56 December 19, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • Dick Schaap'sFascin,ating Story of the`Olympics' - Exposes Hitler's Mania in 1936 and the Munich Murderers of Israelis Approach of the Montreal 1976 Olympic Games, the historic aspects of the Olympics, the hundreds of athletes who gained fame in the decades of competitions, the agonies that were occa- sioned by Hitler in 1936 and by Arab murderers in 1972 — these are part of an ency- clopedic, work that merits best selling status and ac- knowledgement as an im- mense literary achievement. Dick Schaap,, editor of Sport magazine and sports- caster for NBC, who ranks among the most authorita- tive sports writers in the country', has brought the story up to date in the Knopf-published "Illus- trated History of the Olym- pics.” In this, the third enlarged edition of the immense work, Schaap tells the story of the great sports festivals, from the .beginnings in its .founding as a Greek sports• event that had taken root to be continued in modern times, as a world event re- enacted every four years. Schaap's is an ency- clopedic work. If it were only for the lists of ,medal winners, for the record of the events at Olympics through the years, Schaap's story would merit great consideration. But it is much more than that. Scores of detailed _episodes, numerous per- sonality descriptions, fas- cinating accounts that read like novels and rom- ances add excitement in the Schaap stories for lov- ers of all sports, for those interested in athletics and for the average lay reader who loves good reporting.. Having revised his valua ble report on the Olympics to include every significant occurrence, Schaap gave special attention to the trag- edy that was imposed on the sports world by PLO mur- derers at the Munich ganies in 1972. His account of the Hitler mania during the 1936 games provided an opportu,. nity to honor the name of a great Negro athlete, Jesse Owens. Among the great swim- mersof all time was Mark Spitz. Schaap mentions the slurs on him as the "Jew- boy" at the Mexican olym- - pits in 1968, and his venge- ance in having won-seven gold medals before the Arab. outrage in .1972 •provides a, very fascinating tale, of great sportsmanship. The 1936 Olympics were marked by the bigotries of -Hitler and the anti-Negro prejudices. The Jesse Owerrs story is indelibly recorded in sports history. Schaap gives a full account of what happened in his chapter "Owens Ueber Alles" is among the very notable-in his book. He states in intro- ducing the story of that oc- casion: Brown shirts were in fashion,- and the goose step was the vogue. Germans sang the Horst Wessel song ("Storm troopers march with steady, quiet tread . . .") , and Adolf Hitler spread his big lies. The Aryans were super- men; they were the master race. But in the Olympic Games of 1936, the myth of Aryan superiority took -a beating. On the sacred soil of the Fatherland, the master race met its mas- ter: A slender, .22-year-old American named James Cleveland Owens. Among 66 men on- the United - States track and field team, "Jesse" Owens was one of 10 Negroes. "The Black Auxilia- ries!" cried Der Angriff, the Nazi newspaper. - "America will have an all-Negro team by 1940," one German reporter pre- dicted. To the psychotic Nazi mind, white meant- might, black meant weakness, and the mere presence of Negroes on the American team meant that the United States was a de- caying nation: With his performances in the Berlin Olympics, Jesse Owens ripped this theory to shreds. There is no pulling of punches by Schaap in his expose of the prejudiced role of Avery Brundage who was responsible for denigrating the Munich tragedy. Even the tribute to the murdered Israeli athletes was diluted because of the Brundage role which man branded as bigoted. Schaap's story of that tragic experience is em- phasized as follows: ti - $ : Sentiment mounted for Mark Spitz is shown at the 1972 Olympics after win- the rest of the Games to be ning seven gold medals in swimming. Following his five canceled, out of 'shock and individual victories and two relay wins Spitz was forced out of respect- for the dead. to go home for security reasons because of the Arab ter- The Israeli government attack on the Israeli team at the games. Spitz It takes courage for a rorists' favored such a move. became the leading individual gold medal winner in sport, writer •:-= for any "How could anyone even Olympic history with his seven 1972 triumphs 'writer — to deal so realisti- modern think about competing in and two relay victories in 1968. the face , of death?" asked - cly with a situation -as Schaap dealt with these twb the recorded achievements Kenny Moore, an Ameri- written story and will can marathon runner. "It and with other events in the by the - great athletes corn-, surely be rated among the Olympics. would be very difficult for great sports stories of all bine to make Schaap,'s me to suggest that the times. great "Olympics" a truly The 500 photographs and Games . go cin,", conceded the several color pages and hook. It is a fascinatingly Willi Daume, the chair- man of the West German Bicentennial Feature Organizing Committee. A But the International, Olympic Committee took the opposite view, that an end to the Games would mean a victory for terror- ism, a concession to hor- ror, an admission - that the Olympic ideal was a sham. Instead of canceling the Games, the IOC scheduled a memorial ceremony at the , Olympic Stadium less than ten hours after the shootout at the airport. The ceremony was a strange one The Arab nations were absent; so were the Russians. Not even half the American team turned out. The flags of 122 competing nations and the Olympic banner ' hung at half-mast, and West Germany's President Gustav Heinemann said, "We stand helpless before a truly despicable act"; yet the ceremony did not so much honor the dead as stain their memory. Again, Red Smith was a clear eyewitness, his col- umn in The New York Times a movin-g blend of sadness and fury: Jesse Owens is shown during one of his record-set- ting performances during the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. The great black American track star humiliated Hitler and destroyed the German racial supremacy myth by winning four gold medals. Hitler greeted other win- ners during the Games, but refused to meet with Owens at the awards presentations. Olympic delegation mur- dered by Palestinian ter- rorists. It was more like a pep rally. "Sadly in this imperfect - world," Brundage told survivors in the -Israeli party and the thousands come to join them in their grief, "the greater and the more important the Olym- pic Games become, the more they are open to com- mercial, political and now criminal• attack. The Games of the Twentieth Olympiad have been sub- jected to two savage at- tacks. We lost the Rhode- sian battle against naked political pressure . . ." On some faces in Olym- plc Stadium there was in- credulity. That first . "savage attack" had been a threat by African na-. tions to boycott the carni- val if white-dominated Rhodesia were allowed to participate. Now the retir- ing president of the Inter- - national Olympic Commit- tee was equating this with a cold-blooded guerrilla operation that had wiped out 17 lives. MUNICH, West Ger- many, Sept. 7—This time surely, some thought, they would cover the sandbox and put the blocks aside. But no, "The Games must go on," said Avery Brun- dage, high priest of the playground, and 80,000 lis- teners burst into applause. The occasion was yester- day's memorial service for eleven members of Israel's Ameiicans, Jews Divided in 1775 No one will .ever know . generation, the extremists pushed for independence with any. exactitude where and began piling up military the .American people and American Jewry of -3376 the Jews among them stood Supplies. had a maximum total of 2,- In the attempt to antici- in those sad days. Even fam- 500 men, women,- and chil- pate an uprising, the British ilies split — there were dren ensconced for the most marched on Lexington' and Gomezes, Frankses., and part in the tidewater towns Concord in April, 1775, and Hayses in both camps. This of. Newport, New York, was a civil war. the war was pn. . Philadelphia, Charleston, In the larger' towns, The overwhelming major- - and Savannah. ity of Americans were not some Jews too poor even to Like their neighbors, this happy about the thought of go into exile and hoping to miniscule American , Jewry war that spring and sum- keep their little shops open of the 1770's was not happy mer of 1775. Even after the accepted the authority of with the new fiscal and,pol- Battle of Bunker Hill, the the British crown. itical policies Great Britain . Continental Congress hoped Some of the rich and pow-, was formulating for her em- • to evade a full scale struggle erful, too — Jews like the pire. and ordered a fast day in Franks clan, army purve- With the French driven . yors — remained loyal to July. • out of North America after There is reason to be- the crown. . • the Seven Years' War, the The Loyalists were grate- lieve that the Jews assem- colonists were expected to bled in their chapels all ful for the economic secu-_ . carry their share of the bur- the way from Newport to rity of the empire; they re- den by defraying part of the Savannah and prayed de- sented its expanding fiscal expense of-the long, hard demands and bureaucratic voutly for peace. conflict. To achieve this end, Out on the Pennsylvania controls, but they knew that imperial controls were frontier, in the growing vil- as businessmen and as tightened; the new empire lage of Northumberland °, they, were more happil was to be much more closely Mrs. Aaron Levy and her uated. than any other Jewry, integrated. nephew attended a make- in the whole world. It is true The American people shift Presbyterian service that Jews here were politi- reacted to these pressures and prayed with their cally disabled, but this could . in the mid-1760's by sign- neighbors for the cessation be expected to change in ing nonimportation and of hostilities. But this war, time; rebellion and violence nonconsumption agree- too, was - irrepressible, and were not the answer. ments, boycotting English Some of these Loyalists Jews, like all others, had to goods and industry. were driven into exile. De- take a stand. In determining their loy- voted to a Great Britain that Since the menace of the alties, Jews did not differ had been so good to them, French had been removed, from their fellow-Ameri- they sacrificed their estates the colonists no longer cans. Some were Loyalists and even their lives. needed the mother country Isaac Hart, the cultured (Tories); others were Whigs; and moved toward auton- omy. Taking advantage of in between were those who Newport merchant shipper swung from side to side as who had fled to Long Island, the emergent national con- need and circumstances dic- was bayonetted and clubbed sciousness which had been to death by patriotic Whigs. tated. shaping itself for almost a By JACOB R. MARCUS American Jewish Archives