Inc 40-1/OCOMOOr-3--117/4 VICIRVII JIM ron-rscirva MAGICIAN Middle East Arms Balance Shifting Against Israel WASHINGTON — The Mideast strategic balance is perceptibly shifting against Israel and toward the Arabs in numbers and quality of weapons and in general mil- itary capabilities. According to Col. R. D. Heinl Jr., Defroit News Mil- itary Analyst, Israeli de- fense planners divide the Arab world into two catego- • MICHAEL KAPUT Photography Weddings • Bar Mitzvas 642-1039 ries: (1) the so-called "con- frontation states" (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and, given the mounting success of its Muslim left today, Leba- non); and (2) the peripheral states (Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the Yemens, Sudan, Al- geria, and Morocco). While all (save Leba- non) fielded forces against Israel in 1973, the shift of Jordan from a peripheral to a potential primary foe, coupled with the probable advent of Lebanon in a hostile role, pose special disadvantages to Israel, planners say. EN en thing EN en one Else Does, Plus Little, SANdy .fRiEdmAN phoTogRAp y longer playing a covertly neutral role vis-a-Vis Is- rael, and is restoring rela- tionships with Syria which Bldg.) 25900 Greenfield (in the Landinark Lebanon, hitherto essen- tially neutral with a bal- anced Christian-Muslim equilibrirum, is now consid- ered all but a Muslim-left country in potential. Besides bringing new forces into the Arab ranks, a future hostile Lebanon opens miles of new-front- age, much of it on com- manding terrain overlook- ing Israel's vulnerable Upper Galilee lowlands. Such a development, ac- cording to Heinl, places a higher premium than ever on Israel retention of the Golan Heights and the crest of Mt. Hermon which, with the commanding Lebanese heights occupied by the old Beaufort crusader castle, form a strategic vise of key terrain features capable, in enemy bands, of crushing Upper Jordan, now emerging from Arab ostracism, is no 398-7211 cANdids • MOVIES • PORTRAITS were shattered in 1970. Jordan and Syria today enjoy a defacto alliance. Syria needs Jordan mili- tarily because Jordan's well trained and disciplined Be- douin army (which today has as many divisions, though not as strong, as France) flanks Israel on the Golan Heights and ap- proaches to Damascus. Jordan on the other hand needs Syria politically in order to hold down Palesti- nians who hold long grudges against Jordan's -King Hus- sein, and in general to sup ; port Jordanian reentry into the Arab mainstream. If Lebanon and Jordan af- ford new hostile frontage and critical terrain against Israel, Libya, relatively re- mote, has become a huge Arab supply depot. As seen by Israel, future Arab strategy seeks not -merely to crush Israel by weight of numbers and arms but, in effect, to satur- - ate the firebreaking terrain 9 Mile & Coolidge, Oak Park Center OPEN SUNDAYS For Your Convenience through the holidays The Latest • Giftware • Tables Lamps • Wall Decor and more rr HIS PLACE, 'Re The Sheldon Rott Orchestra and Vickie Carroll 543,7226 255-1599 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS PRICES SLASHED ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S, LADIES, CHILDREN'S SHOES & WINTER BOOTS- TENNIS SHOES !I MEN'S1011%WOOL LEISURE SUITS CONVERSE HIS PLACE lac $9.80 OPEN SUNDAY 12 to 3 PM TUKEL'S SHOES 9 Mile & Coolidge (A & P Center) OP 75-11 Daily to 6, thurs. 8 Fri. til 9 399-6766 Everything must go... slacks, blouses, pantsuits, sweaters, tops, dresses, coats. We Saw These Advertised $ 55 00 ; for $ 1 10°° WE SELL FOR LIBERAL EXCHANGE POLICY % $10.80 JACK PURCELL 50°A•To 75%0FF Nearest Competitor $40900 :_]] ; 1 Gets $ 240 00 WE SELL FOR I :.: . 1 2fJ 25 °° EVERYTHING MUST GO INCLUDING FIXTURES Fall merchandise is - MEN'S 1110%CASHMERE SPORT COATS : A WE SELL • Our Entire Stock of : -1 - ;:: Our We Can Not Advertise the Bri and 7 : 1 But Leading Magazines Advertise Them At $17 5° LI 5-1244 Professional Enierlainineni STORE !' - MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Music For All Occasions 547-1393 • OF THIS TYPE IN THE STATE.WE SELL ONLY SPORT COATS, LEISURE SUITS & NATIONAL BRANDS ii :1 • FURNISHINGS FOR DISCRIMINATING MEN • ;3 :1 and HIS ORCHESTRA Will custom paint any pic- ture -- famous or personal. Reasonable. Call Marlene. Bobye Green's , , JOE MILLER .4,- 3 16300 NORTH PARK DRIVE 0%DISCOUNT 547-2464 NEEDLEPOINTERS 545-1410 open daily 9:30-5:30 3 THE FIRST4005 organized by the Federation of Argentine Jewish Corn- munities. Israeli Ambassa- dor Ram Mirgad, who had been declared an official guest of Sante Fe Province, was greeted by 40 ma,unted gauchos carrying Israeli and Argentine flags. The Jewish colonists of Mosesville have prospered. About 1,500 of _the town's 4,000 residents are Jewish and, all five members of the municipal council are Jew- ish. The town has a high school-seminary for Jewish teachers. Mosesville also has four synagogues and one Catholic church. 23 years experience MAGICAL MR Get exactly what you want. Argentina Jews Mark Founding of Jewish Colonization Law BUENOS AIRES (JTA) — The town of Mosesville in Sante Fe Province, which . was founded 85 years ago by 130 Jewish families from Russia, was the scene of three days of celebration of the centennial of the Argen- tine Immigration and Co- lonization Law. It was this law that made possible 15 years later the immigration of the Jewish families under Baron Maur- ice de Hirsch's Jewish Co- lonization Association. Dr. Abel Barrioneuvo, national immigration direc- tor, represneted the Argen- tine government at the event Available For All Occasions of open- space Israel now controls around its vital areas, with masses of armor and firepower. NORTHWESTERN HWY MICHIGAN INN 0 114410 PAIR PIACI ,01111410111 n oun C3 ORIMAII0 P.S. • Don't forget we carry a complete selection of sizes 10 to 20 and 1 2 1/2 to 24 1/2 . NQ NICE PLACE PIPS PROVIDENCE DRIVE 16300 NORTH PARK DRIVE . SOUTHFIELD 559-1009 LOCATED ON MAIN FLOOR "NORTH PARK PLACE APTS. - NORTH OF MICHIGAN INN BETWEEN NORTHWESTERN HWY. AND PROVIDENCE DRIVE OPEN 10 to 5:30 MONDAY thru SATURDAY "The Smart Woman's Choice 000ye green's MASTER CHARGE • \ be t f" fashions r Mon. thru Sat. 10:30-4:30 BANKAMERICARD 3055 W. 12 MILE • BERKLEY • 398-1331 (between Greenfield and Coolidge)