-., 4 ! • I f ' 'f 111 THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 FORE ! Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription :t10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Alan Hitsky, News Editor . . . Heidi Press, Assistant News Editor — Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the ninth of Tevet, 5736, the following scriptural selections will be read in out synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Gen. 14:18-4 7: 27. Prophetical portion, Ezekiel 37:15-28. Sunday, Fast of the 10th of Tevet, Exod. 32:11-14; 34:1-10. Afternoon only: Isaiah 55:6-56:8. 0, 111. 46 ,00, 44 Candle lighting, Friday, Dec. 12, 4:43 p.m. VOL. LXVIII, No. 14 Page Four Friday, December 12, 1975 *0' \ \ Will Murderers Judge Over Israel? Overshadowing even the revived Krystal- nacht of Nov. 10 as one of the gloomiest occa- sions of internationalized anti-Semitism is the approaching January platform for glorification of banditry that was solemnized at the United Nations on Nov. 28. On that tragic night, the tyrannical major- ity, with the consent of the similarly brutalized Western powers, selected another black day for mankind, with a decision to include a pack of murderers in an international parliament. The decision, engineered by the Soviet-Arab-Third World rulers over mankind to glorify the PLO with a seat in an international court that is to pass judgment' over Israel, on Jan. 12, 1976, is sufficient to cast a pall over the civilized world community, tragic enough to create horror over what is in store for all mankind. The glorification provided by the UN to a pack of murderers, to a concededly small group of terrorists whose boasts are of having inspired terrorist acts against children in their school- rooms, who are guilty of hijacking, the murder of athletes at the World Olympics and whose major aim is Israel's destruction, disgraces the world organization whose creation was for the purpose of inspiring peace for humanity. Are the so-called democratic Western na- tions so inconsistent that their votes against the anti-Zionist resolution on Nov. 10 are meaning- less? Is the concurrence of the United States in the action of Nov. 28, when the bloodstained hands of the PLO were drawn into the interna- tional fraternity, to lie interpreted that bandits can gain control of the world community and have the right and freedom to turn it into a jungle? The UN has already become a jungle. Basic human rights are being trampled in the dust. Pacts intended for peaceful purposes have be- come like diseased sores on the human body and sacred documentary agreements have been rele- gated to the sewers. The days on which murderers are being ele- vated to judgeships over Israel are tragic for all mankind and the sufferers are not the Israelis alone. Every vestige of democracy has been put to shame and is challenged to seek redemption from degradation. * * * The American people must be alerted to the tragedy being inflicted from the venal situation that was born in the UN. The manace emerging on the banks of New York's East River, in the glass structure that was to provide hope for human decencies and an end to warfare, is as- suming threatening proportions for the United States. Israel's arch enemies are really primar- ily the antagonists of the United States. Because of the dominance attained by the Kremlin, the threats to the American role in many world areas, more especially the Middle East, are spreading rapidly. Russia is gaining dominance on the seas. The Russian influence is building a Frankenstein among Arabs over Israel. The au- thoritative Detroit News military expert, Col. R. D. Heinl Jr. (Retired), in an explanatory article on the military buildup of the Arab states, lists the immense amount of armaments being pro- vided Israel's enemies by the Soviet Union. There is no doubt that in the process Russia is building up her own influence in the entire Mid- dle East, to the detriment of the U.S. In his analytical article. Col. Heinl quotes facts and figures and shows how Israel is being overwhelmed by Arab arsenals with Russian aid, in this partial listing of deadly weapons aimed at Israel: If the Arabs were to launch another war against Israel next year, they would outnumber her 3-1 in combat aircraft, 2.8-1 in tanks, 6-1 in artillery, 12-1 in air defense weapons, and 4.5-1 in trained manpower. Col. Heinl also made some observations about Libya, which he described as the store- house of the Middle East: With a population of 1.9 million peas- ants, Libya now has 1,100 Russian tanks (including 600 new T62 main battle tanks); by comparison Britain has only 900. Libya has 60 Soviet model anti-air- craft missile batteries, 88 French first- line Mirage Fl fighter-attack planes, and 12 new French missile gunboats. It is not in the UN alone that Russia is a menace to every aspect of human hopefulness, as expressed in Israel's pleadings for the right to live. The rule of power is linked with the Arab hatreds, with the menace to peace in the Middle East, with a state of terror which the U.S. dare not ignore. The state of horror is growing. The threats are first aimed at Israel and then the democra- cies become the targets of the jungle. Then all the democracies will suffer. What needs to be said to the U.S. and to all the democracies is that if murderers are to be permitted to be judges over Israel the return to rule of the jungle merits one warning to people of decency: BE- WARE? Bicentennial Inspires Research American Revolution Bicentennial pro- gramming shows interesting results in literary and historical research in the Jewish commun- ity. Dr. Jacob R. Marcus, who heads the Ameri- can Jewish Archives, a valuable department of Hebrew Union College and the Union of Ameri- can Hebrew Congregations, and participants in tasks of the American Jewish Historical Society and other leading Jewish movements, are ren- dering notable services in the compilation of newly researched data regarding U.S. Jewry. While American Jewish history is formally dated with the American Jewish Tercentenary which was observed in 1953, the fact is that Jew- ish history commenced in this land with Colum- bus. As the numerous features in the columns of this newspaper show, Jews played vital roles in the Revolution. They had leadership positions in literature, the arts, the judiciary, in politics and in business. The contributions were signifi- cant, sufficient to arouse a sense of pride. The research by scholars assists in assuring know- ledgeability about the many achievements and the contributions Jews made to America. 4■ 4...TrAt 51EI=;; % .■■■ Bicentennial Literary Treasures JPS Bicentennial Book on Life of Haym Salomon "Haym Solomon — Liberty's Son" is a most appropriate book is- sued by the Jewish Publication Society to mark the American Revolu- tion Bicentennial. In this splendid biography of the hero of the American Revolu- tion, Shirley Milgrim provides splendid coverage of the background, the Jewish involvements, the patriotic devotions of the Jew from Po- land whose role was immense and needs to be known by all Americans. The Milgrim biography of Salomon, written for young readers, will enthuse the elders as well. The book gains fascination from the illustrations by Robert Fish, who also illustrated Miss Milgrim's ear- lier book, "Stories of Courage and Independence." Salomon's patriotism found outlet in the underground activi- ties of the Sons of Liberty. He Y leocia 444, 4 ,0 dxoaff - smuggled Continental soldiers nut de / anal an& a// de i through British lines, converted Hessian mercenaries to the At: diter .14 dexerti cause of American freedom, and Aza.444.. r""'n twice escaped execution at the .3...4 • hands of the British. The second time he fled to the safety of Phil- adelphia from New York, leaving behind his business and his fam- The JPS Bicentennial colophon ily (who later - joined him). In Philadelphia Haym Salomon proved his further devotion to the cause of American liberty. By this time the colonies had declared their freedom, but the infant government found itself faced with crisis after crisis. Salomon eagerly supported it with all his resources. As authorized broker to the Office of Finance of the American Revolution, he subscribed to government loans, converted foreign bills of exchange into cash, and finaced several military units with his own money. At the same time, he was active in the affairs of the growing Jewish community, contributing generously to the building of Mikveh Israel Synagogue in Philadelphia. To Salomon, unshakable faith in the victory of the Colonial effort was a natural outgrowth of his Jewish heritage. As a Jew born and reared in Poland — a land where Jews had lived for hundreds of years but were never really welcome — he learned the meaning of restric- tion, humilitation and tyranny. In America, he devoted all of his energy and fortune to the strt gle for freedom, telling his wife that his legacy to their children woulu be "a country where they'll be free to differ in the way they worship God and still enjoy the friendship of other people . . . an opportunity for happiness equal to that of the other citizens of a new nation and a feeling that they are as important a part of the new nation as anyone else." A wealth of Bicentennial literature is being prepared for early release by the Jewish Publication Society. A history of Philadelphia Jewry, numerous analytical works on the eras of the Revolution and the development of Jewish communal works and other works are in preparation. Two scholars and authorities on the subject joined in producing JPS's `„`The History of the Jews of Philadelphia." Edwin Wolf 2nd and Maxwell Whiteman had worked previously together on historical data and the new book on Philadelphia Jewry links superbly with Ameri- can Jewish historical facts. n pi al ruLa L i ELI .1.1111111111MPIOtVit