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October 17, 1975 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1975-10-17

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12 October 17, 1975


American Shipper to Use Suez With Cargoes for Israel



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American President Lines
of San Francisco, a major
American shipping com-
pany, is about to inaugurate
container service from the
U.S. to the Far East via the
Suez Canal which will in-
clude calls at the Israeli
ports of Haifa and Ashdod.
According to sources, the
company is waiting for the

first Israeli cargoes to pass
through the Suez Canal next
Wednesday before putting
its schedule into effect.
Representatives of the
line visited Israel recently to
appoint local agents. They
also met with port authori-
ties and with officials of the
Zim Lines, Israel's national
shipping company.

Zim Lines circles have
expressed fears that the
APL would become a seri-
ous competitor, inasmuch
as it would be carrying
Israeli cargoes through

Sapir Chair Set
at Hebrew Univ.



Pinhas Sapir Chair in eco-
nomics has been established
at the Hebrew University in
memory of the late Pinhas
The first incumbent will
be Dresden-horn Prof.
Haim Barkai, a recognized
authority on economic
theory and Israeli economic
problems and policy.
Prof. Barkai received his
bachelor and masters de-
grees at the Hebrew Univer-
sity and a PhD degree from
the London School of Eco-
nomics. He has taught at
the Hebrew University since
1958 and was appointed as-
sociate professor there in

the Suez Canal while Zim
ships, flying the Israeli
flag, would have to have
their cargoes transshipped
overland between the
Mediterranean and Eilat.

The new American service
may also contribute to the
decline of the port of Eilat
which has suffered a drop in
business since the Suez
Canal was reopened last
The American President
Lines has been serving
Egyptian ports for more
than 50 years but never
called at Israeli ports.
Meanwhile, longshore-
men ended a 2-day strike
last week at Ashdod after
their leader, Yehoshua Per-
etz, told them to return to
the docks and double and

Former Israel Foreign
Minister Abba Eban will an-
alyze his country's attitudes
on the latest negotiations
with Egypt and the pros-
pects for amicability with
the other Arab nations in an
address here Sunday eve-
ning, at Raleigh House, in
behalf of Israel Bonds.
The event will honor Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Willens.

Nino Cerruti presents
French Lines.
Wool. In a class by itself.

Chalk stripes on navy blue wool

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the youthfully trim lines of this

suit by Paris designer

Nino Cerruti. Shaped to the body

with subtle definition
of the waist and shoulders. The

matched vest further

accentuates the young, slender look.

From $ 150.00


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of quality-trued
of the reorIcTf but... Pure !Pool.

The Iroolmark label i. , your a., ..- urance

product, made

The dock boss claimed
he was insulted when a
young border policeman,
new to the job, failed to
recognize him and de-
manded identification at
the port gate two months
ago. Peretz taught the pol-
iceman a "lesson" by clos-
ing down the port within
minutes. Later, however,
he admitted that he had
acted hastily, called off the
strike and shook hands
with the policeman.

Last week's wildcat strike
posed a test of Israel's judi-
cial process — whether a
legally imposed sentence of
a court could be challenged
outside of the legal channels
— was originally encour-
aged by the tough-talking
Peretz who told his follow-
ers, "If you don't see me,
you close the town; that's an

But after a two-hour
closed-door session with
Histadrut leaders, Peretz
agreed to appeal his sent-
ence to the higher courts
and send his men back to
Work was resumed un-
loading 10 ships which had
been idle since Tuesday

Eban at Reform Congregations'
Bond Function Sunday Evening


Old Orchard Shopping Plaza

triple their output "to make
Ashdod a port worthy of its
name." The dockworkers
struck after a local magis-
trate imposed what they
thought was an unduly
harsh sentence on Peretz for
illegally closing down the
port two months ago.

Willens is former president
of Temple Beth El.

Sponsors are the Metro-
politan Detroit Federation
of Reform Synagogues, rep-
resenting all the Reform
temples in the Detroit area.

Eban arrived in this coun-
try a while ago for a limited
number of lectures which
include Detroit.
Reservations for the din-
ner are still being accepted.
For information, call Israel
Bonds, 968-0200.
* *

Eban Calls on Labor Zionism
to Urge New 'Vision' for Israel

Jewish democratic and pro-
Former Foreign Minister gressive state would have
Abba Eban called on Labor been lost."
Zionism to take the initia-
Israel should seek, Eban
tive in defining a new na- asserted, "a security based
tional vision for Israel that on a negotiated peace, en-
would embrace peace with hanced by open frontiers,
its neighbors and the social buttressed by a balance of
structure within its own power, shielded by massive
demilitarization, reinforced
The Israeli diplomat ad- by modest territorial ad-
dressed the 52nd annual justments guaranteed by an
national convention of the overwhelmingly Jewish
National Committee for preponderance and sup-
Labor Israel here.
ported by a borad interna-
Eban declared that "the tional consensus."
central theme of the Ameri-
can-Israeli dialogue after
the Egyptian-Israel agree- Rabbinical Groups
ment should be an attempt Set 'BB Sabbath'
to reach a common under-
standing on the basic condi-
tions of an overall peace, four major rabbinical
including the boundary groups paid tribute to the
question. This task is not by nation's oldest Jewish or-
any means easy, but it is not ganization by designating
today as Bnai Brith &alp=
inherently impossible."
The convention was bath.
It is the Sabbath coincid-
highlighted by the an-
nouncement of a Si million ing with the 132nd anniver-
grant from the Interna- sary of the 500,000-member
tional Ladies Garment organization. Bnai Brith
Workers Union to help was founded Oct. 13, 1843 in
build a new Histadrut hos- New York City.
The four groups, repre-
pital center in Israel.
Eban told the 2,000 dele- senting rabbinates of Con-
gates attending the three- servative, Reform, Recon-
day convention that there structionist and the major
were two fundamentally Orthodox movements, pro-
different schools of thought posed that synagogues and
about Israel's security temples plan special com-
memorative programs.
within Israel itself.
One, he said, "is willing to New York Parents
accept — indeed impose —
Israeli rule over an Arab Get Aide Courses
NEW YORK — A series
population so large as to
constitute a separate na- of free, training courses for
tional entity. It appeals to a parents has been estab-
rigorous, fervent, unscho- lished by the Board of Jew-
larly and selective interpre- ish Education in New York.
tation of biblical texts to
The special, eight-session
give authority to its policy. programs will prepare the
It is plain that if Israel were parents as library and me-
to accept this school of dia center aides. A second,
thought, Labor Zionism two-year series. is designed
would be in total eclipse and to prepare assistant guid-
the ideal of an essentially ance couselors.

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