing for their homes in Palestine, and for the purpose of main- taining a menacing popu- lation on the frontiers with Israel, these governments have systematically re- jected attempts at organi- zation and employment for the refugees." The following are some of the major appeals for a solu- tion of the Palestinian refu- gee problem rejected by the Arabs: • In 1949, a special UN survey mission headed by Gordon Clapp proposed a development plan for the Middle East that would also help solve the refugee prob- lem. Arab obstructions killed this program. • An agreement signed by Egypt and UNRWA in 1951 to settle 70,000 refu- gees from the Gaza Strip in Sinai, as part of a regional waterworks project, was abrogated by Egypt. • A proposal by UN Sec- Manuel Josephson, as a commission merchant in New York and then in Phila- delphia, served as a supplier to Washing- ton's army, selling it, among other things, "guns, cutlasses and bayonets." As a congregation leader (in New York he was in 1762 president of Shearith Israel and in Philadelphia from 1785-1791 president of Mik- veh Israel), he succeeded for the first time in uniting the Jewish congregations in New York, Charleston, Richmond and Philadelphia in a joint Address of sup- MANUEL JOSEPHSON • In 1955, President Ei- senhower's special envoy, Ambassador Eric Johnston, succeeded in obtaining agreement for the resettle- ment of 240,000 refugees in the Joidan River Valley, but as Johnston wrote in the New York Times on Oct. 19, 1958: "After two years of dis- The American Revolution's Jewish Soldiers By JACOB MARCUS American Jewish Archives There were many Jewish soldier-patriots during the American Revolution. After enlisting in the Third Maryland Regiment at the age of 23, Joseph Smith saw service . in Penn- sylvania, the Jerseys, and the South. Wounded at Camden, South Carolina, in 1780, he fell into British hands and remained a pris- oner until he returned home to Baltimore. In signing the company payroll, he made his mark. When he applied for a pen- sion after the war, it devel- oped that Smith's real name was Elias Pollock; he could write, but the only script he employed was the Hebrew. Why had he concealed his name? He may well have been a runaway debtor seeking to escape imprisonment; he may have been an inden- tured servant or a Mary- land "transport," a crimi- nal serving out his term in the colonies. Or the simple Colonial America's Most Learneg Jew Editor, Jewish Currents • In 1952, an Arab Refu- gee Rehabilitation Fund of $200 million was established by UN Resolution 513. This fund was never utilized due to Arab objections to the rehabilitation projects. cussion, technical experts of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria agreed on every im- portant detail of a unified Jordan Plan. But in Octo- ber, 1955, it was rejected for political reasons at a meet- ing of the Arab . League." • At the 18th session of the UN Special Political Committee in November 1963, Mrs. Golda Meir, then Israel's foreign min- ister, offered direct nego- tiations with Arab govern- ments on the refugee problem, as an urgent priority. Two years later, Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol made the same offer. When !- Mrs. Meir became prime minister she renewed her proposal. So did her foreign minister, Abba Eban. Nev- ertheless, all offers from the Israeli side have been ig- nored or denounced. A Bicentennial Feature A Bicentennial Feature By MORRIS SCHAPPES retary General Dag Ham- marskjold in 1959 to use the refugees as a reservoir of manpower in a program for the overall develop- ment of the region was shelved as a result of op- position by the Arabs. port for Washington. Born in Hamburg, where he acquired a fund or rab- binical lore that made h,im the most learned Jew in Hebraic literature in colo- nial America, he came to New York as a young man. In 1757, during the French and Indian War, he was already a sutler for the armed forces. In 1759, he married Rachel Judah in New York. Prospering as a mer- chant in New York, Man- uel Josephson was yet one of the majority of the Cong. Shearith Israel that evacuated from New York rather than stay and colla- borate with the British- Hessian occupation of the city. In Philadelphia he contin- ued his patriotic service, his name being recorded a dozen times in the official diaries of the Office of Fi- nance (forerunner of the U.S. Treasury Department). When Haym Salomon died in 1785, leaving his 23-year-old widow and three children with money that ,just about paid off his debts, Josephson personally aided her. (Salomon's estate, fin- ally accounted Dec. 23, 1789, showed a deficit of $560, with assets of $44,732 and debts of $45,292.) Mrs. Josephson For some years his per- sonal physician was the cel- ebrated Dr. Benjamin Rush. In the Address to Wash- ington that he drafted and personally presented Dec. 13, 1790, Josephson spoke of the "late glorious revo- lution" which had "opened the way to the reign of freedom." (This Address and Washington's reply were printed in full in _ the Pennsylvania Packet, Dec. 15.) How this way of thinking permeated Josephson may be seen from the way in which, in a petition May 21, 1784 to get Mikveh Israel to build a mikve, he praised "the Almighty God of Is- rael" for enabling Jews to live in a country in which "we enjoy every desirable privilege and great preemin- ence far beyond many of our brethren dispersed in differ- ent countries . ." Much of Josephson's cor- respondence was in Yiddish. answer may be that, fear- ing prejudice, he adopted the innocuous Anglo- Saxcin "Smith" to conceal his Jewish origin. The Jewish historian Bar- nett A. Elzas documented the presence in South Caro- lina of .at least 34 Jewish Re- volutionary War veterans, among them a few Georgia refugees. Most of these Jews served under Captain Richard Lu- shington, whose outfit was known — rather erro- neously — as the "Jew Com- pany." The Jews who served in his command did not con- stitute a majority, but since most of them were King Street shopkeepers, all bunched together, they had been conscripted as a group. They gave a good account of themselves. One of the captain's men was Jacob I. Cohen, who fought with his comrades at the Battle of Beaufort. Lushington certified in 1779 that Cohen had "in every respect conducted himself as a good soldier and man of courage." Five years later, as a member of the -Richmond firm of Cohen & Isaacs, Cohen hired a frontiersman named Daniel Boone to survey his lands on the Licking River in distant Kentucky. The most distinguished Jewish Carolinian of Revo- lutionary days was Francis ,- Salvador, a member of one of the richest Jewish fami- lies in England. After Joseph Salvador, Francis' uncle and father- in-law, had lost his money ; - he repaid his nephew to whom he was indebted by ceding to him large tracts in the Carolina hitherland. They were known as the "Jews' Lands." When young Francis lost his own fortune, he left his London family behind and, in 1773 and 1774, carved out a large plantation for• him- self in South Carolina's Ninety-Six District. Salvador soon emerged as a Whig leader. It may not be difficult to guess what moti- vated him. Twenty years- earlier his uncle, then one of the great financiers of the empire, had helped sponsor a Jew- ish Naturalization Act. After passing, it had been speedily scuttled by Par- liament in a wave of anti- Jewish hostility and scur- rility. Uncle Joseph Salva- dor had been hooted out of a London theater. Who can doubt that Fran- cis Salvador, cultured and wealthy, never forgot that back in London he was only a second-class citizen? Because of his back- ground, he was immediately accepted in good Carolinian society and was invited to sit in the rebel provincial congresses and in the first general assembly of the new state of South Carolina. Salvador was the first unconverted Jew to serve in an American legislature. By 1776, this attractive young man had become a member of a number of important committees and thus a nota- ble political figure. When the British army and navy struck at the East Coast in 1776, and their allies, the Indians and Tories, moved in to massacre the settler's and farmers on the western frontier, Salvador rode 28 miles to rouse the militia. On the night of July 31-August 1, the punitive expedition which he had joined was ambushed. Sal- vador fell, shot andscalpe by the Indians. He may ha-: been the first Jew to die in defense of the new United States. Toda in Charleston's City Hall Park there is a plaque dedicated to his memory: - Born an aristocrat he became a democrat. .In Englishman he cast his lot with .1tnerica; True to his ancient faith he gave his life For new hopes of hu- man liberty a nd under- standing.- 1