2 Friday, September 19, 1975 , . THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Rationalizing in Confronting Problems Affecting Sinai Accord . . . Diapora Obligation in Selecting Jewish Agency Leadership . . . Tribute to Dr. Segal By Philip Slomovitz The Agonies Incurred by the Middle East Accord and the Faltering Public Relations Tasks Two painful factors are affecting the accord that has been concluded between Israel and Egypt through the ef- forts of. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, with the blessings of President Gerald Ford; the matter of monitor- ing and the assignment of technicians for the buffer zone. So much has been made of it, so much has been exag- gerated, that the anger that has erupted against Israelis and Jews is especially deplorable. The critics have failed to take into account the existing security that emerges from the mutual endorsement of the plan by both the Israeli and Egyptian authorities. If techni- cians working With representatives of both countries are to be considered endangered under the proposed plan, then this nation may as well think of closing all embassies and consulates where dangers to life and limb of American as well as other nationals' representatives have been threat- ened. The engendered fears were firmly rejected in an analy- sis of this and similar situations in a column in the New York Times (Sept. 7) by Tom Wicker, who defined the issue as follows: Sometimes experience can be the worst teacher. People and nations become so obsessed with certain events that they vow never to let them happen again — thus freezing themselves into a fu- ture response that may be totally inappropriate to changed circumstances. Thus, the World War II lesson that any aggression anywhere should be instantly met with force led American leaders into the Vietnam quagmire, where the lesson had no real application. The dangers of such conditioned responses are being aptly illustrated at the moment in the Middle East and Portugal. Secretary Kissinger's hard- won Sinai accord between Israel and Egypt in- cludes a provision for stationing 200 American ci- vilians in the region of the Gidi and Mitla passes. Apparently, neither Israel nor Egypt would have accepted the accord without such an American presence, and if Congress does not approve the ar- rangement it seems likely that the accord will quickly break down. In these circumstances, there is a danger that the "lessons" of Vietnam will be as misleading now as was the lesson of World War II a decade ago. Many of those who opposed the Vietnam war believe the stationing of "technicians" and "ad- visers" with the South Vietnamese army made massive American military intervention almost inevitable. Many of them may now believe that the American civilian force in the Sinai desert wilt make it more likely that American military forces would be drawn into another war. But it seems far more plausible to argue that the American civilians, who will be manning ear- ly-warning stations near the passes, make it much less likely that there will be another Sinai war. Not The Jewish Agency Succession and Party Politics Pressures Soon after the rebirth of the state of Is= rael, a rift occurred in Zionist ranks. Several of the leading personalities in the Zionist Or- ganization of America — Dr. Israel Gold- stein, Judge Louis Levinthal, Louis Lipsky, Ezra Shapiro and a few others — broke ranks, defected into a movement they called American League for Israel, and they gave up a lifetime of association with the major American Zionist movement in order to em- phasize their separation from internal Israel political involvements. The contention of the defectors was that Diaspora Jews must limit their interest to the philanthropic and should not become in- volved diplomatically or politically. The rift was not good for the movement, in spite of the fact that the so-called League for Israel had no following, was numerically inconsequential and did not even have an ad- dress; there was no address for a national office and it could be contacted only through a telephone answering service. Its strength was in the blessings it received from Hadas- sah with which it had a political alliance in the World Zionist Organization and at the World Zionist Congresses, and for a time there was a common definition that ZOA had members but few leaders and the League had no members. Now there has developed a new condi- tion affecting the politics of Zionism. For several years it has become apparent that a only does the Egyptian-Israeli accord, which the American presence makes possible, move the whole Middle East tangle a step nearer peaceful solution; but the Sinai arrangements, not least the American presence, make a surprise attack from either side measurably less likely. There are at least three significant differ- ences, in any case, from the situation in Vietnam in the early sixties. This time, the Americans will be civilians, though lightly armed, rather than mili- tary forces attached to a combat army. They will be stationed in the United Nations buffer zone, rather than on either side of the opposing lines. Their mission will be to help prevent further hostil- ities rather than to help one side overcome the other; as a matter of fact the Americans in Viet- nam a decade ago were there precisely to urge on the South Vietnamee army to a war for which it had no stomach and no talent. Some dangers similar to those posed by the early American presence in Vietnam may arise later on, if as a condition of further withdrawals the Israelis insist on a regular security agreement with the United States, perhaps including the presence of American troops. For the moment, however, the advantages of an American civilian force in the Sinai seem to overshadow whatever small risks there may be, particularly when mea- sured against the infinitely greater risks inherent in another round of warfare. Then there is the matter of finances. The treatment given to the expense involved, to the costs to the American taxpayer of providing assistance to Egypt as well as to Is- rael, have raised such a hue and cry that the continuing obligations by this nation to the tasks of assuring the peace of the Middle East has been overlooked. Instead of viewing the military and economic aid as a continuing process by the United States in behalf of Israel and her neighbors, as an annual foreign aid matter, col- umnists, commentators and letter-writers in American newspapers have begun to multiply the gifts on either a three- or four-year basis, giving the impression that eight or ten billions of dollars, instead of the three billion, is the expanse to be involved. Actually, the increase over previous allotments will be minimal, and the price projected for peace may prove to be a bargain in the long run. The confusions and doubts that have arisen regarding the assignment of American civilian technicians to the Sinai buffer area received added clarification and rejection of panic in a New York Times editorial (Sept. 14), which included the following: So far the greatest attention and controversy has focused on the scheduled presence of up to 200 American civilians to man electronic early-warn- ing stations in the demilitarized zone, for the mu- tual protection of Israel and Egypt. Overquick — fears by critics that this commitment might be- _ political movement that has applauded the League-Hadassah combine because it helped its own status at World Zionist Congresses is dictating selection of world leadership in the Jewish Agency for Israel which is the con- trolling force for Diaspora involvements in Israel's behalf. The Israel Labor Party Ma- pai and its allied forces appear to be domi- nating in the task of naming a successor to the late Pinhas Sapir for the chairmanship of the Jewish Agency. That was the case when the Mapai La- bor Party leadership had placed Mr. Sapir in power. Now the same forces seem to be inc- lined to repeat the performance by shelving the man who was preferred to Sapir by many — Aryeh Leon Dulzin, the -present treasurer of the Jewish Agency. The scales seem to be tipping in favor of Yosef Almogi. The machinations vis-a-vis the Jewish Agency chairmanship refutes the judgments of the creators of the League for Israel. If the labor elements can dictate leadership for a movement that involves Diaspora Jewry, why could not ZOA leaders exert similar in- fluence in some quarters involving Diaspora- Israel relations? Mr. Almogi is important in Israel's ranks. He is effective in labor ranks, domest- ically and internationally. As mayor of Haifa he helped cement the best relations with the Arabs. He should continue his serv- ices as Israel's and Jewry's ambassador to the workers of the world. In the ranks of the Jewish Agency Mr. Dulzin has longer and more valued experience and he should not be come the opening edge of a Vietnam-type wedge become increasingly groundless as details of the arrangement emerge. The United States is not committing military "advisers" to assist one fighting force against an- other; the function of this contingent is to inform both sides, not to fight for either side. It is a contin- uation — with much more restricted responsibili- ties — of the peace-keeping mission long performed by the United Nations with political and logistical support from this country. The Americans are no "trip wire," leading to an automatic further en- gagement in event of combat; the President has ex- plicit authority — agreed to by both sides — to withdraw the contingent should he decide it was in danger or superfluous in keeping peace. If the presence of United States citizens on duty in the Sinai symbolizes a direct American in- terest in preserving the mutual security arrange- ments negotiated through United States auspices, so be it. The United States has such a direct inter- est — with corresponding specific obligations which will be fully known and thus preferable to any vague sense of general responsibility for peace in the region. Meanwhile, another issue has arisen. Washington cor- respondents are resorting to exposes. One of them, writing for the Detroit News, has already posed the puzzle of a lack of interest, of a two-to-one pressure of letters against the obligations in the accord by this country. What these revela- tions fail to indicate is that the aim for peace in the Middle East has become an Administration obligation in the tasks of contributing towards world peace, and therefore those who favor the proposals seem to be assuming that as an Administration policy it becomes unnecessary to pressure White House and Congress on the matter. It has resulted in an error in public relations and' is regrettable. Expression of public views on issues affecting so many must not be viewed as pressures but as obligatory participa- tion in the affairs of state. The Middle East accord received the public endorsements of the major Jewish organizations in this country. Was it to be assumed that such statements obviated actions by individuals who should also have writ- ten their Congressmen and Senators, and also to the White House? The sad experiences, the agonies of these hours of dis- tress, revive the concerns that inevitably arise over the sta- tus of Jewish public relations. Are they adequate? Is Jewish leadership faltering? Is it sufficient to enjoy the pleasures of visits with the President, State Department and congres- sional officials without mobilizing the American Jewish communities for proper action in time of need? Those con- ducting public relations are not immune from criticism. They have faltered. The sooner the public relations pro- grams are improved and advanced the better for the image of the American Jew. penalized because his political alignment is He was truly a Rabbi — a teacher in Is- with General Zionism rather than Labor rael — and in that capacity he was a guide to Zionism. many. It is important for Israel and for world Jewr3 that these things be said at this time. Ability and the fact that he has already been rooted in the work of the Jewish Agency should give priority to Mr. Dulzin for the po- sition vacated by the death of Mr. Sapir. Rabbi Segal lived 'up to his title by being a teacher. The qualities of a teacher can best be judged by the manner of his relationships with children. The children of his school loved him and responded to his kindnesses and cordialities. That also accounts for the success he attained in his leadership as a The American members of the interna- creator of the Hillel Day School. tional board of the Jewish Agency owe a duty to their constituents not to yield to la- In addition to his impressive abilities as bor pressures in the selection soon to be a teacher he was also a student. He kept learning and thereby kept rising in stature made for Jewish Agency leadership. as a scholar. Meanwhile, the new experience serves to . He was deeply interested in the literary revive interest in an old divisiveness -in Zion- ist ranks when those who insisted upon stay- qualities and the creativeness of Jewish writ- ing out of politics but thereby permitted oth- ers and he cherished a great friendship for ers to dominate in Diaspora leaderships. one of the most brilliant in the literary When an Israeli need involves the Diaspora, world, the late Maurice Samuel. He encour- Diaspora Jews should have a say in selection aged him, helped get best-seller status for of personnel and setting policies. And in the his books and enriched the lecture platform process divisiveness should be rejected. This here by his invitations to Mr. Samuel to is no time for splits in the ranks of Israel's bring his messages to Detroit audiences. supporters and defenders. He was a true Hoven Tzion, a lover of Zion. His numerous visits in Israel, his loyal identification with the Zionist move- Rabbi Jacob E. Segal----Dedicated ment and his labors for the Israel Bonds ef- forts have elevated him to a high role in the Teacher and Lover of Zion ranks of Israel's supporters and defenders. All of Jewry, Israel and the Greater De- Rabbi Segal has left a record of services troit communities have lost a distinguished and dedicated man in the passing of Rabbi that assures a lasting blessing for his mem- ory. Jacob E. Segal.