THE DETROIT 111/1111r A Bicentennial Feature First Jewish Settlers in the New World Editor's note: The fol- lowing important article on the American Bicenten- nial appeared in World Over Magazine. The au- thor, Tina Levitan, stated: The first Jew ever to step fo9t on North American soil was probably Elias Le- gardo, who sailed to Vir- ginia on the "Abigail" in 1621. By 1624 Rebecca Isaacke was a resident there. John Levy received a grant of 200 acres in 1652. David Da Costa was a to- bacco importer there ar- ound 1658. A far more important set- tlement was established in New Amsterdam where in September, 1654, a small sailing vessel, the "St. Charles," docked at the Dutch colony (now New York) and discharged its passengers. - Among them were 23 Jews, most of them Se- phardim, descendants of families who had been driven out of Spain in 1492 and who had lived as Mar- ranos (secret Jews) in var- ious countries. The trials of the 23 were not over. Three were thrown into jail for debt. Governor Peter Stuyvesant told them they must leave. But during the next three years, largely through the efforts of their most outspo- ken member, Asser Levy, they managed to win the right to stay. By the mid-18th Century their Cong. Shearith Israel (Remnant of Israel) could boast of close to 300 mem- bers. Rhode Island's founder Roger Williams granted religious freedom_ to all who came to settle there, so before long a Jewish community developed in Newport, the harbor city. Jews who had once lived in Spain and Portugal came there in 1658. Jews also came to Newport from Hol- land and the West Indies. Like almost every Jewish community that developed in America, the Jews of Newport built a synagogue. Jeshuat Israel (Help of Israel), dating back to 1763, is known today as the Touro Synagogue and has been dedicated by the govern- ment as a national historic , shrine. The congregation dis- banded at the outbreak of the Revolution when a large number of Jews who sympathized with the pa- triot cause left the city after its capture by the British. As early as 1680, before William Penn took it over, there were Jews in Pennsyl- vania. They may have been newcomers from distant lands or Jews who wan- dered down from New York after they had won the right to trade along the shores of the Delaware. Names like Aaron, Franks, Marks, and Levy oc- cur among the residents of Philadelphia around 1700. Soon they were joined by other merchants and trad- ers. In the middle 40's of the following century, they built their first synagogue — Mikve Israel (Hope of Is- rael). Some 60 miles west of Philadephia lay the fron- tier town of Lancaster. Joseph Simon was an In- dian trader, merchant, and land-owner who set- tled there in 1740 and pros- pered. By 1763 the county tax of Meyer Hart was larger than that of any other taxpayer of Easton. He owned three houses, an inn, and a store. Aaron Levy settled in Northumberland County in 1760 and started a netwcrk of trading operations. He was the first Jew in America to found a town, and named it for himself. Aaronsburg, founded in 1786, still exists in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country. , Maryland had at least one Jewish inhabitant be- fore 1660. Other occasional traders and travelers came there, but there was no Jewish settlement until after the Revolution. Jacob Lumbroso, a physi- cian from Portugal, is men- tioned in several legal docu- ments as "ye Jew doctor." He arrived in 1656, pur- chased land, traded with the Indians, and practiced med- icine. In 1658 he was brought to court and arrested for not believing in the Christian faith, which was against the law according to the Act Concerning Religion. The case is the only one of its kind against a Jew in the entire 13 colonies. He was accused of attacking the foundations of the Christian religion. He was finally freed under a general am- nesty in honor of Richard. Cromwell. The colony of Georgia was settled in 1733. In July of that year, 40 Sephardic Jews, refugees of the Po- rtuguese Inquisition, ar- rived there from London. The first native of Geor- gia is said to have been Philip Minis, the first Jewish child born in Sa- vannah. The Union So- Why 3 Must Read Torah BY RABBI SAMUEL FOX (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) mud tells us that the 10 verses represent the basic 10 men which are required to make up the quorum for reading the Torah in public. They represent the commu- nity at ,large and the 10 verses, therefore, remind us that Torah reading in public requires a minumum quota of attendance. Another version in the Talmud tells us that the 10 verses represent the Ten Commandments. This re- minds us that reading the Torah is done to help us observe the command- ments of the Almighty. A third version of the Tal- mud tells us that the 10 verses represent the 10 or- ders by which the Almighty created the world. This re- minds us that reading the Torah is to guide us into ac- cepting God's wish as devel- oped through nature. It teaches us the supreme faith that is necessary in be- lieving that whatever hap- pens in nature is the Al- mighty's will and should be accepted by man as such. Three people are called up to the Torah when it is read on Monday and Thursday mornings and Saturday aft- ernoon. The rabbis in the Talmud tell us that the three people represent the three classifi- cations of Jews, i.e., Cohen, Levi and Israelite. These are the shortest readings of the week. The idea is that ac- tually all Jews should be reading the Torah. These three are the repre- sentatives of all the Jews. The impression then is that the Jewish community as a whole is reading the Torah. Another opinion in the Talmud tells us that the three represent the three divisions of Jewish bibli- cal literature, i.e., the Pentateuch, the Prophets, and the Hagiographa. The principle is that a Jew and a Jewish commu- nity should be reading all of the Scriptures. The three portions that are read are representative of all scrip- tures and thus a token of the entire Bible. Egypt Disobeys It is necessary to read at least 10 verses from the Bi- Sinai Agreement ble during these times. WASHINGTON (ZINS) One version in the Tal- — Political observers here are saying that when Israel Ehrlich Urges agreed to withdraw from Knesset Election the Sinai oilfields it was specifically understood and TEL AVIV (ZINS) — agreed that the area would Simha Ehrlich, chairman of be controlled by civilians the Executive of the Liberal and that the Egyptian army Party, declared at a press would stay out. conference that it has be- However, the Egyptians come an urgent necessity to did not honor their commit- hold new elections to the ment; as soon as Israel va- Knesset. cated the zone, Egyptian Ehrlich stated that under military forces took over. existing conditions a govern- ment of national unity will not be able to deal effec- As I went out to seek tively with the multiplicity Thee, Thou earnest out to , of problems facing the coun- meet me. try. — Judah Halevi ciety, the first cooperative charity venture in Amer- ica, formed to support and educate orphans, was founded in 1750 by Benja- min Sheftall, one of Geor- gia's early settlers. Jewish pioneers began to settle in Charleston soon after the founding of Caro- lina in 1670. They were at- tracted by the promise of toleration. In 1697 four Jews were naturalized in the colony, and one of their naturaliza- tion papers still exists — that of Simon Valentine, a prominent merchant who had come from New York. . BJE Publishes `Guide to Joshua' NEW YORK — A new guide to aid teachers in presenting the Book of Joshua in Jewish schools has been published by the Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York's Jew- ish Education Press. "Teachers Guide to Joshua," by Simha Fisher, contains teaching units, teacher discussion areas, pupil exercises, and maps, and is designed both to aid the inexperienced teacher and to stimulate the crea- tive teacher to broaden his approach to the subject. Published in cooperation with the Department of Torah Education and Cul- ture of the World Zionist Organization, "Teachers Guide to Joshua" is avail- able from Eileen Roth, asso- ciate in Marketing Services, Board of Jewish Education, 426 West 58th St., New York, N.Y. 10019. Sinai Strip Given to Egyptian Army TEL AVIV — The United Nations ,Emergency Force withdrew from 92 square miles of the Sinai Desert cease-fire zone and handed it over to the Egyptian army, news sources report. The transfer of the nar- row strip of the UN buffer zone east of the Suez Canal was the latest step in the September truce pact worked out by Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. By 1749 there were enough Jews in Charleston to form a congregation, which was organized under the name of Beth Elohim (House of God). Cong. Beth Elohim was the religious home of Moses Lindo, who devel- oped the fabulous Carolina indigo trade, the backbone of the wealth of the colony; and of Joseph Levy, who fought as a lieutenant against the Indians in the Cherokee War of 1760, probably the first Jewish officer in America. In a few short years there would be many more Jewish officers in America and 300 Jewish soldiers — all 'fight- ing for the cause of inde- pendence. MID WINTER CLEARANCE SALE On Selected Men's and Women's Hand-loomed Clothes And Accessories ORIGINAL • Jewelry •Pottery •Weaving • Leather • Metal Sculpture • Designs in Lucite • Glass • Clothing • Pillows • Accessories the square Peg The Claymore Apartments 29260 Franklin Rd., Southfield 1st 356-1999 Right Off Northwestern Hwy. Just North of 12 Mile Rd. HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 10 to 4:30 Service Security Service, Inc. 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