For 27 years the nearest to peace in the embattled Middle East was an armistice that began on the Island of Rhodes in 1948, with interruptions in 1956, 1967 and 1973 and a war of atrition in 1970. Now the hope nestling in the hearts of all Israelis and their friends everywhere for a genuine peace is receiving a new measure of encour- agement. On the Egyptianborder,.at least, there is some assurance of an interruption in warmongering for the coming three years. It is a gesture, resulting from the U.S. diplomacy generated by Secre- tary of State Henry A. Kissinger, to the other Arab states to end hostilities-and to enter upon an era of good will with a neighbor who will not submit to annihilation. Bitter pills are being swallowed in the formulation of the new accord. The tensions have not completely vanished. The caution against Israeli submission to future salami tactics aimed at Israel's EDITORIAL Peace Glimmer, But Not Without Overcast Skies THE JEWISH NEWS Revealing Facts About Moslems and Israelis and Arab Domination in Many Spheres Commentary Page 2 VOL. LXVII, No. 25 reduction to a ghetto that had been planned by enemies remains an obligation upon Israel's protectors. The existence of terrorist gangs is not ignored. The fragil- ity of diplomatic scraps of paper is recognized. Nevertheless the pledge for cessation of hostilities must be viewed as a glimmer of hope for peace. The skies remain overcast in the Middle East. But with the hopes for an accord goes the determined will of the People of Israel to hold aloft the banner proclaiming life with honor as an invitation to the neighbors and distant kinspeople to abandon sham and make peace a reality. A Weekly Review - 9 f Jewish Events 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833 Synagogues' Testing Periods • Kissinger, Man of Destiny Editorials Page 4 $10.00 Per Year ; This Issue 30c August 29, 1975 Agreement Marks Fait Accompli Seeking 3-Year Lull in Warfare Defense, Oil Arrangements Made Israel-Egyptian Pact Detailed TEL AVIV (JTA) — The Israeli army general staff is working out a new defense line in conjunction with the proposed Israeli-Egyptian agreement, and government oil experts are planning measures to provide Israel with the oil that will be lost by the return of the Abu Rodeis oilfields to Egypt. JERUSALEM (JTA) — All territorial issues of the interim settlement have been agreed to between Israel and Egypt and will hopefully be initialled this weekend. The negotiators are now concentrating on drafting the political com- mitments in the public and secret accords that form the entire settlement pack- age. Agreement on the territorial aspects was reached with one last Israel con- cession — in the number of American-manned surveillance stations. Sources revealed early Tuesday that there would be two American-manned stations, in- stead of the four-to-six that Israel had originally proposed. There will be several unmanned American "censors" — information-gather- ing devices in addition to the two manned stations. There will also be an Ameri- can supervisory presence at Umm Hashiba, the Israeli-manned surveillance sta- tion, and at the parallel Egyptian-manned surveillance station, both in the buffer zone. Egypt's major concession during the shuttle has been at Umm Hashiba, where President Sadat has now acceded to Israel's demand for continued Israeli manning of the key surveillance site northwest of the Gidi Pass. The third key territorial issue, that of Egypt's line of advance, was resolved Monday, based on a major Egyptian concession and a more modest Israeli one. Egypt will not advance eastward beyond the present buffer, but it will advance approximately two miles south at the southernmost tip of the present buffer zone. This means that the top of the coastal corridor, which Israel is ceding to Egyptian civilian administration, will be incorporated in the Egyptian "limited forces zone" instead of in the area of civilian administration, enabling Egypt to keep troops there. The area contains a road leading from the main Suez City-Abu Rodeis road to the sea-coast, and Egypt wanted the road under military control. Israeli sources characterized the minor Egyptian advance to the south as an Israeli gesture. The sources stressed that there would be no Egyptian advance toward the Sinai heartland and the Negev. They pointed out that Egypt had (Continued on Page 31) The new defense line will reportedly run from Rumani near the Mediterranean south to a ridge known as Um Machtza which will be retained by Israel. The line will then run east to the eastern slopes of the Gidi Pass, south to the Mitle Pass, west to the hills known as Djabel Raha, and then south parallel to the Gulf of Suez coastline to a point below Abu Rodeis. Both the Urn Machtza ridge and the Djabel Raha hills are important controlling points which, combined with the Israeli positions at the two passes, could prevent an Egyptian move through the passes. The Djabel Raha ridge also gives Israel access to the southern part of Sinai via a road network parallel to the Gulf of Suez. The present Israeli positions north of Abu Rodeis will apparently be retained al- though Israeli forces will now have to watch the oilfields against any Egyptian attempt to use this area to launch a military attack. The same position will also have to prevent any Egyptian military moves southward. Abu Rodeis itself and the road leading to it will be under Egyptian civilian control, according to the interim agreement. Meanwhile, Israel is planning to build two huge subterranean oil reservoirs in the Negev which will hold a total of 1,750,000 tons of oil. The United States has reportedly assured Israel that it will see to it that Israel receives enough fuel supplies to keep the reservoirs full. British and Swedish experts are already planning the two reservoirs. In another measure, the Ministry of Finance has earmarked IL 1 billion for system- atic oil prospecting in Israel during the next four years. Commerce Minister and former Chief of Staff Haim Bar-Lev revealed Tuesday night that the army hoped it would not need larger forces than at present deployed to man the new Sinai defense line. Bar-Lev explained that the line from the passes was in mountainous and virtually ,mpassable terrain which did not require large numbers of troops to defend. On Monday. Foreign Minister Yigal Allon said the agreement would mean a reversion by Israel to its "classical defense doctrines of movement." State Dept. Accused of Slowing U.S. Nazi Probe Rep. HOLTZMAN WASHINGTON (JTA) — The State Department was accused by Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman (D-NY) "of continuing failure to cooperate" with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service in its investiga- tion of Nazi war criminals living in the United States. She pointed out that the INS has sought unsuccessfully for more than 18 months to obtain the Department's help in acquiring informa- tion on alleged war criminals from the Soviet Union and other East European countries. The information is needed„ she said, to substantiate or refute charges against the alleged criminals and to assist the INS in determin- ing whether to bring deportation proceedings in about 50 cases referred by the INS. Rep. Holtzman has written to Secretary of State Henry A. Kis- singer on May 20, objecting to State Department delays on INS re- quests. In making public Sunday another letter to Kissinger, she attacked a letter from a Kissinger aide and asked the Secretary to respond "personally" to her. She was referring to a letter from Robert J. McCloskey assistant secretary of state for congressional relations, in which he spoke of State Department "initiatives" that consist of "a check on the Berlin Docu- ments Center" and a request to the West German Foreign Office" to locate any available evidentiary material." Rep. Holtzman called those steps "pointless duplication of INS ef- forts and further delay on the part of the State Department." (The State Department reported Monday that it completed a check at the Berlin Document Center, but has not yet received a reply from the West German government on its inquiries about. the 50 cases of alleged Nazi criminals.) Noting McCloskey's statement that the Department would await a (Continued on Page 31)