THEJEWISti NEWS .. Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue Qt*J ► ly 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Mich. 48075. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co. 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Smithfield, ' Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription, $ 10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher . CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager . DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Alan Hitskv, News Editor . . . Heidi Press, .%ssistant News Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the eighth day of Shevat; 5736, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Exod. 10:1-13:16. Prophetical portion, Jeremiah 46:13-28. Candle lighting, Friday, Jan. 9, 5:01 p.m. VOL. 1,XVIII, No. 18 Friday, January 9, 1976 Page Four Israel's Plight and Exile Threat There are the war threats today; 80 years Whatever is left of pioneering, of halutziut, in Israel must, under current conditions, be con-, ago Jews had to organize the shomrim, the guardians to protect against marauding Arabs. trasted with current experiences. as the Aliya, Comparisons are proverbially odious and it What is described today as movement to encourage settlement in Israel, is painful to search for reasons for a current re- had its beginnings in critical times for Jewry. ported trend among Israelis to become yordim, The First Aliya, and those that followed it, wit- escapees from their homeland. Many of them nessed pioneering by men and women who re- have battled courageously to establish what is so belled against persecution and the indignities often referred to as a miracle. Why the depar- they suffered in Eastern Europe. They could ture? At a time of pleading for aim, for settlers, have gone to the United States or to South Af- for Jews who ascend to the glory of new pi- rica. They chose Eretz Israel, and they strug- oneering, the distress of an emergence of yor- gled. They labored to create a Jewish agronomy. dim, those who descend, who decline, who aban- They cleared the roads towards the settlements don, who escape, is a cause for great distress. they established with sweat and blood and they Diaspora Jewry had given comfort to halut- fought malaria and trachoma. For them it was ziut and helped elevate it to a state of glory. not the Latin-phrased ubi bene ibi patria, Can it once again serve the goal of dignifying where I earn my bread that is my home. aliyot Co assure a new ascent to new dedications Now the homeland,. the ancestral heritage, to Jewish commitments in adhering to redemp- is a modern reality, but many Israelis are leay- tion and to Zion's security? ing the land. The pioneering tradition may have Speaking in Kovno, in 1920, 28 years before lost its inspiration. As 80 years ago, it is not the statehood, Hayim Nahman Bialik said, "Thank Israel has economic agonies, but ubi bene . . . she functions and is sovereign. Yet the dedica- Providence we have come to a wasteland, not a ready made country, or we would have ex- tion is a bit warped. Is there such a vast difference between the changed one exile for another. Only through the struggles of today and the difficulties of the trials and tribulations of pioneering can a nation Founding Fathers? Both generations were con- acquire true title to its country." If it may be uttered in prayer, may it never fronted with economic tests. It was tougher then. Today the TV antennas are visible on tens happen again for Jews to be transformed into of thousands of Israeli roofs, then they were for- wanderers changing exile for exile; and may tunate to have a gramophone for an entire yis- those benefiting from an end to Jewish hothe- huv. Eighty years ago a Jew in Palestine was lessness always hold high the banners for the fortunate to get a day's employment, today homeland. May there never again be another exile. 'there is no unemployment in Israel. , Propaganda and Jewish Youth From the campuses of universities in En- glish-speaking countries come warnings of an avalanche of anti-Israel and anti-Zionist propa- ganda that is causing more serious concern than the hitherto serious distortion of truth regard- ing the Jewish position in this country. The danger to Israel's position from the an- tagonisms that are overwhelming the embattled state have spread to- many areas and tjle Arab students in universities in this country, in Eng- land and in.France, is especially disturbing be- cause the refutations are stymied by a minimal knowledge among the Jewish students to over- come the resort to distortions and the spread of venom affecting not only Israel but the Jewish communities that have become the equal suffer- ers from regrettable propaganda. If it is only a dilemma then it has become an even more serious concern because the Jew- ish academicians, the Jews who are members of the faculties, are as inactive in confronting .a veritable menace as are the students whose abil- ities to match the distortion of facts seems to be so weak that there is a one-sided arming, of po- tential enemies to truth in the universities. Understandably, Jewish youth has re- sented the abominations at the United Nations. /Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called the United Nations General Assembly actions "contemptible irresponsibility." But the protests ended with temporary resentments. Now the Arab propagandists are saying to the Jewish students, "Why don't you admit the Palestini- unable to indicate: that the Palestinians have a state in Jordan, that they refuse to speak with Israelis and to meet for reasonable discussions to solve the existing problemg, and that Presi- dent Assad's assertions in behalf . of Syria that even if there is peace there will be no recognition of Israel has become the watchword of those who dominate the world with their weapons of oil and threats of another energy crisis, for mankind. The youth, perhaps like many of their eld- ers, seem unable to settle on a basic principle: that a very small nation should -be granted the right to live and to attain peace with the over- whelming masses of neighbors who insist on being enemies of justice for the few in their midst. It's a very old experience, that the Near East departments in American universities have always been the spreaders of venom against Zionism in the years before the redemption of Israel and the enemies of the Jewish state since then. There has been little if any succor from those quarters. Now the student bodies are being poisoned against Israel and in the process there is a spread of anti-Semitism to a degree unmatched since the Nazi brutalities. The conditions on the campuses mark a great challenge to the Jewish communities. It is proper and realistic to ask how the Hillel Foun- dations function in such a crisis, and what the spiritual leadership of communities whence the Jewish students stem are doing to overcome the ktt 1i14.1-44% Traditional Jewish Lore Defines 'How We Live Drawing upon Jewish traditions and the teachings emphasized in Ethics of the Fathers (Pirke Abot), Carol Hulziger and Mary White- head prepared a most fascinating work defining the Jewish way of life. In "How We Live: A Book About Ourselves," (Ktav), the two au- thors drew upon 'basic Jewish ethical teachings to describe the Jewish concerns, the festivals as they are emphasized in traditional observ- ances, the obligations in Jewish living and the joys that accompany them. - Commencing, appropriately, with "If I am not for myself what am I, and if I am for myself alone what am I," they resort to many ethical teachings as illustrations of the manner of Jewish living, pro- viding a guide for pride and for pursuance of Jewish folkways. With impressive illustrations by Ben Einhoen, this volume, writ- \ ten for young readers, serves as a guide for all who seek knowledge about the basics in Jewish living. Contemporary Jewish Poets in UAHC-Published Anthology American Jewry's contributions to notable writings in poetry are represented in an impressive paperback published by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. The most accomplished poets whose works have enhanced Ameri- can literature are included in "An Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poets." Edited by Samuel Hart Joseloff, with photographs by Anna-Kauf- man Moon, this volume reproduces the best known poems by Karl Shapiro, Stanley Kunitz, Howard NemeroN, David Ignatow, Eve Mar- riam, Jacob Glatstein, A. M. Klein, Haym Plutzik and others. The paperback is divided into several sections titled: Fathers and Sons, A Return to the Roots, Persecution, Israel and America, Our God Is One, and How Goodly is Thy Heritage. In all instances, includ- ing the prefatory comments, the sections commence with scholarly introductions to the poets, their works and the era under analyses. _'Justice Shalt Thou Pursue' Tribute Volume for Dr. Mark Honoring the 75th birthday of Dr. Julius Mark, the rabbi eme tus of Temple Emanu-El. of New York, distinguished scholars h contributed to a testimonial volume, the essays of which comprise va uable interpretations of and commentaries on a variety of important Jewish topics. "Justice, Justice Shalt Thou Pursue" (Ktav), the collective title for these assembled essays, was edited by Rabbi Ronald B. Sobel and Sid- ney Wallach. Rabbi Mark's influence was felt in many movements, and because of his strong affiliation with the Jewish Conciliation Court of America the introductory essay is important. It expresses appreciation for Dr. Mark's labors for the court and it assumes an official note of grati- tude, having been written by Herbert A. Schneider and Wallach, pres- ident and executive director of the Conciliation Court. So distinguished is the list of contributing participants in this work that it assumes special importance - for its historical and ethical essays. Abba Eban, Dr. Louis Finkelstein, Solomon B. Freehof, Israel Goldstein, Alexander Guttman, Leo Jung, Abraham A. Katsh, Joseph H. Lookstein, Emmanuel Rackman, Samuel Sandmel, A. Alan Stein- bach and Sobel wrote on many aspects of Jewish learning and hisori: it) ii..tit#444.414-W*".Wi ence. • )