THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS New Volume Deals With Personality of Moses By ALLEN A. WARSEN Friday, August 29, 1975 15 Slit0 POOL DOCTORS tion of the Temple in 587 separate mountains. Ac- Auerbach is a brilliantly (1882-1972) was horn in Ger- cording to one description written book. Its analysis many, but settled in Israel "Moses" by Dr. Elias BCE. Auerbach, the biblical (Ex. 19:18) ". . . Mount Weekly Cleaning & All Repairs Auerbach, translated by Dr. of the Moses period is pro- while still young. He aut- Mark Orechkin & Tom Stubbs I.O. Lehman and the Rev. historian, unhesitatingly Sinai was altogether on found, and its portrayal of hored "Wuste and Gelobtes R..A. Barclay (Wayne State asserts that the "Ten Com- smoke ; because the Lord 557-2657 the personality of Moses is Land was a physician, vivid and insightful. University Press) deals with mandments Nv hich Moses descended upon it in fire historian, and lecturer in Dr. E is the personality and times of brought from Mt. Sinai — and the smoke thereof as- Aue rh ach hi 1)lica I history according to tradition spo- cended as the smoke of a Moses. Utilizing the critical bibli- ken and written down on furnace, and the whole cal approach, the author the tables of stone by the de- mountain quaked greatly." reconstructed the childhood, ity itself — belong to the su- According to the other de- youth and later years of perlatively great events of scription (Ex. 24:11) God Moses. He proved the physi- the human race . . . They said to Moses, "Come up al existence of Moses by his are the kernel and the soul unto the Lord, you and the escendants: son Gershom, of Moses' life work, the 70 elders of Israel . . . They grandson Jonathan ben Ger- foundation stone of the reli- beheld God, and ate and shorn and the Eli family of gion of Israel through which drank." The author believes that they have become the basic Shiloh. He also proved the Leviti- law for the moral develop- these descriptions indicate that one mountain was vol- cal descent of Moses by his ment of all mankind." He takes issue with canic, the other non-vol- posterity and the cultic in- stitutions he handed down: Goethe, Buckle and H. canic. According to him, the the Ohel Mo-ed, the Ark of Gressrnan who claimed that volcanic mountain was situ- the Covenant, the Urim and the decalogues they had dis- ated in the territory of Mi- From . . . Levi's To Mighty Macs Thumrnim and the brazen covered are as important as dian where there were ac- the Mosaic Ten Command- tive volcanoes; and the non- serpent. From . . . European Styled Vested Suits On the basis of his investi- ments. He argues, "But volcanic mountain was ei- gation, Dr. Auerbach con- there is one aspect in which ther in Kadesh or in the dis- To Leisure Suits cluded that Moses was the the Mosaic Decalogue rises trict of Kadesh. author of the tetragramma- above most of the rest: It From . . . Western Shirts To Since the Israelites were ton (YHWH—Yahweh) makes no threats of punish- never in Midian, although Qiana Shirts ment but only normative "That is the achievement of they knew of the existence Moses who creates a new regulations. Thus it is not of fiery mountains there, And Everything In-Between and profound concept of form which constitutes the they could not have been at God, a form of strongest special features of this law the volcanic Mt. Sinai. To Make Him Happy symbolic power and unique but its contents." Therefore, Kadesh had to solemnity." By "form" the author be the location of the means the number of laws mountain where Moses He also concluded that of which each decalogue received the Ten Com- BOYS — Regular & Slims the exodus from Egypt ac- consists. He explains the mandments. PREPS — 25 Waist To 30 Waist tually happened. One of number 10; "It is easy to The author sums up his reasons is: ". . . such understand why all these Moses' work: AND WE DIDN'T FORGET an inglorious episode as old laws are arranged in "Moses' work was new the servitude of the tribes groups of 10. In a period in and revolutionary in the in- HUSKY'S in Egypt would not have which people did not write separable union of religion been retained by tradition, at all or write very little, and morality . . . Moses if it was not based on his- this form served as a mem- was the first to be cognizant torical fact." ory aid for learning things of and to the present the In addition, the Egyptian by heart. People could al- most successful and effec- ,catastrophe at the Sea of ways count on their fin- tive founder of a religion Reeds "is proved to be a con- gers a group of 10." whose work has not been MENS AND BOYS WEAR firmed fact:" and the leader Auerbach considered the fundamentally altered by IN THE SEARS-SOUTHFIELD SHOPPING PLAZA of the exodus was beyond two different descriptions of his successors : 4 SOUTHFIELD & 12 1 /2 MILE RD. doubt Moses. MON.-SAT., 10-9 Mt. Sinai as depicting two 557-2290 "Moses" by Dr. Elias BankAmericard And Master Charge Accepted What was the goal Qf the SUN., 12 to 5 exodus? Auerbach rejects the traditional view that the goal was to reach and settle in Canaan. He claims that the goal was to reach and occupy Kadesh. He advances these rea- sons: The Israelites had previous knowledge and connections with it; it is the largest oasis of the Sinai peninsula which is watered by powerful springs and is capable of providing suste- nance for thousands of peo- ple. Kadesh is especially sig- nificant for the personality of Moses. "Of 17 stories about Moses, which are placed between the exodus Lazare's 1975 collection.of the fin- Illustrated: from Egypt and the begin- est Canadian Furs includes the ng- of the battles of Trans- Natural Canada Majestic Violet world renowned Canada Majestic - jOrdan, 13 are assigned to Mink — one of the many delightful Kadesh." Mink, Empress Chinchilla, Cana- Lazare models on sale now at tre- The Ark of the Covenant dian Lynx, Fox, Fisher & Beaver. mendous savings during our August is likewise associated with Fur Sale the name of Moses. "And Lynx Coats Their styling and quality will im- the Lord spoke unto Moses Were $2400 press the most discriminating fur saying . . . let them make buyer. Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them (Ex. 25)." Auerbach, like many other scholars, confirms the historicity of the Ark and that it accompanied the Is- raelites in their wanderings in the wilderness. 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