THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS .16 Friday, September 5, 1975 ENROLL, EARN YOUR DEGREE of Bachelors of Bible Philosophy (B.Ph.B.), Master of Bible Philosophy (ALPh.B.), Graduate of Bible Philoso- phy (G.Ph.B.), or Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) Chartered by State Correspond- ence Courses only. Please write for FREE BOOKLET. AMERICAN BIBLE INSTITUTE Dept. iL, P.O. Box 8748 Kansas City. Mo. 64114 New Israel Egypt Agreement is Initialed JERUSALEM (JTA) — Mordechai Gazit, Israel's Ambassador-designate to France and Gen. Herzl Shafir, of the army high command, signed the new interim pact with Egypt on Israel's behalf in Geneva Thursday. Gazit, former Director General of the Prime Minister's Office and Gen. Shafir, wild signed the disengagement agreement_ with Syria last year, will comprise Israel's technical team which will work out the details of the military protocol with Egypt neces- sary to implement the ac- cord. The latter is expected to be signed at Geneva be- fore the end of the month. Police Minister Shlomo Hillel, the only cabinet member who abstained from voting on the agree- ment which his 18 fellow ministers approved Sunday, said he would obey Labor Party and coalition disci- pline' when the Knesset ap- Best Wishes To the Entire Community for a Happy Healthy and Prosperous NEW YEAR from VINCENT S. MANCUSO, JR. GREGORY A. BEHLING HENRY BURSTON ED DeSANTIS ED DAWOOD VINCENT S. MANCUSO, III FRANK MERCURIO BARNEY MOMCILOVIC LAWRENCE R. PERNICK, C.P.C.U. DENNIS E. BUTLER, C.L.U. DONALD HONSTAIN Continental Underwriters Inc. 18326 Woodward, Detroit, Mich. 48203 883-1900 New Sinai Pact- Aired Saturday by Lou Gordon The new Sinai pact be- tween Israel and Egypt will be among the subjects Lou Gordon will discuss in his program on Channel 50 10 p.m. Saturday night. Gordon will interview Jewish News Editor Philip Slomovitz on the subject. ■ 111111111 ■ Milt Gorelick, Moe Caplan and the Staff of Milt's 9 Mile & Coolidge Servicecenter (corner 9 Mile and Coolidge) Wish All Their Friends & Customers A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous WEI , 1975 (•: 5736 ,y Lt77,-1:1 ■ 111101 ■ -01111111111 ■ extends best wishes to all for a happy, joyous New Year proved the pact Wednesday. Tuesday, the Labor Party voted 350 in favor, four op- posed and four abstentions to support the pact in - the Knesset, thus assuring pas- sage in that body. Former Defense Minister Moshe Dayan was one of the four voting against, indicating he preferred an overall settle- ment with Egypt, Syria and Jordan and an end to hostili- ties. After the vote, 66 MKs were expected to vote Wednesday in favor of the interim agreement against 44 opposed. The pact's sup- porters include 50 members of the Labor Alignment, eight National Religious Party MKs and three of the Independent Liberal Party, and several opposition MKs. The 38 Likud MKs are expected to form the core of the opposition, supported by the two leaders of the NRP's "Young Guard" Yehuda Ben Meir and Zevulun Hammer. Knesset Vote . JERUSALEM — After nine hours of debate on Wednesday the Knesset, on a roll-call vote, voted 70-43, with seven abstentions, to approve the second-stage peace accord between Israel and Egypt. Defying threats of party discipline and possible ous- ter, Labor Party members Moshe Dayan and Morde- chai Ben-Porat voted with the opposition. Spirits were high at the formal initialing ceremonies in Premier Yitzhak Rabin's Jerusalem office. As Chief of Staff Gen. Mordechai Gur and Defense Ministry Director Gen. Avraham Kidron initialed page after page of the agreement and annex and affixed their sig- natures to the huge detailed maps covering 12 large blue- bound pages, Kissinger and his chief deputy, Undersec- retary of State Joseph J. Sisco, joked with Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Al- lon and Defense Minister Shimon Peres. Premier Rabin re- mained somber, exchang- ing brief observations with Kissinger who sat along- side him. The U.S. Ambas- sador to Israel, Malcolm Toon, and Israel's Ambas- sador to Washington, Simha Dinit were also present. Throughout the reception Kissinger sought to impress upon his Israeli hosts the advantages of the agree- ment and the new possibili- ties it opened up. This was the theme of his signing speech. It presented, he said in his speech, for the first time in a generation, an opportunity for the two nations to live in peace. He was leaving Israel, the Secretary continued, "with a feeling of friendship and commitment for Israel's se- curity and peace." Picking up on a remark by Rabin favoring direct negotiations in the future, Kissinger said that follow- ing the shuttle experience "no one is more dedi- cated" to direct negotia- tions than he. But the U.S. government would remain "available," he said, in the future to aid the Mideast parties further towards peace. He hoped in conclusion that this agreement would "be remembered as the point at which peace began in the Middle East." Both Kissinger and Rabin spoke of the legacy of suspi- cion left by a generation of conflict. Kissinger acknowl- edged too that what had made the negotiating diffi- cult was the problem of comparing tangible territo- rial assets to political progress. He and his colleagues had never forgotten throughout the negotia- tions, Kissinger said, "what it means for Israel to find security and peace, —and how difficult it is for a small country to make de- cisions when it knows it can't afford to make a mis- take." Rabin said he hoped the agreement would "open a new chapter in relations "both between Israel and Egypt and in the Mideast as a whole." "The cause of peace re- quired risks," the Premier said. Israel was now em- barking on a longroad lead- ing to "what all people in the Mideast want — real peace." Rabin thanked Kis- singer for his efforts. Rabin and Kissinger themselves signed — their names in full — to the "American proposal" pro- viding for the U.S. presence in the Mitle and Gidi Passes. A similar initialing cere- mony took place Sunday night at President Anwar Sadat's summer retreat at Maamoura. The accord there was initialed by Egypt's Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Mohamed Ali Fahmi, and the Egyptian ambassa- dor to the United Nations European headquarters in Geneva, Ahmed Osman. Prime Minister Mamdouh Salem and Kissinger ini- tialed the annex covering the monitoring of the early warning stations to be oper- ated by American civilians. Correspondent David Landau wrote that Israeli leaders and Secretary of State Kissinger have been busily trying to convince Israel of the advantages of the new agreement with Egypt. He said that the leaders must also convince their public of another important point: that this settlement was not attainable last March, when the shuttle was suspended in deadlock. Israeli commentators asked pointedly: Has good or harm accrued to Israel in the March-August intermis- sion. Has "standing up to the Americans and "saying no to Kissinger" brought profit to the Jewish state? Or is the scar caused by the near-rupture in rela- tions which followed the suspension still discernible, a permanent imprint in Je- rusalem-Washington ties which the successful conclu- sion of the talks will not completely heal. What, then, are the dif- ferences between March and August? Israeli negotiators, as advocates of their case, obviously stress those favor- able to Israel: the matter of duration, the U.S. presence in the Mitle and Gidi Passes, the coastal corridor to Abu Rodeis and the provi- sions on economic and diplo- matic warfare. They underplay the one really major Israeli conces- sion since March: the Passes. They insist that Is- rael, by retaining a hold on the eastern entrances to the Passes, including the tower- ing Jebel Gidi Mountain, and by retaining the Umm Hasheiba warning station, and by continuing to encir- cle the Passes on three sides (north, east rand south) can be still said fairly to have the Passes in 1-1,A- grasp, if no longer in her actual hands. In March, Egypt refused a duration of three years, of- fering 18 months at the out- side; it refused to limit its control of the coastal corri- dor to civilian traffic and administration; it refused to consider U.S. presence at Umm Hasheiba and a paral- lel Egyptian monitoring station (the proposal for additional, independent, U.S. presence only came up later); and it refused to moderate significantly the Arab boycott on firms trad- ing with Israel._ Now, however, President Anwar Sadat has accepted, more or less, all of these terms, the Israeli officials argue. Three years mini- mum duration is guaran- teed by pledges from both sides to the U.S. to renew the United Nations Energy Force mandate annually. The coastal strip will be under Egyptian civilian con- trol with only civilian traffic on the road — though Israel will continue to be allowed military traffic. There will also be U.S. technicians at Umm Hash- eiba, at the Egyptian Sta- tion, and at two more manned stations and several U.S. unmanned "sensors" in the Passes area. The boycott provision — also an indirect undertaking made through the U.S. — will cover much more than the meager list of half-a-dozen American com- panies proposed by the Egyptians in March.