32 Friday, September 5, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Machpela Cave Rift Lingers BACK TO SCHOOL ; YONTIF OR BAR MITZVA' FOR ALL THE YOUNG MEN IN YOUR LIFE! From . . . Levi's To Mighty Macs L IA, r. From . . . European Styled Vested Suits To Leisure Suits From . . . Western Shirts To Qiana Shirts And Everything In-Between To Make Him Happy • 4 tWao BOYS — Regular & Slims PREPS — 25 Waist To 30 Waist AND WE DIDN'T FORGET HUSKY'S Happy New Year from Sam Tanenhaus & Staff HARVARD SHOP MENS AND BOYS WEAR IN THE SEARS-SOUTHFIELD SHOPPING PLAZA SOUTHFIELD & 12 1 /2 MILE RD. MON.-SAT., 10-9 557-2290 BankAmericard And Master Charge Accepted SUN., 12 to 5 JERUSALEM — The Cave of Machpela has been in the news again of late. In the past few months there has been continuous friction between Jewish and Moslem worshippers at the shrine, occasioned principally by the limitations on the times of Jewish prayer and the fact that Moslems were in the habit of holding funer- als and carrying the bier through the hall allotted for Jewish worship while the congregants were in the midst of their devotions. Following representa- tions by the Jewish settlers in Hebron, the Minister of Defense, Shimon Peres, has issued instructions to the ef- fect that Jews and Moslems will from now on use sepa- rate entrances, and that a section of the building will now be devoted solely to Jewish worship. Thus, while the Moslems will enjoy exclusive access to the large hall and to two adjoining chapels, the Jews will have at their disposal the two smaller chapels known as the Chapel of Abraham and Sarah and the Chapel of Jacob and Leah. Again, with the excep- tion of Friday, which is the Moslem day of rest, the Jews will be able to pray at the Cave ,during all hours of the day and not only at specific hours as was the previous case. The government's deci- sion has undoubtedly re- The National Bank of Detroit Extends best wishes for a year filled with health, happiness, peace and prosperity for all. moved some of the disadvan- tages under which Jewish worshippers have labored ever since the Six-Day War when access to the Cave of Machpela became possible to Jews for the first time in many centuries. The Moslems, however, regard the decision as a seri- ous infringement on their centuries' old rights to the shrine, and the Moslem Su- preme Council has launched a violent campaign both in Israel and in countries abroad against what they describe as "a dispossession of a site holy to them." Jewish connections with this shrine go back to the time of Abraham. In the Book of Genesis we are told that on the death of Sarah, Abraham purchased the site from Ephron the Hittite for the sum of 400 shekels of sil- ver, "whereby the Cave and the surrounding field were made sure unto Abraham for a possession of a burying place by the son of Heth." Concerning this tran- saction, the Sages of the Midrash say that "this is one of the three sites con- cerning which the nations cannot turn to the people of Israel and say 'you have robbed us of them' ". 450-year old Arab document was discovered in Hebron by a member of the El Khatib family in Hebron, which reads: "When the Christians were forced to hand over the town (Hebron) to the Arab conqueror of the city, they destroyed the splendid church they had built over the Machpela Cave, and bur- ied the entrance deep in the ground so that the Arabs might not know where ex- actly the shrine was located. "But the Jews of Hebron came to Omar and volun- teered to show him where the entrance to the Cave was on condition that they were permitted to build a syn- agogue over the Cave. "Omar agreed and handed over to the Jews a permit in writing to that effect. For long afterwards there was a synagogue and a burial ground for the Jews in the area of the Cave of Machpela." A Christian source — the writings of Antonius, tells us that a Church had been erected over the Cave in the year 570 C.E. and that there were two entrances to the shrine, one for Christians and the other for Jews. An- tonius writes: "From all parts of the world Jews come to light candles and of- fer gifts to the keepers of the shrine." The first mosque over the Cave was built apparently in the 11th Century. There was Jewish community in Hebron at the time and its members looked upon them- selves as "the keepers of the tombs of the Patriarchs." Various views have been advanced in Talmudic liter- ature as to why the Cave is called "The Cave of Mach- pela". One opinion has it that the Cave is so called on account of the double graves to be found there. According to tradition, it is the burial place of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebeccah, Jacob and Leah. It is these four double graves that have given He- bron the name of "Kiryat Arba" — the city of the four. In Jewish tradition Hebron is also known as "the City of the Patriarchs" and these in turn are re- ferred to as "the Sleepers of Hebron". The Cave of Machpela has been a site of pilgrimage from time immemorial, and not only for Jews. A Chris- tian legend has it that Theo- dosus II, a Byzantine Em- peror who reigned in 408-450, issued an order for the disinterment of the Pa- triarchs and the transfer of their remains to Constan- tinople. On entering the Cave, however, his messengers were struck with blindness. According to a Moslem len- gend, the Crusaders who en- tered the Cave suffered a similar fate. Although some archeolo- gists, among them Profes- sor Yigael Yadin, have ex- pressed doubt as to whether the site of the Cave of Mach- pela is actually the burial place purchased by the Pa- triarch Abraham, the shrine has been held in deep vener- ation by both Jews and Mos- lems throughout the genera- tions. Various historical docu- ments prove that for over 600 years beginning before the period of the Arab con- quest, there was a syn- agogue over a certain sec- tion of the site and that the Jews enjoyed the right of separate entrance to the shrine. Yet, until after the Six- Day War, the Jews were al- lowed to ascend to only as far as the seventh stair lead- ing to the South-West en- trance of the building over the Cave. It was there that they were in the habit of standing and of conducting their prayers. For some time the syn- agogue was situated side- by-side with a Byzantine Church. When the Arabs conquered the country from the Crusaders, the syn- agogue was located by the side of a Moslem mosque. Some 50 years ago a The Jewish traveller, Ben- jamin of Tudella who visited Hebron in the middle of the 12th century, tells us that he visited the Cave and that "the Gentiles have erected six tombs there for Abra- ham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah." When Palestine came under the rule of the Mos- lem Mameluke kings in the middle of the 13th cen- tury, entrance to the Cave was forbidden to both Jews and Christians for the first time. The latest Government decision according to Jewish worshippers: a separate entrance to the building and the exclusive use of two chapels in it, is but a return to the status quo existing there for centuries.