THE JEWISH NEWS InCorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 19.51 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association, Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile. Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075. a year. • Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Alan Hitsky„ News Editor . . . Heidi Press, Assistant News Editor This Sabbath, the second day of Tevet, .5736, is the eighth day of Hanuka, and the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Gen. 41:1 - 44:17, Nurn, 7:54 - 8:4. Prophetical portion, I Kings 7:40 - 50. • Candle lighting, Friday, Dec. 5, 4:43 p.m. VOL. LXV111, No. 13 Page Four Friday, December 5, 1975 Calmness in Bitter Atmosphere This is a time for calmness, for self-control, decency as a measure of true Americanism and in confronting the anti-Semites that endanger humanism. the best relations among men and assurance of In view of the developing situations it is nec- justice and fair play for all. essary to admonish the concerned Jews, the de- For a few days after the repetitious Kristal- fenders of the Zionist ideal not to panic, to re- nacht spectacle at the United Nations General tain faith, to be calm in the face of danger. Assembly, on Nov. 10, the outburst of rage over Dangers have not vanished. They keep re- the anti-Zionist resolution was • approaching curring. They will aggravate and the expressions unanimity. Then the bigots began to emerge. of hatred, the spread of the lies that are repeti- The anti-Semite raised his ugly head, the self- tious of Nazism, will anger and infuriate. hating Jews appeared on the scene. What is needed in assuring justice for Israel Indeed, the extremes in hate were in evi- and a diminution of anti-Semitism is self-con- dence again, and the Arabs found a champion in the anti-Israel and anti-Zionist American Coun- trol, calmness, refusal to yield to fright. What is needed is courage, because so much cil for Judaism. At the same time, there remain the bright needs to be done. lights that illuminate the horizon from the In the best interest of assuring justice and ranks of people of good will and of decency. The security for Israel and the movements which Black Americans were joined by the defenders support the Jewish, state, it is urgent that panic of human ideals in the churches in acclaiming should be avoided at all times. • . - Moynihan: Blessing for U. S. Daniel Patrick Moynihan has become a Therefore the appreciators of that role blessing for this land and for all lovers of free must uphold the banner of defiant statesman- speech and diplomatic courage. ship in the best interests of a continuing coura- From the moment of his first signalization geous aspect of representative diplomacy. of having abandoned the diplomatic shackles Both President Gerald Ford and Secretary and declared that the time had come to speak of State Henry Kissinger have acted to keep out against the authoritarians in the UN, he raised the hopes of libertarians that a new day Moynihan in the halls of the defamed United had arrived for the defenders of human rights in Nations. Dr. Kissinger acted for "no muzzling" the international arena. There are, however, the of Moynihan. He had thereby repudiated those bigots, the lunatic fringes, the sick minds who will not tolerate courage in the ranks of states- who would have banished a battler for justice in men. Thus, there have been manifestations of an area that has become a cave of bandits. He criticism of the man who had given dignity to had thereby informed the international commu- the vernacular reference to guts in diplomacy. nity that decency will not be sacrificed on an al- Much more was to be expected from religious tar of tyranny. Moynihan has become a blessing, minded newspapers like the Christian Science by his rejection of the ugliest in diplomacy, for Monitor than denigration of the courageous and the world at large and not for this country alone. the truthful in the role of UN Ambassador Moy- Meanwhile, the great pride in him is ours, that of all proud Americans. nihan. Beirut Jewry: Jewish Tragedy Jewish history is replete with the tragedies of vanishing communities. A hostile world had made it a major aim to transform the numeri- cally small Jewish people into Wandering Jews. The term had been treated as a divine punish- ment for having rejected the Christian faith. One Jewish community after anothei'collapsed in the bigoted fanaticism that was leveled at the people that was chosen for humiliations and persecutions. This was the fate of Jewry under Christen- dom. Just as under humanitarian rulers in Christian lands there were exceptions to that rule, there had been periods of friendships and cooperation for Jews in Moslem countries. The past three decades had witnessed, however, an holocaustian practice under Islam. Community after community has been destroyed. In lands where Jews had resided longer than the Mos- lems themselves the Jews who had contributed greatly towards their upbuilding had either been routed, forced into expulsion or only a handful survived. Egypt, where a few hundred of the aged and the sick remain, is exemplary of such treatment. Lebanon was among the few lands where Jews — only a portion of them but a very re- spected group — survived the hatreds amidst the terrorists who continue to make that land their headqbarters in an aim to destroy Israel where the hundreds of thousands who escaped from Arab persecutions found a haven of refuge. Now this last refuge among the Arab lands, the tragically divided Lebanon which had re- tained a measure of democratic principles, is no longer the progressive state where a few thou- sand Jews retained a hope for survival. Beirut Jewry has found temporary refuge among the Christians of Lebanon who are them- selves fighting for their very existence. A mod- em state, the jewel among the territories influ- enced by Islam, is collapsing and the Jews are among the first sufferers. Another destruction—another Hurban- is in evidence. Another tragedy is being rec- orded. Would that the escapees could find haven in Israel! Will it be denied to them? Is there no balm for the afflicted? The curse of the ages has stricken Lebanese Jewry. Fascinating Weizmann Story Recorded in Photographs A Chinese saying about one picture being more descriptive than a thousand words finds proof in a most facinating pictorial biography of the first President of Israel, Dr. Chaim Weizmann. "Weizmann: His Life and Times" by H. M. Blumberg, published in London by Robson Books and distributed in the U. S. by St. Mar- tin's Books, is an unusual biography. The author, a member of the staff of Yad Weizmann, the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel, has col- lected hundreds of photographs. The annotations and photo-lines and appended essays provide the record of the activities and achievements of- the great Zionist leader and world famous chemist. Because the photographs understandably are of the many who played roles in Zionist history, in Weizmann's ranks and in world Zionist func- tions, the biography develops into a photographic account of more than' half a century of Jewish WEIZMANN history. If Thomas Carlyle was right in stating that "the history of the world is the history of great men," then this Weizmann biography 'certainly is a history of Jewry portrayed in photographic accounts of the great personalities who labored in the Zionist ideal that emerged into the reality of the state of Israel of which the hero of this pictorial biography became the first chief of state. Actually, it is the politically Zionist account here that is in the half century mark. The life of three quarters of a century begins here with Weizmann's childhood in Motels, near Pinsk. His childhood, the inspiration he received from his nationalistically-minded father, his activism that began in his student days in Switzerland — the entire account is recorded and the available pictures provide a panorama. It begins from the beginning, and the reader will find the hearten- ing beginning of the Weizmann record of Zionism firmly recorded iri the only photograph in which he appears with the founder of political Zionism, Dr. Theodor Herzl. Pursuant are the role of the giants in Zionism, and they emphas- ize the leadership of Chaim Weizmann. Menahem Ussishkin is notably here. So are David Wolffsohn who succeeded Herzl as the second presi- dent of the World Zionist Organization and the World Zionist Con- gresses; Nahum Sokolow, Berthold Feiwel, and the scores of Zionist leaders throughout the world, including the United States. Therefore Abba Hillel Silver, Stephen S. Wise, Louis D. Brandeis and scores of others are in the pictures. Naturally, Arthur Balfour and David Lloyd George. and Presi- dent Truman among others, are in the story and the pictures because Weizmann played important parts in the issuance of the Balfour Dec- laration and the U. S. recognition of Israel. So much for the contents and the pictures in a book, so well doe- by H. M. Blumberg, which has the encouragement of Meyer Weisgal who became Weizmann's closest adviser and friend and who was among the chief directorial leaders in the building of the Weizmann Institute, who wrote the important foreword to the new Weizmann epic story. In his foreword Weisgal lends credence to the contention that in a thousand years the one Jewish name of this century to be remem- • bered will be that of Chaim Weizmann. Major in importance as an addendum to the Blumberg work and the Weisgal toreworo is the Epilogue, an essay on the life of Chaim Weizmann, by the noted British-Jewish author Barnet Litvinoff. It is a thorough account and the 15 double-columned pages cover the cho- sen subject splendidly. It is a tribute which concludes: "It was the spirit of Chaim Weizmann, not his actions, that ennobled Jewry. And while this people live he will be crowned among its immortals." This is a deserving conclusion to an impressive biography.