November 28, 1975 41 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Herzl's oil Israel Marred by Anti-Semitism By JULIUS CHAJES Today, after more than 25 years of.existence of Israel, we definitely know that the creation of the state of Is- rael did not bring an end to anti-Semitism, as Heril en- visioned it. In this respect he erred greatly. In spite of-the social prog- ress of the last 50 years,- anti-Semitism did not dim- inish. As a matter of fact the "Semitic" countries, which for centuries ac- cepted the existence of the Jews as a "fait accompli" have lately joined the ranks of the world's greatest anti- ites. This doesn't mean the creation of "Israel" esn't have its great im- portance — but the import- ante is for the Jews and not for the non-Jews as Herzl hoped for. Anti-Semitism spreads like cancer, and unfortun- ately the cancer lies in the doctrine of the Christian Church (Catholic, Protes- tant, Lutheran, etc.). Only if the Christian Church will recognize the existence and validity of Judaism, will anti-Semitism diminish and perhaps one day disappear. no one blames the Italians! - The Jews had the right to accuse Jesus because he was -their subject. They did not and could not know that one day his disciple Saul, (later Paul) would be the founder of a new religion and would pro- claim Jesus as "Son of God". Israelis' Name Top Politicians TEL AVIV (ZINS) — In a The whole Christian theology is built on-the be- poll conducted by the after- lief of Christ's divinity and- noon daily Yediot Ahronot the Christian Church would the public was asked to like to impose this belief on name those political figures the entire,humanity. As whom they would prefer to long as th(church will not ,see in high office if a new recognize our right to be- , government were to be fash- lieve-in our own religion, an- ioned. According to the results ti-Semitism will not dimin- of this • survey, 59.8 percent ish. expressed a preference for Yitzhak Rabin as Prime Minister; 19.4 percent for Menachem Begin; 9.2 per- cent for Shimon Peres; 3.2 percent for Moshe Dayan; 2.2 percent for Yigal Allon; 1.4 percent for Golda Meir; and 4.8 percent for other candidates. _ On the specific question as to whom the public pre- fers as Minister of Defense, -- 60.6 percent voted for Shi- mon Peres; 23.6 percent for "Arik" Sharon; 7.3 percent for Moshe Dayan; 3.4 -per- cent for Yitzhak Rabin; 5.1 percent for other candi- dates. The vote for Foreign Min- ister was: Yigal Allon, 48.9 percent; Abban Eban, 20.1 percent; Joseph Tekoah, 6.6 percent; and others 24.4 per- cent. • Rabin Bucklei Up for. Air Tour Every pogrom during the past 2000 years had its 'slogan: "Christ killers must die!" Almost every Jewish child who attends the first grade in Poland or Austria is called a "Christ killer" and I personally suffered from the experi- ence. - Herzl, being obsessed with the idea of a "land for the Jews — no matter where" — did not realize what it meant when Pope Pius X told him: "The He- brews have not recognized Christ, therefore, we cannot recognize the Jews!" Or, when Cardinal Merry de Val, the Papal Secretary Air Force Commander Aluf Benyamin Peled, left, said: "As long as the Jews deny the- divinity of Christ, helps Premier Yitzhak Rabin into his parachute harness we cannot declare ourselves prior to their visit to an air base where they were taken on a flight in a pair of Phantom warplanes. in their favor!" In these two statements lies the quintessence o•anti- semitism. The six million Jews would not have been killed during Hitler's re- BY RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX plified this by stating it is gime, were it not for the fact (Copyright 1975, JTA, Inc.) shameful that the trunk that Pope Pius XII did not had relations with the Judaism forbids a Jew raise any objection to the farm marrying a person branch. extermination.of the Jews. This may be taken as, per- who is not of the Jewish The French have burned `faith. haps, an indication of the at the stake Joan of Arc, but Maimonides (Issure Biah, lack of respect that would no one hates the French — develop between two close The Greeks gave poison to . 12) derives this from a state- relatives like father and ment in the Bible (Deut. 7:3) Socrates, yet no one blames the Greeks for it — The Ital- where the Israelites were daughter or mother and son. 6160 CASS AVE. ians accused Galileo and forbidden to consummate Certain medical discoveries TR 5-0300 have shown that -there are almost murdered him, but marriages with other na- certain disadvantages as far tions. Various reasons are ■ ■ • ■ ■ offered for this prohibition. as health is concerned when The Sefer Ha-Chinunch close blood relatives marry HANUKA (427) claim.s that the chil- each other. The Time For dren Some also state that the dren of such a marriage Giving . would probably—be brought prohibition would tend to up without full conviction broaden the family circle and commitment to Juda- while factors of incest ism because one of the par- -would tend to shrink the family. It was the intention ents is not Jewish: of the 'Almighty to extend Generally speaking, OAK PARK such commentaries -indi= the circle of love and not to 23133 COOLIDGE NORTH OF 9 MILE RD. cate that such a union contract it. "FIRST FOR A REASON" Jewish Law on Marriage SHOP DAILY \ 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 41.." The 4 7; . 1 N. 1 ri ,rtht der"rin krt. ts PLANTS .-t and POTS In The Country Village Center L . 2 ,00 E99 vergwreeln2 M . Southfield 352-2089 - The Weintraub Fatilily Wishes All Their Friends and Customers A Joyous AL KLINE • DALGLEISH CADILLAC .111 11.11• 111•111111• . L. USE YOUR MICHIGAN BANKARD. OR MASTER CHARGE OPEN THURSDAYS TIL 9 P.M. PHONE 545-3242 • CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS 111•1•:\ ZINBERG ■ Oil plod, Hill hack to haunt mi. Before ■ oti Ril•1•1.1. again. remember The hair 1•01111• this ()not it' fr one of the foremost medical authorities on the subject of human hair: — Plucking out strong hairs should nese,- be adNiset1. — h ∎ nor! B••aus• the long t•rni penalties for continued plucking can It• so HELEN ZINBERG R.E. Such risks are need- 1. You may stimulate the growth of addition- less now that Air-cooled al hairs around the one Jet Stream. Electrolysis is available to you. This you pull out. 2. You may cause suc- is the first method of cessive generations of permanent hair remov- • hair from the abused al with everything- to follicle to grow coarser, commend it. Air-cooled Jet Stream is faster,_ longer, darker. 3. You may make event- more comfortable. ual permanent removal Electrolysis is the only approved slower and costlier by medically pulling the root and fol- method to remove hair licle out of place. permanently. 16125 W. 12 MILE RD.—OPEN MON., WED., THURS. & FRI. BY APPOINTMENT — 557-81 15 8221 Curtis Open Tues. Only 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. UN 2-8914 could never be completely fulfilled in a full sense of -the word. This is because marriage constitutes the microcosm of the Jewish faith community which has to be, Vis-a-vis itself and the Almighty, an un- compromising and full de- votion. The mixed union as such not only robs the Jewish mate of his fulfillment, but also short-changes a non- Jewish mate. Jewish tradition also for- bids marrying a close rela- tive. Such an act is especially forbidden in the bible (Lev. 18:6). Maimonides (Iskuth, 1) gives - a number of rea- sons. One of them is close to the mystic reason of Recan- ati. Recanati explained that when God created trees his intention was that the branches make their own development. If the branches were to twist back into a trunk of a tree,. the tree would decay and wither. Maimonides am- U.S. Middle East Role Is. ReNted In -a recent issue of Avia- tion Week a reader refutes the Egyptian allegations that "American pilots flew missions againk Egypt dur- ing the October 1973 War." According to the reader, Egypt and the -other Arab nations used the same lie as a pretext for breaking off relations with the United States in June, 1967. Israeli-intelligence re- leased the transcript of the intercepted phone call from Nasser to Hussein in which they were desperately trying to come up with an excuse to their peoples as to why they had lost the Six Day War. Nasser fabricated the story that American pilots flew missions against the Arabs from the United States Sixth Fleet carriers. Hussein suggested to blame British pilots as well as American pilots. DEPARTMENT STORE FOR CHILDREN TES-TWELVE MALL; 12 Mile & Telegraph OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. - SUNDAY 11-6 ALSO NORTHWOOD SHOPPING CENTER 13 MILE AT WOODWARD OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 — Sun. 12 - to 5 ENTIRE STOCK OF 1,000 GIRLS WINTER COATS 20% OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE WE MADE AN OUTSTANDING BUY FROM ,- THE LEADING MANUFACTURERS AND ARE PASSING THE SAVINGS ON TO YOU SIZES 4 to 6x Reg. $29 SIZES 7 to 14 Reg. $35 Sale Price $23 Sale Price $27 Reg. $34 Reg. $40 Sale Price $27 Sale Price $32 LAYAWAYS — OR OR USE YOUR MICHIGAN BANKARD, or MASTER CHARGE .