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January 23, 1976 - Image 54

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1976-01-23

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Controversial Israel TV Show
Irks Rabin, Delights Populace

raeli television program pat-
terned after the "Laugh-In"
and "That Was The Week
That Was" shows in the
U.S. is taking the country
by storm. The government
is raging while the populace
is enjoying.
The program is "Nikui
Rosh," Hebrew for
"Cleaning the Head", a me-
chanic's term for a complete
engine overhaul. Features
include political slapstick
and satire, focusing more on
the Israeli Administration
than anything else.
The program has proven
to be so controversial, that
Premier Rabin has issued a
warning to tone down its
biting commenatry on Is-
raeli life and leaders.
According to Terence
Smith in The New York
Times, the program has
become a national institu-
tion in two short seasons,
and many Israelis cancel
club meetings and social
invitations, as well as re-
fuse to answer the tele-
phone, while the show is
on the air.
"Nikui Rosh's" audience
ratings have broken all rec-
ords. According to official
samples taken by the Israel
Broadcast Authority, more
than two million Israelis, or
two thirds of the Hebrew-
speaking population watch
regularly. The show is aired
every other Thursday.
Skits enacted on the pro-
gram are a series of "in"
jokes about the week's
news, often delivered in a
Hebrew slang and occasion-
ally in Yiddish, all of which
is instantly understood by
its audience.
Often, the barbs are di-
rected against foreign
leaders, as evidenced by a
bland, smiling American
named President Chevro-
let, and a jolly, round-
faced character with a
heavy German accent
known ad Dr. Henry.
baum, the show's producer,


defends the constant satire
of his government. "It would
be easy to satirize Sadat or
Assad or Qaddafi . . . that's
what our critics would like
us to do. But the program
would lose its sting. Our job
is to draw blood from the
people we have to vote for in
the next election."

WHITE, 13109 Victoria,
Huntington Woods, died
Jan. 20. She leaves three
sons, Louis, Nathan and
Michael; a daughter, Abi-
gail; and a brother, Jerome
Goodman of Zanesville,

Author Files
Against Golda

ZEIFMAN, 25643 Green-
field, Southfield, died Jan.
21. Survived by two sons,
Sam V. Matz and Morris
Matz, both of Miami, Fla.;
six grandchildren and three

NEW YORK — Lev Na-
vrozov, who has been sued
by former Israeli Premier
Golda Meir for claiming she
gave Stalin a list of Jews
who wanted to fight for Is-
rael in 1948, has filed a $4
million counter-suit.
Navrozov, an exiled Rus-
sian author, charged in
Commentary magazine,
published by the American
Jewish Committee, that
Stalin sent the persons on
Mrs. Meir's list to concen-
tration camps.
Mrs. Meir denies that she
ever even met Stalin. Navro-
zov charges in his suit that
Mrs. Meir has been acting
maliciously in an 'attempt to
discredit him as-a writer
and scholar.

Dutch Give Allon
`A Rough Time

daily, Yediot Ahronot, cit-
ing informed sources, re-
ports that when Foreign
Minister Yigal Allon last
visited Holland he had a
rough time from the nor-
mally friendly Dutch offi-
The Dutch kept bringing
up the subject of how they
themselves were forced to
recognize the revolutionar-
ies in Indonesia; the case of
the Belgians who came to
terms with the insurgents
in the Congo; and of the
French who had to sit with
the Algerian terrorists for
the sake of peace.

Psychiatrists Elect Dr. Martin

Dr. Peter A. Martin will
be inaugurated as president
of the American College of
Psychiatrists Jan. 30 at the
group's annual meeting in
Dr. Martin was the first
Charter Fq1low of the col-
lege, served as its secretary
general for three years and
has held other posts.


The American College of
Psychiatrists promotes pro-
fessional standards, contin-
uing education and provides
a scientific forum for its

Dr. Martin, who has au-
thored several books on psy-
chiatry, and is a member of
the Sinai Hospital staff, will
have his "A Marital Thera-
pist's Manual" published in
two monthS.


Herman E. Cohen

Herman E. Cohen, co-
founder of the Michigan
Waste and Bag Co. in De-
troit and its current presi-
dent, died Jan. 21 at age 90.
A native Detroiter, Mr.
Cohen was president of the
firm since 1920. He was
president of the Jewish
Children's Home, a board
member of the Jewish
Home for the Aged, a mem-
ber of Perfection Lodge of
the Masons, the Detroit
Consistory-Moslem Temple
and Cong. Shaarey Zedek.
He resided at 16500 North
Park Dr., Southfield.
He leaves a son, Cyril A.
Crane; a daughter, Mrs. Roy
D. (Annette) Paul; two
brothers, Joe Colvin and
Henry Crane; two sisters,
Mrs. May Lumberg and
Mrs. Ralph (Minnie) Berg;
four grandsons and two
great-grandchildren. Serv-
ices noon today at Ira Kauf-
man Chapel.

Forest Hills in NY
Declared 'Viable

New York City Councilman
who has represented the
Forest Hills section in
Queens for the past 14 years
declared categorically that
the section, in upheaval in
recent years because of Jew-
ish fears of neighborhood
deterioration, remain a
"quiet viable" community
with "an almost total Jew-
ish population."
Councilman Arthur J.
Katzman, who also said he
has lived in Forest Hills for
the past 35 years, made that
evaluation in . response to
inquiries about reports of
the latest flareup of contro-
versy on the issue of neigh-
borhood change.
This is geared to board of
education plans to increase,
by busing, the number of
minority group students in
the Forest Hills High
School, long considered one
of the best in the city.

Israeli Astrologer Makes Predictions


of Israel's leading astrolo-
gers is predicting that in
1976 President Gerald Ford
will have a tough struggle in
the presidential race against
Democratic opponent Sar-
gent Shriver; also, that Sec-
retary of State Henry Kis-
singer will resign in the
middle of the year.
The 37-year-old astrolo-
ger, Ilan Pecker, did not

venture to predict who will
emerge as winner in the
U.S. presidential sweep-

Pecker further predicts
that the fighting in Angola
will destroy Soviet-Ameri-
can detente and Egypt will
have enormous domestic
problems that could result
in President Anwar Sadat's

Dr. A. Friedman,
Longtime Dentist

Dr. Andrew Friedman, a
dentist practicing in the
Detroit area since 1928, now
retired, died Jan. 16 at age
Born in Hungary, Dr.
Friedman practiced den-
tistry in Delray for more
than 25 years, later moving
to the Wyandotte-Southgate
area where he practiced
until his retirement. He was
a 1928 graduate of the Uni-
versity of Michigan's school
of- dentistry.
Dr. Friedman was a
member of the Michigan
State and Wayne County
Dental Societies, Alpha
Omega Dental Fraternity,
Pisgah Lodge of Bnai Brith
and the Wyandotte Rotary
Club. He resided at 27330
Arbor Way, Southfield.
He leaves his wife, Fan-
nie; a son, Dr. Arthur S. of
Placentia, Calif.; a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Stephen (Susan)
Fishman; a brother, Louis
G. Frye of Van Nuys, Calif.;
a sister, Mrs. Louis (Freda)
Roth of Miami, Fla.; and
four grandchildren.

Morris Rosenberg

Morris Rosenberg, owner
of Atlas Clothing Co. in
Highland Park, died Jan. 1
in Miami Beach, Fla., at age
Born in Europe, Mr. Ro-
senberg lived much of his
life in Toronto before com-
ing to Detroit where he lived
for 40 years. He retired 12
years ago to Florida. He was
a member of Adat Shalom
Synagogue, Radomer Aid
Society and the Ostrovitzer
He is survived by his wife,
Annie; two daughters, Mrs.
Harry (Elise) Weiss and
Mrs. Tillie Bahr, both of
Miami; brothers in Toronto;
three grandchildren and
four great-grandchildren.
Interment Florida.

Morry Ellman, 74

Morry T. Ellman, past
president of the Women's
Apparel Club, died Jan. 16
at age 74.
A former Detroiter, Mr.
Ellman was a manufactur-
ers representative in wom-
en's garments. He was a
member of the Moslem
Temple Shrine. He resided
in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
He is survived by his wife,
Anne; two daughters, Mrs.
Milton Mersky and Mrs. Al
Alexander; three sisters and
11 grandchildren.

Joseph Weiner,

NEW YORK — Joseph L.
Weiner, a lawyer who held
several New York and
Washington government
posts, died Jan. 15 at age 73.
Born in Russia, Mr. Wei-
ner worked out the details
of the "temporary" sales tax
for New York under Mayor
Fiorello H. LaGuardia in
the 1930s, and he told Wall
Street, speaking as a con-
sultant to the Securities and
Exchange Commission, that
the regulations on securities
trading were to be followed
to the letter.
He was associated with
the New York transporta-
tion board, the Office of
Price Administration and
the War Production Board.

Charles S. Adler, School Principal

for 20 years and was ath-
letic director and coach
from 1928 to 1933 in the
Standish, Mich., school sys-
tem. He also was active for
more than 40 years in ef-
forts for the Detroit Depart-
ment of Parks and Recrea-
Mr. Adler was grad-
uated from Albion College
in 1928 and earned a mas-
Gertrude Wexler,
ter of education degree
from Wayne State Univer-
Killed in Accident
Gerturde Wexler, a sales- sity. He was a past presi-
person for Albert Maurice dent of the Kiwanis Club
Co. for more than 20 years, and recording secretary at
died Jan. 15 from injuries the time of his death and
received when she was was a 30-year member of
struck by a car as she Marshall Lodge of Bnai
cleaned the snow from her Brith. He resided at 22333
car in front of the store. She LaGaronne, Southfield.
was 67.
He leaves his wife,
Born in Appleton, Wis., two sons, Kenneth R. and
Mrs. Wexler lived 55 years Harley D.; three brothers,
in Detroit. She resided at Nathan S., Dr. Sidney and
25516 Greenfield, South- John H.; a sister, Mrs. Ben-
jamin (Rose) Alpern of
She leaves a daughter, Pittsburgh; and two grand-
Mrs. Donald (Lorraine) children.
Oginsky of Dallas, Texas;
and two grandchildren.

Charles Shea Adler, re-
tired principal of the Lin-
coln Elementary School in
Roseville, died Jan. 15 at age
A native Detroiter, Mr.
Adler was associated with
the Roseville school system
for 39 years.
He was director of the De-
troit Rotary Youth Center

Baruch Agadati

Moses L. Wiser,
Ex-Detroit Dentist

TEL AVIV — Baruch
Dr. Moses L. Wiser, a
Agadati, a dancer and
painter who made the first longtime Detroit dentist,
Hebrew talking movie, died Monday in Israel at age
"This Is the Land," in the 75.
Born in Switzerland, Dr.
early 1920s, died here re-
emigrated with his
cently at age 81.
family to the U.S. in 1939,
after practicing dentistry in
Meyer Korchak
Baden, Switzerland for 15
Meyer Korchak, a real years. He set up residence in
estate builder and developer Detroit after receiving a
who pioneered in South- U.S. dental degree from the
field, died Jan. 16 at age 58. University of Michigan.
A native Detroiter, Mr.
Dr. Wiser lived and prac-
Korchak was affiliated with ticed dentistry in Detroit
Southfield-based compan- from 1942 until 1968 when
ies, Consolidated Proper- he retired to Petah Tikva,
ties, Inc., and Property Israel. He spent his last
Management Co.
years as an artist painting
He was a member of the primitives.
Society of Real Estate Ap-
He is survived by his wife,
praisers, the Detroit Board Taube; three sons, Dr. Pino
of Realtors, Adat Shalom of Southfield, Raoul and Dr.
Synagogue and Tucker- Nathan, both of Petah
Grant Lodge of Bnai Brith. Tikva; and five grandchil-
He resided at 477 Dunston, dren. Interment Israel.
Bloomfield Hills.
He leaves his wife, Doro-
thy; two sons, Martin J. and Dr. W. Kolodney,
Jerome R.; a daughter, Ran- Arts Promoter
die; a sister, Mrs. Sylvia
Spector; and two grandsons.
NEW YORK — Dr. Wil-
liam Kolodney, who made
Max L. Subar
the 92nd St. Young Men's-
Young Women's Hebrew
Max L. Subar, a member Association a home for the
of a prominent Detroit Or- arts, died Jan. 18 at age 76.
thodox Jewish family, died
Jan. 17 in Miami, Fla., at
age 75.
Born in Poland, Mr. Su-
bar lived most of his life in
Grand Rapids where he was
in the linen supply business.
He was a member of Ahavas
Israel Synagogue in Grand
Rapids and Cong. Ohel
Shalom in Miami. He also
was a member of Bnai Brith
and the Young Israel move-
ment in Detroit.
He was active in efforts
for Israel Bonds, Jewish Na-
tional Fund, Mizrachi Ha-
poel Hamizrachi and Bar-
Ilan University among other
charitable organizations in
the U.S. and in Israel. He
resided at 31 Woodward
Dr. Koiodney retired in
Ln., Grand Rapids.
1969 after 35 years as educa-
He is survived by his wife,
tional director of the "Y."
Marie; two sons, David and He encouraged programs of
Jerome; a daughter, Mrs.
poetry reading, chamber
Robert (Judith) Krell; a
music and modern dance at
brother, Abraham of Israel;
the facility. The Y became a
and nine grandchildren. In- foremost center for poetry
terment Grand Rapids.
and dance.

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