24 November 7, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Ford Rejects PLO as Herzog Denounces UN Hypocrisy (Continued from Page 1) bassador to the United Nations, Chaim lierzog, de- replied, "that of course clared, "You can either take would have to be decided in your place in history as hav- any overall settlement." He ing voted for a negotiating also said that '"the parties process leading toward who will actually do the peace or as having voted for negotiating are those par- the PLO policy calling for ties within the area in an the destruction of Israel and overall settlement, and it rejecting any process of ne- would certainly be inappro- gotiation or compromise out priate for me, under these of hand." Herzog, who followed the circumstances, to make any commitment. That is for PLO representative Farouk Kaddoumi on the rostrum, them to negotiate." Addressing the opening said that Israel's unquali- session of the General As- fied opposition to the PLO sembly's debate on the Pa- and its proposals did not im- lestine issue, Israel's Am- ply that it does not recog- nize the existence of a Pales- tine Arab problem. In that connection he cited the re- lessons for beginners marks of Israel's Foreign Minister Yigal Allon to the Strategy lessons for General Assembly last intermediate players month that Israel was AFTERNOON or aware of the Palestinian EVENING CLASSES problem. He reiterated that it was 20% Israel's view that the prob- Discount on lem should be solved in the Backgammon context of a peace settle- Sets ment between Israel and Jordan. Weekly Thurs. Herzog said that the Eve Tournaments PLO was calling for Is- tinian state. The President BACKGAMMON. 626-4643 rael's explusion from the UN, the imposition of --.3 DAYS ONLY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY A SPECIAL GROUP of FINE SUITS 1 411 hand tailored reg $175. NOW $13950 HARRY THOMAS 1-* FINE CLOTHES FOR 40 YEARS 24750 TELEGRAPH at 10 Mile (next to Dunkin Donut) Daily to 6 P.M. — Thurs. to 8 P.M. SUNDAY 11 to 4 PM 3 DAYS ONLY Jr- * * r********* ,ge,~2w4 sanctions against it "and in fact, every device calcu- lated to destroy a member nation." He asked, "Is there any country repre- sented in this hall that would agree to treat with a body whose sole declared purpose was to destroy it and whose aim was to draw concessions so that its destruction would be so much easier?" The Israeli envoy said that every word in the pro- posals of the PLO "is de- signed for one purpose and one purpose only, namely to block and obstruct any move which would be founded on a recognition of Israel's right to exist and which would envisage an overall solution of the problems in the Middle East based on compromise and mutual recognition." Pointing out that the PLO objected strongly to the in- terim accord between Israel and Egypt, Herzog said that agreement "reflects the only approach which gives any hope for an advance toward peace while the PLO is the proponent of a resolution for the destruction of Is- rael." Herzog rejected as ludi- crous Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's call on the General Assembly last week to accord the PLO full rep- resentative status at the Geneva peace conference on an equal footing with all other participants. He noted that the Geneva conference was created within the framework of Security Council Resolution 338 which bases itself on Reso- lution 242. "This resolution is unre- servedly rejected by the PLO," Herzog stated. "Indeed, not even the gov- ernment of Syria has ac- cepted Security Council Resolution 242. A specious argument put forward to the effect that the presence of the PLO at the Geneva conference would in itself imply an acceptance of 242 and recognition of the state of Israel is com- pletely invalid when seen against the realities of the situation," Herzog said. He noted furthermore that the question of partici- pation in the Geneva confer- ence is dependent upon the agreement of all states that are parties in the confer- ence. 27 27 With respect to the PLO's demand for a secular state in Palestine in which Mos- lems, Christians and Jews would live together, Herzog asked, "If they believe so much in democracy and sec- ularism, why has no demo- cratic secular state risen so far in the Arab world?" He noted that PLO activi- ties have been curtailed in most Arab countries except in Lebanon "with the cata- strophic and tragic results which are evident for us all to see today." He said that "History will recall too that an entire Christian community (in Lebanon) faced mortal peril while the world looked on in silence and the only voice raised in this hall was the voice raised by Israel." Referring to the General Assembly's built-in major- ity that automatically op- posed Israel, Herzog ob- sersed that at least 30 percent of the Assembly's time is devoted to a small country (Israel) of three million people. "This Assembly will live in infamy," he said, be- cause while Lebanon is bleeding to death the Gen- eral Assembly is becoming "an instrument of political warfare against Israel." The Israeli envoy is lobby- ing vigorously against the PLO proposals. He met with representatives of the nine European Common Market countries and a forum of Latin American countries. Meanwhile, Israel has regis- tered to speak almost every day during the course of the Palestine debate. Farouk Kaddoumi, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization delegation, called on the General As- sembly to take "effective and operational measures" to eliminate Zionism and the state of Israel. He opened the Assemb- bly's debate on the Palestine issue with a bitter attack on "the Zionist enemy and its imperialist ally, the United States." The PLO spokesman reiterated its demand for the establishment of a sec- ular,*democratic state in all of Palestine, denounced * * * RCMP Seek Olympic Plot TORONTO — The To- ronto Globe and Mail re- ported that the Royal Cana- dian Mountain Police is investigating an alledged conspiracy by Palestinians to commit acts of terrorism at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal. Some 14 Arabs in Canada were said to be prepared to provide food, shelter, weap- ons, and hiding places for terrorists infiltrating the Olympics. Suspects in the investiga- tion reportedly include a former employe of the Olympic organizing com- mittee, a bomb expert who supported the PLO before moving to Canada, and two men reportedly living in the Windsor area. the step-by-step approach to a Middle East settle- ment as doomed to failure and indicated that the PLO would not be a party to the Geneva peace con- ference as long as it was based on resolutions that ignored the rights of Pa- lestinians. abian capital of Riyadh, where he met King Ka- haled and top officials. French sources explained that the decision was taken as part of the French thesis that no settlement in the Middle East can be achieved without the Palestinians' participation. The French Kaddoumi castigated the also claim that the authori- U.S. which, he claimed zation only gives legal sta- "actually serves the Zionist tus to a PLO bureau which policy of aggression by sus- has been operating in Paris taining the Israeli entity for some years now as part through infusions of billions of the Arab League. of dollars and sophisticated The French also believe military equipment." the new status granted the But he hailed the Soviet Palestinians will make Union as "our friend who France immune from ter- opposes Israeli aggression" rorist attacks. and praised France for rec- There were immediate ognizing the PLO. He urged protests, and French politi- other European countries to cians said the issue would do the same. be discussed in the French The PLO representative parliament. blamed the current civil strife in Lebanon on Zion- ists and other enemies of the Palestinians. In Paris, the French gov- ernment authorized the Pa- lestine Liberation Organiza- tion to open a permanent information and liaison bu- reau. The decision was re- portedly taken by French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing personally. "Every One Although the PLO repre- Can Use Our" sentatives will not enjoy diplomatic privileges and status, the French authori- zation is seen as a semi-offi- cial recognition of the ter- rorist organization. CLOTHING FOR YOUNG MEN The French decision was annourced on the eve of Giscard d'Estaing's forth- coming official visits to Egypt and Saudi Arabia and while French Foreign Minister Jean Sauvag- nargues is in the Saudi Ar- Daily 9:30-6 Thurs. & Fri. til 9 23061 Coolidge Oak Park 545-2811 DO YOU WANT TO WORK WITH PEOPLE? ... whose policy it is to live up to prom- ises, to you and your customers ... whose products are the most popular and best selling of their kind—products you can enjoy selling and customers enjoy possessing ... who appreciate your successful efforts and will let you know about it and want you to be a winner ... who support and help you where you need and want support, and respect your desire for independence ... who provide all the other advantages of a good selling job, excellent pay plan, fringe benefits, training, growth oppor- tunity, etc. ... and finally, who can tell you, with sur- prising accuracy, whether or not you're right for the job and we're right for you. 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