THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 12, 1975 5 The Bible Guides Construction of the Sukka The sukka is a booth erected for the festival of Sukkot, which this year be- gins Sept. 20, in accordance with the biblical command- ment "Ye shall dwell in booths seven days" (Lev. 23:42). GEORGE OHRENSTEIN JEWELERS Ltd. 1 • Certified Horologist • Graduate Gemologist I • Goldsmiths • Precision 1 Watches • Precious Stones HARVARD ROW SHOPPING CENTER r Lahser & 11 Mile—Ph. 353-3146 OPEN NIGHTS I OPEN SUNDAYS NORTHLAND — Lot G EASTLAND — Lot 3 LIMITED TIME ONLY! Pre-Winter COAT SALE ENTIRE. STOCK The reason for the com- mandment given in the Bi- ble is "that your generations may know that I made the Children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt" (Lev. 23:43). The most important sec- tion in the construction of the sukka is the roof made of covering known as s'khakh. The s'khakh must be cut from that which grew in the soil and which is not susceptible to ritual impur- ity. The Encyclopaedia Ju- daica reports that the s'k- hakh must be so arranged that the shaded area within the sukka will exceed the unshaded. Any material may be used in the construc- tion of the walls, at least two of which must be com- plete, while the third may be partial. It is particularly meritorious to begin con- struction of the sukka at the conclusion of the Day of Atonement. If rain may spoil one's food, it is permitted to transfer the meal to the house. Each time one eats in the sukka the blessing "to dwell in the sukka" is re- cited, usually after the blessing over bread. It is customary to decor- ate the sukka with fruit (which may not be eaten during the festival) and with the symbols of Sukkot, and to recite special welcomes to the seven "guests of the fes- tival," Abraham, Isaac, Ja- cob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and David, on each day of Allon Requests Israelis Remedy Wrongs in Society SAVE NOW ON: Sizes For Everyone-6 to 181/4 3 CHARGE PLANS I —BankAmericard —Master Charge —Surwin's Own4 In present-day Israel the Samaritans erect the sukka inside their houses, while Jews construct suk- kot on the sidewalks roofs, and balconies of their houses reminiscent of what is described in Neh- emiah: "So the people went forth . . . and made themselves booths, every one upon the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God . . . (8:16-18). Philo suggested that the sukka was built to show misfortune at a time of good fortune and to remind the rich of the poor and Mai- monides similarly inter- prets the lesson of the taber- nacle. There are modern scholars who see the origin of the custom in reinterpre- tation of some ancient agri- cultural rite but the nature of this is disputed, the Ju- daica concludes. FRUIT BASKETS Rodnick Bros. FIT YOU! E Daily—Hospital—Sympathy o GOWNS .3 1 '29 to $129 21032 Grosbeck M-97 1 81k. N 8 Mile Warren PR 2-4350 World-Wide Delivery LONG, SHORT STYLES WEDDINGS. BAR MITZVAS PARTIES. SIZES 6 to 44 SHANDELS 154 SOUTH WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM MI 2-4150 Throughout the seven days of the festival, the sukka must be regarded as one's principal abode, and the house merely a tempo- rary residence. Thus, it is forbidden to eat any major repast or to sleep outside the sukka, and it is obliga- tory to eat in the sukka on the first night of the fes- tival. (ORIGINAL PRICES) • Every Fur Trimmed COAT • Every Untrimmed CASUAL • Every Man-Made COAT • Every PANT-COAT • Every Leather COAT • Every Suede COAT Sukkot. According to the Midrash, the Children of Israel were divinely protected in the wilderness by the shelter of the tabernacles solely be- cause the Patriarch Abra- ham had given shelter to three strangers beneath the tree on his property. TEL AVIV (JTA) — For- eign Minister Yigal Allon called on Israelis Tuesday to make use of the relative calm resulting from the new interim accord with Egypt to remedy the wrongs and inequities within Israel's society. As Israeli and Egyptian teams were working out the final details of the interim pact in Geneva, Allon warned against a return to pre-Yom Kippur war com- placency and urged against a repetition of easy money- making and profiteering such as was done by private contractors employed to build front line fortifica- tions. Addressing an audience at Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba, Allon said it might be better to construct Israel's new line of fortifica- tions in Sinai by the Army Engineers Corps rather than private contractors. NINO CERRUTI'S TWEED INTERNATIONAL The youthfully trim lines of this vested Donegal Tweed are just one of the reasons we added this new designer line to our collection. Superior workmanship, magnificent fabrics and a very practical price of only $150 are three more. shifmarfs LINCOLN CENTER Greenfield at 10 1/2 Mile LIVONIA MALL MACOMB MALL BRIGHTON MALL CHERRY HILL PLAZA