THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 38 January 23, 1976 An Early Zionist Suffragette-- Maria Reinus JOE MILLER and HIS ORCHESTRA BY JOSEF FRAENKEL Jewish News London Correspondent Music For Al! Occasions LI 5-1244 Wedding Bar Mitzva MOVIES very reasonable 626-2767 Gary Sussman When Leo Pinsker con- . vened the first Conference of the Chovevei Zion in No- vember, 1884, not a single woman came to Katowice. Jewish women showed little interest in this movement, which concerned itself al- Professional Entertaimuellt The Sheldon Rott Orchestra Yet Thou art holy, 0 thou most exclusively with the The problem, however, body. demand that Jews should did not end with this state- Mrs. Mrs. Rosa Ellman in- that art enthroned upon the work on the land, and with ment, though the protocol formed the Congress that a praises of Israel. In Thee did supporting the colonies in makes no further mention "provisional committee our fathers trust; They Palestine. of it. Not all the ladies were for the creation of a World trusted, and Thou didst de- It is doubtful, moreover, "esteemed guests." Three of Federation of Jewish liver them. —Psalm 22:4-5 whether a woman, even if a them, including Maria Re- Women" had been consti- member of Chovevei Zion, inus, were delegates in their tuted. own right. would have been admitted Its first international con- ONE MAN to the meetings. Maria Reinus (Reines) — ference met during the Twelve years later, fol- her name will not be found Third Congress — with the ORCHESTRA lowing the appearance of in any book on Zionist his- participation of 51 women. - Bar Mitzva's "The Jewish State,' young tory, the WIZO, or the Had- In January, 1901, the Candle Lighting Jewesses in many countries assah — won equality for "Zionist Women's Society" Anniversaries-Weddings raised their voices in order women during the first Con- in Vienna invited Herzl to House Parties-Dances Etc. to gain support of other gress. speak to them on "Women Standards to Rock Jewish women for the Zion- She emerged like a glow- and Zionism." $20.00 Wedding Ceremony ist cause. They desired not ing torch, fulfilled her mis- He said: "What do women Freddy Sheyer 398-246 2 only to fulfill their duty, but sion — and vanished. Maria mean to Zionism? I won't also to obtain "rights." _ . was born in Russia, studied say: nothing. What can they YOUR WEDDING — in Zurich, and came to the mean, what should they Hilda Tomaschewsky BAR MITZVA i mean? Perhaps everything. dealt with this question in Basle Congress, where she was very active. She later And if our campaign goes an article, "What is Zion- returned to Russia and mar- ism Attitude to Women's the right way, this is bound ried, and her name and to happen . . ." Rights?" (Zion, No. 7/8, WILL BE Berlin, 1897), Rosa Pomer- great achievement were Maria Reinus initiated anz wrote on "Women and soon forgotten. "our campaign," and the The women at the First Zionism" (Die Welt, Jewish women themselves Congress foimed a united found "the right way." Vienna, August 20, 1897), WHEN PHOTOGRAPHED BY and Zionist women formed group, taking a lively in- terest in the historic Basle their own societies — Only one thing that "Hadassah" in Vienna, sessions — and participat- passes never to return is to "B'naus Zion" in New ing in the voting. When be deplored, and that is AND ASSOCIATES Dr. Kornblueh asked his York, and others. youth. (Sabbath 152.) 357-1010, When the first Zionist question it was probably Congress was opened by directed against his own Theodor Herzl on August wife and against women 29, 1897, the delegates and "guests" who voted ille• guests included a number of gally. It was the formulation of women who were swept by the wave of enthusiasm for his interpellation which that great dream — the prompted Herzl's reply, as quoted earlier, since he Jewish state. Actually the invitations to strove for a quiet and digni- The , the first Congress were ad- fied Congress and wanted to JANUARY dressed to the men, but nev- avoid any excited debates on ( Jewelry ertheless women came to "women's rights." SPECIAL But at this, Maria Reinus Mayvin Basle, most of them accom- stood up and declared that panying relatives who were Specialists In Authentic Navajo as a fully-fledged delegate delegates. Fine Costume, Liquid Silver Only three had been ac- she had taken an active part Authentic Indian, Necklaces in the deliberations of the tually appointed as dele- gates by their Zionist socie- Congress and in the voting, Y Children's Jewelry. Regular $15.00 ties. Yet all of them figured and that she would continue I Home Parties Available to vote — and she did. in the attendance list of -the For Appt. To underline her brief first Congress: Mrs. Alcalay NOW (Belgrade), Blance Bahar speech she produced her de- Call 968-1945 (Paris), Ernestine Ehren- legate's pass, issued by the preis (Diakovar), Sara Cite- Congress Office. It may pos- lowitz (Mariopol), - Klara sibly have slipped Heizl's Hirschensohn (Jessy), Mrs. mind for the moment that Kornblueh (Frieberg), Ber- three women had such tha Markus (Merano), Maria passes. The matter was left Reinus (Zurich), Klara at that, since Herzl did not Schapira (Heidelberg), Es- allow a discussion on this 25900 Greenfield Rd., OAK PARK, Mi. 48237 ter Schlaposchnikow point. However, in order to (Charkov), Marie Sokolov 968-1050 (Warsaw), Rosa Sonnen- demonstrate that women 10 Days incl. schein (who published the had equal rights, Maria Israel air fare American Jewess, New Reinus asked to speak on $649" York), Hilda Tomaschewsky the third and last day of from Detroit, First Cl. Hotels, rooms with bath, airport transfers (Berlin), M. Solowei (Vi- the Congress. Herzl, who 1 Week 0 tebsk), and A. Zimmern had probably ascertained Hawaii from in the meantime that a few (Ashfore). depending on Hotel selected, incl. air fare from Detroit The presence of those women were officially de- women in Basle evoked legates, promised to allow 2 Weeks great interest. At that time her the opportunity to Hong Kong from women were not allowed speak. Air fare from West Coast, 65 days advance bookings required The fact that she did, not to sit in the House of Com- ( minimum fare may increase up to 20%). Extensions to various mons. Not only in Eng- speak after all was due to a cities in the Far East are available. land, but likewise in "coincidence"; instead, she Mediterranean Cruises 2 oinks r oernks $649" France Austria, Germany, spoke on the equality of the incl. air fare from Toronto. the U.S. and other coun- Jewish woman, at the ban- tries, women had no suf- quet which the students had arranged for the delegates fage. Monte Carlo 1 Week Depart Feb. 22 from Detroit, air fare, According to the official during the Congress. Loew's Hotel, transfers incl. Other departures also available. protocol of the First Con- Maria Reinus had suc- gress, no woman had taken Miami Beach 7 Nights part in the discussion, and cessfully concluded her mis- there is only one reference sion. It was followed by the after March 1, $249 in February incl./Room with bath, Beach- front Hotel, airport transfers, air fare from Detroit. Special fam- to "women's rights," as fol- "official" legislation of the ily plan available. Jewish woman's political lows: Dr. M. Kornblueh: "I, equality. s69900 The Preliminary Confer- Tahiti & Moorea would only like to ask whether the ladies are en- ence in Vienna before the incl. air fare from W. Coast, accommodations, sightseeing. Meal second Zionist Congress plan 7 Days 'Tahiti addition. titled to vote or not?" ALL RATES BASED ON SHARING TWIN BED ROOMS WITH BATH. President (Herzl): "The (1898) decided that "women Most departures require ADVANCE BOOKINGS. CALL US WITH- ladies are, of course, our should also be entitled to a OUT DELAY! very esteemed guests, but seat and a vote." In fact, do not participate in the women were again elected AUTHORIZED ELKIN & ELLIOTT AGENTS and appeared again as one voting." . and m Vickie Carroll 543-7226 255-1599 Faith Fashions For Girls sizes 4-6x and 7-14 24901 Northwestern Hwy. at 10 Mile 112 Heritage Bldg., Southfield 357-1123 Daily 1'0:30-4:30 New Holiday Hrs., Sat. 10-4 David Martz°Iff 25900 GREENFIELD AT LINCOLN 968-1166 formerly of Mario & David's Salon has joined our staff call for your next appointment Winter SALE ALBU FINER WINER c„.....,,,,..,,,,.„,....,....,...,....,.,,,.,,,,,, Today's Jewelry at Yesterday's Prices '7" TRANS GLOBAL TRAVEL, INC. $329 0 48900 . Brand name Save from Dresses, gowns coats, sportswear 20% to Super Special Fri. & Sat. only SWIM SUITS L 0% OFF reg. price New CRUISE WEAR Arriving Daily New Orleans Mall 10 Mile-Greenfield, Southfield Hours: 9:30 till 6:00, Thurs. till 8:30 p.m. $479" $465°' $239°'