raid r nit Mrs. ldelson's Work Recalled on Behalf of Israel; Zionism Pioneer Women's groups and related Labor Zionist organizations are paying tribute to the memory of Beba Idelson whose pioneer- ing efforts in the Jewish homeland gave her an indel- ible place in Zionist history. Born in the Ukraine, Mrs. Idelson was for more than 40 years a leader in the Moetzet Frapoalot — Pi- oneer Women's sister organ- ization in Israel. She organized the Histad- rut's first census of Jewish workers. Nominated to be a Kupat Holim supervisor, Ake became more and more _.Wtive in Moetzet Hapoalot becoming its general secre- tary in 1930. She helped develop the Pioneer Women organiza- tion throughout the world, Tucker- Grant B'nai Pith presents NEW YEARS EVE SPIRIT OF '76 Wed., Dec. 31 9:00 P.M. at the new Sheraton- Southfield 9 Mile East of Southfield • Champagne • Prime Rib Dinner • Sweet Table JEEP SMITH'S BAND Plus Singer Tariff $50 per couple Reservation by check only Mail to: Jerry Starr 29711 Red Leaf Drive Southfield, Mich. 48076 For Further Information Call: 557-8811 or 559-8006 For Special Overnight Room Rates Call 557-8811 BEBA IDELSON and as a member of the Histadrut executive and of its Court of Honor she par- ticipated in numerous Zionist congresses and made a name for herself as a highly responsible na- tional leader. After. Israel gained its independence, she took her place in many of the coun- try's executive councils — as member of the Provisional State Council in 1948, Mem ber of Knesset, chairman of the Committee on the State Flag and Emblem and a member of the Labor and Security and Foreign Af- fairs Committees. She was appointed a Deputy Speaker of the Knesset o.,p Aug. 5, 1950. She initiated and helped to enact numerous laws to better the status of women in Israel. National insur- ance rights for housewives, full legal rights for children born out of wedlock, inde- pendent income tax returns, and the Equalizing Wages Bill, were among her achievements. 'She was greatly con- cerned with advancing the rights of Arab women in Israel and it was due to her efforts that definite progress has been achieved in this direction. itn! 7 4 Diienibirr ART LIQUIDATION SALE Nominated "Mother of the Year" in 1968, a pro- lific writer in local and foreign publications, past chairman of the National Council of Women's Or- ganizations, Beba retired in the summer of 1974, after 50 years of Zionist and social endeavor. Everything MUST GO! 30%-50% Off ALL CHROME FRAMED & GLASS COVERED • Picasso, Miro, Chagall Le Roy Neiman Lautrec Peter Max, Rockwell Dali, Escher ChagaII, Miro Peter Max After the death of her first husband, Beba married Prof. Halm Halperin, a vet- eran Zionist and agrono- mist, who died two years ago. was 16x20 16x20 24x30 24x30 24x30 24x30 $15.00 $20.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $225.00 now $7.50 $10.00 $26.00 $26.00 $26.00 $112.50 , *Mart 6alleru • -851-8998 Pine Lake Mall — W. Bloomfield az. Son of U.S. Olim Freed in Saigon JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Beyla and Gershon Feigon, olim from the U.S., have just learned that their son, Larry, has been released from imprisonment in Sai- gon where he was arrested when Communist forces took over the South Viet- namese capital early this year. He is.expected to join them and his sister, Zvia, in Jerusalem shortly. • The Feigons, who came here from New York, re- ceived word from the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, Thai- land that their son was alive and well despite his ordeal._ •But only after they spoke to him• by telephone did his father go to the Western Wall to offer a prayer of thanks. Larry Feigon, 33, was one of 42 Americans who were unable to escape from Sai- gon when victorious Viet- cong and North Vietnamese forces entered that city. The Communist authori- ties accused him of work- ing for the CIA, although Feigon, an economist, in sisted he was a teacher working in Bangkok who happened to be in Saigon by chance when it fell. The younger Feigon, who worked for the Latin Ameri- can department of the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York, came to Israel shortly after the Six-Day War where he worked as a volunteer in a kibutz. The Bible can never be un- derstood, unless through the medium of the language in which it was •originally written,-and the spirit by which it was dictated. He- brew is so pregnant and rich in sense that no translation can do it justice. William L. Roy • If you're not covered by an employer-sponsored retirement plan, we've got one that could save you a lot of money . . . and provide a tax shelter. It's called an Individual Retirement Account and it's -been made possible under a new federal law that allows wage and salary earners to set aside up to $1,500 or 15% of your annual wages (whichever is less) of tax-free income each year for their retirement. The beautiful thing about a Liberty State Bank & Trust Individual Retire- ment Account is that it lets you save -tax-free income and also earn tax-free interest on it. In fact, you don't pay any. income tax at all until you retire and begin to withdraw the savings, and by then you'll probably be in a considera- bly low& tax bracket. Liberty State Bank & Trust has sev- eral savings plans to assist you in build- ing your Individual Retirement Account. For example, you, could begin your IRA by opening a Daily Interest Account for as little as $25. Later, when you have accumulated $1,000 or more, you could transfer your funds to a long-term cer- tificate account where you will earn 7 1/4% or 71/2% on your. savings. To find out more about how you can provide yourself a tax shelter and build a substantial personal retirement fund in the process, stop in at any. Lib- erty State Bank & Trust Office. We'll be happy to help put you on Easy Street. 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