• 38 November 28, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Leaders Act to Further Jewry at CJFWF Assembly (Continued from Page 35) roles at the CJF General Assembly: William Ayrunin, execu- tive vice president of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, delivered an ad- dress at the closing plenary session Sunday. In the on the findings of the edu- course of his remarks he cational study committee Pittsburgh Jewish Chroni- Press Association held its tions, who represent en- cle Sight Saver monthly semi-annual meeting here, lightment and steadfastness stated: gained the title "The page won special mention. under the chairmanship of of principle, constitute a "The General Assembly Zeltzer Committee" for the The financial crisis in Robert Cohn of St. Louis. historic role of honor. moved forward in three im- research in which he * * * New York City, with its portant areas: Declaring that U.S. gov- played a major role. possible - cut in funding for • It put increasing em- ernment grants of even as In addition to the award welfare services and insti - phasis on the broad frame- given the United Jewish Text of resolution high as $2.24 billion do not work of Jewish life as a Charities of Detroit for the tutions, threaten the veryadopted by the 44th Gen- diminish the need for un- backdrop for our services. publication "Zedakah" by existence of the voluntary eral Assembly of the Coun- precedented fund-raising • It moved forward in Leonard N. Simons, honora- philanthropic structure incil of Jewish Federations for Israel in 1976, Frank R. \ the direction of becoming a ble mention was given the America and "may dis - and Welfare Fun Funds in Lautenberg, general chair- our existing man of the United Jewish forum of the American Jew- Flint Jewish Community member health, welfare and educa- Miami Beach Fla. Nov. 20, Appeal, said that Israel des- ish communities on national Council for "its initiative in tional setup, leaving us 1975: CUSTOM FURNITURE & and international concerns. developing an educational only with the remnant of a The resolution on of the UN perately needs $600 million p equating Zionism with rac- of UJA funds next year. ' • It deepened our under- program for advanced lead- system that is unable to ism represents a resurgence CARPET CLEANING standing of the local bread ership in the relevance of function." of virulent anti-semitism. It and butter services not only Jewish values in strengthen- ON LOCATION This was the warning is an attack on all Jews Rothschild Weds by the discussion of tech- ning the community," The niques but by framing them award was accepted by Mi- given by Sanford Solender, everywhere. Non-Jewish G . Phone Passage of this resolution , in a fundamentally Jewish chael A. Pelavin and Rich- executive vice president of ard Krieger. the Federations of Jewish is the culmination of a long- PARIS (ZINS) — For ' perspective." 549-7170 - Philanthropies of New standing effort by the Arab- many years the youthful George Zeltzer's report Recognition was given to York. Communist bloc to isolate David Rothschild — son of national leadership award (Because of the strike in Israel and to make her a Baron Guy de Rothschild — winners who included Mrs. New York City of Federa- pariah among the nations. was the dream object of Jerome C. (Nancy) Hirsch tion employees, Solen- That Zionism is a form of many a Jewish mother who and Michael W. Maddin of der's address was read at racism is a monstrous lie. hoped to make him her son- Detroit and Dr. Brian Beck the General Assembly by Zionism is the identifica- in-law. All of these fanta- with a child in ISRAEL of Flint. Melvin Mogulof, Federa- tion of the Jewish people sies have now vanished since The many seminars con- tion's Executive Director for with its historic homeland the young Rothschild mar- Send "DOLLARS - FOR DAVID" ducted during the General Community Planning.) in Israel. As such, we are tied a non-Jewish French Assembly gave emphasis to Pioneer Women 28555 Middlebelt Rd. Resolutions adopted by proud to identify ourselves girl. Farmington Mich. 48024 communal planning in the assembly took into con- with this national liberation Does this mean that he is 851-0750 many areas, with emphasis sideration the domestic movement of the Jewish indifferent to Judaism or to on the cultural aspects and needs dealing with the prob- people, and to reaffirm our Israel? The Rothschild heir • indications of deep interest lems of the aged, the voca- support for the Jewish reli- responded to a number of The Feast of Lights is a joy for us all. • in Israel's roles and in ar- tional and recreational gious and cultural heritage questions on this subject in • It means gaiety and festivity . . . a • rangements being made by needs and the urgency of in- that is enshrined in nation- an interview published in • many communities to mark volving the youth, especially hood by the state of Israel. the weekly Tribune J'Vive • • Ball! : the American Revolution the university students, in We commend the forth- as follows: • All the family together. • Bicentennial. communal involvements. right and-- outraged reac- Yes, he does have a feeling • • Makes the rainy day good weather, Meanwhile, more than Special attention was given tions of President Gerald for Jews and Israel, but this • • 21 percent of the board • With latkes and singing for all! to the tragically afflicted, to Ford, Ambassador Daniel doesn't mean that he has to • •• members of Jewish federa- the problems of Russian Moynihan, Clarence marry a Jewish girl or that _ • • tions and welfare funds in Jewry, the demand for ac- Mitchell and Leonard Gar- his children should be • Enjoy your Holiday meals with • • • the United States and tion - in defense of Syrian ment to the resolution of brought up as Jews. There • • Canada are women, and and other persecuted Je- the United Nations. They are no branches of the • • four of the federations wries. • speak as true repiesenta_ Rothschild empire in Israel. • have women presidents, Concurrent with the tives of a great democracy. In order to create a branch • according to a report at General Assembly, the The extraordinary and of the Rothschild House in • • the Assembly. United Palestine Appeal overwhelming condemna- Israel one of the family • • Reporting that Jewish national board met under tion of the resolution by would have to settle there. • federation allocations to' • the chairmanship of Mel- the Congress of the United • • Jewish education have in- vin Dubinsky of St. Louis States deserves our special • Wedding • Bar Mitzva • creased by "175 percent to evaluate the American recognition and apprecia- • The best in Kosher Dairy Foods since 1966," the delegates • involvements in Israel's tion. • adopted a resolution stating immigration, agricultural • • •••• • • • 00 We are heartened by and 00 very reasonable that the funding and effec- and university needs and appreciate the actions of the tiveness of Jewish education American commitments to nations who worked against is of the highest urgency for them. and voted against this infa- Gary Sussman Jewish communal life." The American Jewish mous resolution. These na- Ten newsmen and women were named winners of the 1975 Smolar Awards "for 23055 COOLIDGE AT 9 MILE excellence in North Ameri- Independent Association Members IN THE OAK PARK SHOPPING PLAZA can Jewish journalism", it was announced by Lavy M. Becker, of Montreal, chair- man of the Smolar Award Committee. Only at your kosher independent market you can still have your The Award winners are: personalized service LOOK FOR THE ASSOCIATION EMBLEM Joseph B. Salsberg, Shel- don Kirshner, and Louis Nov. 30th thru Dec. 4th Levendel Toronto; Dr. Yit- Frozen Frozen schak Ben Gad, Philadel- phia; Norman Gold, Minne- CUT-UP FRYERS .. lb. FRYER WINGS .... apolis; I. J. Fishbein, lb. dz. Chicago; Albert Bloom, Pittsburgh; David Salsburg, BERNARDS KOSHER MEATS GOLDIN, KOTIN 8 SMITH Bernard Rayber-13925 W. 9 Mile New London, Conn.; Kim 23057 Coolidge _398-3180 Seward Goldin, Ben Smith Muller-Thym, Baltimore; CLOSED SATURDAY 8 OPEN AFTER SHABBOS Oak Park 48237—LI 7-3900 THE-5-BOXMAN BROS. Jakki Sayan, St. Louis. The C ZIONISM jhoian, SHARE HANUKA •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••• • • • MOVIES •••••••••••••••••• • ••• • • 626-2767 GOLDEN BAGEL KOSIIER-MEIT :AT ITS BEST.:AT 10113- 547-3581 THIS WEEKS SPECIALS THANUKA SPECIAL 1BAGELS 99k 79 - WE ALSO CARRY • SMOKED FISH & LOX SATURDAY NITE & SUNDAY • HERRING • KOSHER PIZZA • KOSHER LASAGNA • FALLAFEL • AND A COMPLETE LINE OF CHOLOV YISROEL PRODUCTS HOMOGENIZED MILK (INCL. SKIM & CHOCOLATE), COTTAGE CHEESE, SOUR CREAM, CREAM CHEESE, HARD CHEESES (INCL. AMERICAN, SWISS, ETC.) Director Named at Meadow Brook Leon Petrus was ap- pointed managing director of the Meadow Brook Music Festival.- Petrus had previously been the director of audi- ence development for the Meadow Brook Music Festi- val and the Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra and liason between the Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra and Mea- dow Brook during the festi- val's pre-season operations. Harry-Ben-Oscar-Sam-Frank 13515 W. 7 Mile Rd.—UN 4-9054 CARL'S KOSHER MEATMKT. Carl Carson 968-7450 Lincoln Center Oak Park COHEN 8 SON MEAT MARKET 26035 Coolidge Hwy. Jack Cohen—Oak Park 48237 Te. LI 7-4121 LOUIS COHEN AND SON 12939 West Seven Mile Road Allan A. Cohen—Detroit 48235 DI 1-1607 DI 1-1608 DEXTER DAVISON KOSHER MEATS Feldman Bros. Proprietors 24760 Coolidge Eugene Feldman—Michael Feldman Oak Park 48237—LI 8-6800 Under the supervision of the Council of Orthodox Rabbis HARVARD ROW KOSHER MEATS 21780 W. 11 Mile Road Sidney Mirves, John Katz, Dave Krasman, Southfield 48076-356-5110 MORRIS KOSHER MEAT MARKET 7134 W. Seven Mile Road William Schwartz—Detroit 48221 DI 1-8604 NORTHGATE KOSHER MEAT 8 POULTRY 25254 Greenfield Jack Miller Oak Park 48237-548-4887 PASADENA KOSHER MEAT 24721 Coolidge Ben Shapiro, Joe Felstein Oak Park 48237—LI 3-8860 SINGERS MEAT MARKET 13721 W. Nine Mile Road Jact Attis, Philip Swarin Oak Park 48237—LI 7-8111