THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 5, 1975 Review of Politically Significant Movies By HERBERT G. LUFT ermath of the Vietnam dis- aster, this column turns to films of political signifi- cance, and to stories dealing with the past, present and (Copyright 1975, JTA, Inc.) In the immediate post- Watergate year and the aft- TOPINKA'S Tountru mouse SUNDAY MORNING BOUNTIFUL BRUNCH 10 to 2 —OVER 75 SELECTIONS $475 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Smorgasbord Featuring Prime Rib of Beef $795 — Raw Shrimp FRIDAY NIGHT FRESH MAINE LOBSTERS 2 ONE-POUND MAINE LIVE LOBSTERS, RELISH TRAY, MANHAT- TAN CLAM CHOWDER, CREAMY COLE SLAW OR CHEF'S SALAD, CHOICE OF POTATO, ROLLS & BUTTER. OPEN FOR DINNER MON. -THRU SAT. 5 p.m. SUNDAY, 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. COCKTAILS AND WINES Reservations KE 1-9000 TELEGRAPH AT W. SEVEN MILE RD. future of our country. sweep in the early 1890s. commending him on the "All the President's Men ?„ "Posse," from a story by produced by Warner Bro s. Christopher Knopf (with production of "Hearts and from a screenplay by Wi l- the author collaborating on Minds." The audience at the may the Liam Goldman, deals wit h the screen play), was pro- Music Center was even more the positive efforts of Wash - duced and directed by Kirk irritated when Frank Sina- onsitif ington reporters Carl Bern - Douglas for his own, the tra read a disclaimer from stein (portrayed on th e Bryna Co., with Kirk por- the Academy, a reply writ- gear screen by Dustin Hoffman ) traying the central charac- ten by Bob Hope and not au- thorized by the president of and Bob Woodward (Rober t ter of U.S. Marshal Howard tering Peace Redford, whose own com - Nightingale, the composite the Academy of Motion Pic- ture Arts and Sciences. pany acquired the motio n of a number of politicians of and stealth Steve Krantz, who has picture rights to the boo k the past and present. made himself a name with a prior to publication). a All The picture probes deeply Producer Walter Coblen z the sick mentality of a man series of feature-length car- toons, such as "Fritz the (who previously heade d obsessed by greed and the Redford's film "The Candi - lust for power. Nightingale Cat" and "Heavy Traffic" date," an expose of nationa 1 is a "law-and-order" propo- (which demand respect for election shenanigans) said nent who tries to win the artistic excellence), cur- NEW the movie is a constructiv e hearts and minds of the con- rently is on the screen with account of fearless and in - servatives and liberals alike, "Cooley High," and now telligent journalism result - by over-accentuating the turns to the dynamic ac- ing in the investigative re - menace of hoodlums and count of the "CIA," an- porting by two young men outlaws much of whose de- nounced a $10 million who thus won the Pulitzer structive activities he has budget for the motion pic- ture "The Director," from Prize and helped to main- helped to create with his 583 MONROE tain the principle of democ- ruthless methods of opera- the pen of CIA agent Victor Marchetti who had resigned racy, something no one in tions. (Continued on Page 43) other foreign countries "Posse" is precise and would have dared to under- never editorializes. The take for fear of winding up thought-provoking yarn in jail. Wishing All Our Friends and Customers reveals the awful truth C HELLAS CAFE "All the President's Men" represents an im- posing task for Warner Bros., because it will be seen by a generation of theater-goers the world over who lived through it and consider themselves conversant with the prin- cipal facts and figures, and with the circumst- ances which brought about the downfall of President Nixon and many of his men. that ordinary good people never want to be involved with the law; they look away when someone is in trouble and will switch to the winning team regard- less of moral issues in- volved. "Hearts and Minds," the Academy Award-winning documentary, co-produced by Bert Schneider, investi- gates the origin of Ameri- ca's involvement in Indo- china and the subsequent Kirk Douglas, who not full-fledged war in both only is one of the world's Vietnam and Cambodia. leading stars for more than Combining newsreel footage a quarter of a century, but from the battle scene, the also a responsible U.S. citi- effects of air attacks on zen who has served our North and South, the pic- country under two presi- ture derives additional sig- dents, Kennedy and John- nificance by taped inter- son as ambassador of good views with Walt Rostov, na- will — on missions to South tional security advisor to America, the Far and Mid- the late President Lyndon dle East and Israel, and on Johnson, and some of our behalf of the State Depart- high brass who were not ment toured six Iron Cur- aware of the contents and tain countries — seems to meaning of the documen- fit perfectly into this annual tary then in the editing feature column, especially rooms. since Kirk just now came During the Academy out with a motion picture Awards show, Schneider which deals with an election came forward to read a let- campaign for the Senate as ter from the chief delegate forerunner of a presidential of the Vietcong in Paris GREETINGS for the NEW YEAR At DO'S RESTAURANT ALDO OTTAVIANI AND STAFF 19143 KELLY nr. 7 Mile & Ford Expwy. 11111111111111111111111 1 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i Best Wishes For a Happy 8,L Healthy New Year Buddy's Pizza 17125 Conant Corner of 6 Mile 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111I111111111111111111111111111111111H11111111111111111 NOW AVAILABLE 1975-76 SEASON TICKETS r _I ... 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