THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile. Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 1s075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Suhscription $10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ DREW LIEBERWITZ Editor and Publisher Business Manager Advertising Manager flan Hitskv. News Editor . . . Heidi Press. kssistant Neu-. Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 22nd day of Shevat, 5736, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Exodus 18:1 - 20:23. Prophetical portion, Isaiah 6:1 - 7:6; 9:5,6. Candle lighting, Friday, Jan. 23, VOL. [AVM, No. 20 5:17 p.m. Page Four Friday, January 23, 1976 They Fled . . . and They Blame Israel the creation of Israel is a well known fact. and the efforts to ameliorate are in the record of the UN debates since 1948. The major world powers are aware of them. But they are choked with oil and Russia strives for domination. Because the United States supports little Israel, this country shares with Israel the insults and abominations hurled at both, without the slightest effort on the part of countries labeling themselves as de- fenders of human freedoms to exert the slight- est effort in defense of truth and justice. The pollution of the international arena with indecencies, with genocidal threats, is so menacing that one dare not submit to false hopes of a very long cease-fire in the war-threat- ened Middle East. Only one hope remains: that the govern- ment, legislators and people of America will not yield to the new aim by the re-emerged anti- Semitic lunatic forces to create another genocide for Israel and for Jewry. The hope for retention of the American principle of fair play and human decency is not a political matter. It is a bi-partisan American de- dication to freedom and justice. For an assurance of complete dedication to these ideals it becomes more urgent than ever at this time to plead with the spokesmen for this republic never to yield to bigotry. The plea is for non-submission to prejudice. The very life of a small nation is at stake. May it never come to pass that the just and democratic ideals of this land will ever be abandoned. With Israel and the United States as the co- targets in a war that has been launched by the Arab-Kremlin combine at the United Nations, the concern over distortion of facts keeps grow- ing in immensity. Asserting unhesitatingly that Israel's ene- mies are acting in behalf of 20 Arab nations, the demand is not only for another state — under the false guise of secularization of the small area that is now the sovereign state of Israel — but with the aim of destroying Israel even if it were to assume a ghetto statehood under 1948 conditions. Not only at the Security Council forum but also in the press, on television, wherever the ene- mies of the small state of Israel can gain a plat- form, there is the repetitious lie about Arabs having been driven out of Palestine. No matter how often the fact is restated that after the United Nations had partitioned the Holy Land into a Jewish miniscule state and a vast Arab territory functioning as Jordan, those who would destroy the state created as a result of international action keep repeating that they were ousted. They fled, but they keep repeating the un- truth of having been driven out of their homes. A PLO spokesman arrogantly claims a home in Jaffa, but the fact that Israel in her early years offered restoration for 100,000 is ignored and the record is ridiculed. The flight of Arabs from their homes upon The War Against the Jewish People United Nations which has become an abomina- tion. Daniel Patrick Moynihan is the fearless protagonist of justice to the Jew and history will not forget him. There is, nevertheless, the ganging up, the fusion not only of thi - Arab-Kremlin combine but also of the falsehoo,....3 in amity in Bucharest and Stockholm, where the true spirits of Ro- mania and Sweden may have been betrayed. And there is the lack of courage in the ranks of UN delegates from Great Britain, France and It- aly, who could do no more than abstain on a vote of threatened destruction of a small nation. To bolster faith, to retain courage, to assure the unity of the forces of decency, there is one serious obligation: that the Jewish entity should not be disrupted, that solidarity for Israel should not be hampered. On this score there is one element that must remain loyal to its people: the Jewish youth. There is evidence of a poisoning of minds, of a diminution of interest in support of and in de- fense of embattled kinsmen whose very lives are at stake. Youth must learn the truth! Let them realize the danger! May they attain the courage that is necessary to reject the lies which misre- present realities and factualities! The war that had not ended with Israel's at- tainment of sovereignty has taken on new pro- portions. To ignore it would be tantamount to providing weapons for the tyrannical majority. Let there be a gathering of strength, in every fashion, to assure the security of a people that rejects destruction. There shall be no delenda for the people that reaffirms the basic human realities pronounced in am Yisrael hai! What does a people do when it is sur- rounded by enemies who refuse to negotiate and are determined to destroy it. What does an individual do under such circumstances? To defend life and liberty is a sacred duty whether for one or for many. This, now, is the obligation of the entire Jewish people against whom the world is waging a war of threatened annihilation. What the adversaries fail to understand in the instance of Israel is that this is not another delenda est Carthago. Carthage must be de- stroyed, but in the process of a threat to annihi- late Israel the enemies remain ignorant of his- tory. They do not recall that the weapons forged for Jewry's destruction dulled before they could accomplish their deadly aim. They fail to under- stand the indestructibility of Israel, and that must now be applied by Israel's defenders to People and State. But the war is on and Israel and Jewry can not lean on history or sentiment alone. There must be a defensive fortification, a strengthen- ing of will and spirit, a mobilization of available weapons — especially of the historic weapon of the will to live! Israel's good fortune is the friendship of the United States. The principle of fair play, the de- dication to justice, the humanity that is in the historic record of this great nation, provides a large measure of faith in Israel's embattled position. Fortunate, too, is that a courageous man speaks for the United States at the ambivalent - ;-: 4 O 4 c • 0 . f. .r • e_ • 2: 2 T Language Study Imbued by 'Hebrew With Kishon' What's the most practical way of teaching a language? Is it possi- ble to impart such knowledge with a minimum of translation? Occasionally, in teaching Hebrew, the suggestion is made for the "Ivrit b'Ivrit" method, that of teaching "Hebrew in Hebrew." For advanced students such a textbook is now proposed in a unique fashion. "Hebrew With Kishon" (Hebrew Publishing Co.) is a unique work. It is a volume of Hebrew tales, short stories, brief essays and anecdotes by the eminent Israeli humorist Ephraim Kishon. Each story concludes with a vocabulary in Hebrew and English transla- tions, and there are frequent guidelines and explanatory passages in English. For the advanced student and those desiring to acquire knowledge of the new words introduced into the language in Israel, this is a work of great merit. Its value is best defined in an introduction by Prof. Liora Baron of the University of Massachusetts Department of Clas- sics, who explains: "The articles in this book are satire. They were chosen for their universal interest as well as their linguistic merits. As satirical writ- ings they should be treated quite differently from the traditional liter- ary readings used for study at the advanced level. "Primarily, the student should be careful not to assume that the most common literal translation of a word or phrase would yield the correct meaning in this context. The English vocabulary accompany- ing each unit contains only that meaning which is appropriate -for the particular article. Hence, one Hebrew word may be given different English equivalents in different units. "Kishon's language is a combination of the colloquial and the lit- erary — he makes use of whatever forms suit his purpose. Following this approach, the student is will advised to make use of whatever Hebrew forms he knows, both for understanding the article and for doing the exercises. "There are five exercises in each unit. The first, containing ques- tions to be answered in Hebrew, is aimed at assisting the student in understanding the article. It occasionally contains a question meant to elicit an original short paragraph. "The second exercise involves translation into Hebrew, and allows the student to use some of the new vocabulary and structures con- tained in the unit. The next two exercises focus on the structure of verbs and the manipulation of words, and the last exercise allows the student to create his own sentences in Hebrew. A sample of a vocabulary in mniy1 the Kishon book shows that this murder method of advanced Hebrew - Prrirt t, teaching is conducted without use to become pale of nekidot, the vowels, the diacri- • whitewash 11 tial points and dots. "Hebrew With Kishon" hoarse vides delight in reading the em nent satirist's stories and in ac- darkness quiring advanced Hebrew knowledge. to throw Ephraim Kishon is consid- ered to be Israel's national humorist. His books, plays and films have spread his fame around the world and have made him a leading expo- nent of Israel's national and cultural revival. Born in Budapest in 1924, he studied history of art at Budapest University. He spent the war years in camps in Germany and Russia, eventually immigrating to Israel. Kishon's plays, like the acclaimed "Marriage License" ("Haketuba") and film comedies, including the Academy Award nomi- nees "Sallah" (1965) and "The Policeman" (1972), under his own pro- duction and direction, have been great successes in Israel. 4 .•1, i r 4 S ' 1 g x