THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28 Friday, July 25, 1975 MOVING? Women's Clubs] : HOUSEHOLD SALES IN YOUR HOME ESTATES LIQUIDATED • MARION GASPAS • • • 626-8402 626-6795 IRENE EAGLE 6264769 626-8907 WHITEHALL-CHAI CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold a business meeting 8 p.m. Aug. 4 at the home of Estelle Rappaport, 9 3237 Providence, South- field. A report on the fund- raising luncheon will be given. Guests and prospec- tive members are invited. * * * ISRAEL CHAPTER, Pi- oneer Women, will hold its second annual poolside and patio barbeque dinner 5 p.m. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, 156 Lake Park, Birming- ham. Donna Kost, local mime, will provide enter- tainment. Proceeds will go to day care centers in Israel. For information and reser- vations, call Mary Koretz, 398-2366, or Fan Bunin, 646-5337. * * * DEGANIA CHAPTER, CANVAS COTTON JEAN BAGS TOPS $ 4 90 $ 2 9° Were $9.00 were $6.00 WHITE POLYESTER Pioneer Women, recently held its annual installation of new officers at the Pa- goda Restaurant in Troy. Installed were: Mesdames Rosalyn Stern, president; Naomi Zietz, Tobye Salin- ger, Judy Holtz and Lin Klein, vice presidents; Le- nore Rosenblum, Sandy Col- lins, Carol Hillman and Judy Blavin, secretaries; and Angel Berger, trea- surer. . For Custom Drape Cleaning, Call In announcing Mrs. Miss Levey Weds Mr. Bienenstock DRAPERY CLEANERS "All That The Name Implies" MRS. STARKNIAN Starkman's chairman- ship, Mrs. David Pollack, Women's Division chair- man for Bonds, said that Mrs. Starkman has been active with the Israel Bond organization for 10 years. She is currently on the Women's Division ex- ecutive committee. WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVE AND INSTALL 891-1818 Her husband, Dr. Morris Starkman, was the first chairman of the Medical Division of Israel Bonds. Lipshaw-Lipson Engagement Told To Capture that Mood, hire a Specialist HALTERS $ 2 9° were $74.00 Engagements) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Feldman of Woodward Ave., Bloomfield Hills, announce the engagement of their daughter Jill to Steven Jay Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stone of Riverside Dr., Southfield. Miss Feld- man and her fiance are graduates of the University of Michigan. An August wedding is planned. Mrs. Morris Starkman has been named chairman of the 1975 Israel Fashion Show-Luncheon for Israel Bonds. The annual event will be held Sept. 24 at Cong. Shaarev Zedek. The fashion show will be presented by Claire Pearone of Somerset Mall, and her Private Entrance Boutique will display a collection of Israel arts and crafts. The fashion show com- mittee will hold its first meeting 10 a.m. Aug. 12 at Mrs. Starkman's home. For reservations, call the Israel Bonds office, 968-0200. PRINT PANTS $ 790 r Mrs. Starkman Chairs Bonds' Fall Fashion Show-Luncheon were $8.00 POLYESTER PANT SUITS $1650 were $33.00 MRS. BIENENSTOCK POLYESTER Helene Michelle Levey SHIRT JAC'S and Samuel Bienenstock were married in a recent $1090 ceremony at Cong. Beth were $22.00 Abraham-Hillel. MISS LIPSHAW The bride is the daughter Mr. and Mrs. George Lip- of Mr. and Mrs. Cal Levey of shaw of Alhambra Dr., Oneida Ave., Oak Park. Par- Southfield, announce the ents of the bridegroom are engagement of their daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bi- ter Nancy to Kenneth Mark enenstock of Vernon Ave., Lipson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oak Park. Alex Lipson of Cloverlawn Susan Friedman was Ave., Oak Park. Daly 10-6, Thurs. Fri 'W 9 maid of honor, and Henry Sunday 12 to 5 Daily 10-6 Mon., Thurs. Fri 'N 9 A December wedding is Bienenstock was his broth- planned. er's best man. ■1■ The new Mrs. Bienen- stock was graduated from Ferris State College with a ENDS SATURDAY, AUGUST 2nd degree in legal assisting. Her husband earned a bach- elor's degree at the Univer- sity of Michigan and is a student at the University of Detroit's law school. Following a Florida ho- neymoon, the couple will live in Royal Oak. WAREHOUSE STORE 3160 W. 12 &We Berkley 23* 1, Van Dyke Shelby Plaza SALE JIM1111 LAST 8 DAYS 11% Gallipoli Battle Is Remembered Up TO 50° 0 OFF AND MORE ON r SELECTED ITEMS Sherwood Studios, Fin. Furniture to Live With IRS. Fine furniture and draperies made in our own workshops for over 50 years.' Ben and Mark Morganroth, ProfeAional Members ASID Professional Interior Designers Visit our Boutique Shop • TEL-TWELVE MALL 12 MILE/TELEGRAPH We accept Master glary., Bank Amor and Our ;own revolving chorea 10 AM-9 PM MON.-SAT. CLOSED SUN. 354-9060 JERUSALEM — A sol- dier who, as a member of the Jewish volunteer unit of the British Army took part in the First World War battle of Gallipoli, 80-year- old Zalman Epstein, was among the participants at a ceremony at the Anzac Me- morial, organized by the Is- rael War Veterans' League and the Jewish National Fund near Kibutz Be'eri, facing the Gaza Strip. Guest of honor was Roden Cutler, who was decorated with the Victoria Cross for bravery during the British invasion of Syria in 1941. sANdy FRIEdMAN pho - roqnAphy 25900 Greenfield (in the Landmark Bldg.) cANclids • 398 - 7211 MOVIES • PORTRAITS Last Call Balance of our Summer Stock REDUCED to Unbelievable LOW prices Blouses to $8 Slacks to $7 & $9 Tee Shirts to $6 Reg. $58 to $110 Slack Suits NOW $25 to $50 Dresses $15 to $35 Gowns $30 $45 $50 All Sales Fihal a Bankamericard Mastercharge A&P Center Oak Park Phone 544-3500