• Detroit Federation Wins CJF Public Relations Special Prize MIAMI, Fla. — The De- troit Jewish Welfare Feder- ation along with the United Jewish Charities earned a special citation for a special anniversary brochure, "Zedakah/Charity" at the 44th general assembly of the Council of Jewish Feder- ations and Welfare Funds meeting here this week. The Detroit Federation, REV: HERSHL ROTH Certified Mohel 557-0888 557-7629 RABBI S.ZACHARIASH Specialized MOHEL In Home or Hospital RABBI DR. LEO GOLDMAN Expert Mo./7e! Serving Hospitals and Homes LI 2-4444 547-8555. Certified Mohel 358-1426 or 357-5544 GREENBAUM Certified _MOHEL Serving Homes 8 Hospitals 399-7194 — .547-7970 Professional Entertainment The Sheldon Rott Orchestra and Vickie Carroll 255-1599 543-7226 Births public relations awards in- cluding the "best set of year-round materials" prize. Norman A. Sugarman of Cleveland, chairman of the national Endowment Fund Nov. 17 -- To Mr. and Nov. 6 — To Mr. and Mrs. Development Committee of Mrs. Sidney Moss (Sharon Larry Singer (Rena Bro- the CJF, said that 10 retired Licerobiec), 4627 Hedge- warny), 31192 Verona Dr., Delegates to the assem- executive directors are cur- wood Dr., Bloomfield Twp., Farmington Hills, a daugh- bly learned that there is a rently serving their federa- Diane. ter, Barri, Nykole. growing trend by commu- tions in that capacity. The a daughter, * Laurie * * nities in enlisting retired 10 federations include: Buf- * * * Nov. 17 — To Mr. and executive directors of fed- falo, N.Y.; Minneapolis, Nov. 3 — To Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Steve Frank (Honey erations and welfare funds Minn.; Houston, Texas; with their wide experience Providence, R.I.; Louisville, Conn), of Kenosha Ave., Oak Robert E. Guerin (Susan M. Pevos) of Los Angeles, Bradley Aaron. as directors of local en- Ky.; Dallas, Texas; Denver, Park, a son, * * * Calif., a son, Eric Jonathan. dowment fund develop- Colo.; Miami; Toronto, Can- Nov. 12 — To Mr. and * * * ment campaigns. ada; and Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Ronald M. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. William Oct.'14 — To.Mr. and Mrs. (Rena Daitch) 24040 Berk- Avrunin, Mr. and Mrs. Man- ley, Oak Park, twins, Sarah Ram Armon (Carol Kutlov) dell L. Berman, Mr. and Marjorie and Gregory How- of Rehovot, Israel, a son, Mrs. Martin E. Citrin, Mr. Guy. ard. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Avern L. • Cohn, SOI Drachler, Mr. and Nov. 11 — To Mr. and • • dentistry and oral surgery. Mrs. Michael Heideman Mrs. Max M. Fisher, Mr. • He is associated with the and Mrs. Joseph Garson, (Carol Zeiger), former De- • Michigan Society of Oral Dr. Conrad L. Giles, Mr. troiters of Louisville, Ky., a • HOUSEHOLD SALES • Surgeons and was its presi- son, Robert A. • and Mrs. Irwin Green, Mr. IN YOUR HOME • dent, the Detroit Academy . * * * and Mrs. John L. Green- ESTATES LIQUIDATED of Oral Surgery as presi- berg, Mrs. Merle Harris, Nov. 10 — To Rabbi and • dent, the American Society Mrs. Stanley Rosenbaum • MARION GASPAS • Mr. and Mrs. Jerome of Oral Surgeons, the Amer- 626-8402 • (Ronna Edelstein), 14661 • 626-6795 Hirsch, Miles Jaffe, Alan ican Academy of Oral Path- Balfour, Oak Park, a daugh- • • IRENE EAGLE Kandel, Mr. and Mrs. • 626-4769 626-8907 ology, the American Cleft ter, Ilana Beth. Thomas I. Klein, Mrs. .1. • Palate Association, the Charles Lakoff, Abe Lap- American Association of ides and Samuel Lerner. Dental Editors, the Ameri- If you were happy with Window Brite Also Mr. and Mrs. Ber- can Medical Writers, the See nard Portnoy, Dr. and Mrs. American College of Den- Julien Priver, Mrs. and Mrs. tists, the New York Aca- Hyman Safran, Mr. and demy of Science and numer- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Mrs. Maurice S. Schiller, ous other dental and DR. HERBERT BLOOM Mon.-Wed.-Fri. afternoon Mrs. D. Lawrence Sherman, medical groups. Lucite-Pottery-Games & Planters Dr. Herbert J. Bloom will Dr. and Mrs. Peter G. Shif- Dr. Bloom recently re- rill, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Slo- be honored by the Detroit ceived Connecticut's high- FREE GIFT with purchase of $15 or More -movitz, Phillip Stollman, Alumni Chapter, Alpha est award, the Alfred C. 26250 Raine Oak Park Eileen 968-0701 Suzi 477-8544 George M. Stutz, Denny Omega Fraternity and the Fones Medal. He is a dip- Sussman, Rabbi M. Robert State of Israel Bonds Dec. lomat of the American Syme, Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. 13 at Adat Shalom Syn- Board of Oral Surgery, a ■ Tauber, and Mrs. and Mrs. agogue. Dr. Bloom will fellow of the American George M. Zeltzer. rceive the David Ben-Gurion Academy of Oral Pathol- Award "for his many years ogy, a member of Sigma Presents , The Greater Miami Jew- of dedication to the State of XI, Omicron Kappa Upsi- ish Federation won the most Israel, "THE CONTEMPORARY LOOK" the Jewish commu- lon and a recipient of the Levelors, verticals, Roman Shades nity and mankind. national Alpha Omega and Custom Shades A dentist who has been Achievement Award. 0 active in efforts for Project He is affiliated with the 20% 30% Call Eileen. now for home appt: Hope, Dr. Bloom has been following hospitals: OFF, 968-0701 its vice chairman of the Mount Carmel Mercy, Prov- medical board, a member of idence, Grace and St. Joseph the board of directors, Mercy. He is the associate chairman of medical survey editor of the Sinai Hospital ek .,,,,,i .,..,_ , and curriculum planning, Bulletin. In 1955, at Sinai, chief of staff of SS Hope, he organized the Sinai Cleft chairman of the division of Palate Center. fidd.€ al lire 4 441 FALCeth He entered private prac- it iffrat sk ■ Family Weekend tice of oral surgery -in De- ‘4t lf Ar troit in 1944 but retained 1 0 i R•tf w ■ -1.11 r aNcidence Set in Ortonvilre part time teaching positions 177 , i The Fresh Air Society at the U. of Michigan for 20 will hold its first family years. Today he holds two weekend Dec. 5-7 at Camp academic appointments at Mon. & Thurs. 9:30-7:00 the Wayne State University Tamarack, Ortonville. The 17540 WYOMING • TEL. 341-1330 • Tues.. W se ad t .. 8, 10. F5 r.13 . 09:30-6:00 School of Medicine. weekends, partially funded For information, call the by the Jewish Community Foundation, will be sched- Bond office, 968-0200. uled throughout the next two years. All weekends, designed ■ •• for parents with children 10 •••• ■ • years of age and under, will include supervised activities for children, nature and craft activities for the whole To 126 E. 14 Mile, Clawson family, and evening discus- 1 block East of Main sions for adults. 588-2333 For information, call the Fresh Air Society, 341-5666. Alpha Omega Cites Dr. Bloom on Behalf of Israel Bond Drive MOVING? THE KNICK KNACKERY . RUBE Cantor SAMUEL November 21, 1975 51 11 557-9666 CANTOR SIDNEY which won the citation in the best special publication category, was among 33 fed- erations, welfare funds and community councils in the U.S. and Canada which re- ceived more than 60 public relations awards "for out-' standing programs in the complete range of public re- lations and communication services." Detroit delegates in- cluded: THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS . . •• . firt - ...................,..,„. t A 4,4age. DOES Your Radio Speak Jewish? ** ********* Norman Allan& (trtx. •■■•• .11•■• .11•• ■ 4E10 +11•• .111••• &HU WORLD HAS MOVED . 11•11. .11•110 Dance Specialist Due in Detroit ANGLO-JEWISH with Jules Abrams 9-10 am Mon-Thur YIDDISH with Lou Levine 9-10 am Wed HEBREW with Uri Segal 9:30-10 am Tues YIDDISH with AI Naftal 9-10 am Fri Israeli and Jewish dance specialist Fred Berk will be the Jewish Community Cen- ter's artist-in-residence Sat- urday through Wednesday. There will be a seminar on motivating interest in dance, how to teach dance and how to choreograph. For information, call the Center's educational serv- ices department, 545-8780. .111111. 4111M1. 411M• AMP. "The Largest Display of Baby & Juvenile Furniture in Metro Detroit" .1110 AO. .111•1. 411M■ .1111•• .1111111. •■ •• ■ • .11110 .11•11. .11•11. ••••• ■I■ 4 11.111. .111M. 111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111