32 Friday, July 18, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Radomer Aid Sets Installation The Radomer Aid Society will hold its annual installa- tion dinner 7 p.m. Tuesday at Cong. Beth Achim. Nathan Wolok will be in- stalled as president. Other officers include Rita Ager and Helen Greenberg, vice presidents; Louis Lumberg, treasurer; Mae Weintraub and Lillian Katz, secre- taries; Katy Rubin and Max Wein, trustees; Samuel Slakter, sergeant-at-arms: and committee chairmen Esther Wolok, Ray Wein- , man, Fannie and Louis Klein, Sylvia Edelstein, Sonia Rolintzky and Mar- garet Garber. Morris Greenberg will be installation chairman. For reservations, call Ms. Greenberg, 557-4216, or Bessie Adler, 341-5526. HAL GORDON Readers Forum Elderly Problems Familiar Editor, The Jewish News: We have read with pained recognition the letters of the past two weeks which point to the pathetic lack of Jew- ish culture and Kosher serv- ice in local nursing homes. The Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit, has been actively involved in this problem and has been fighting an uphill battle all the way. Rabbi Joshua S. Sperka, has been performing a yeo- man task in serving as Chaplain to a number of nursing homes. Of even greater distress and grief, is the story be- hind the nursing home men- tioned in Rabbi Gardyn's Rabbi Supported Editor, The Jewish News: It is with deep sadness that I read the letter from Rabbi Moshe Gardyn. Let the Rabbi speak from the heart and say what he has done to offer a solution to this heart-breaking prob- lem. ROSE FREEMAN 61- Musical Entertainment Big Bands or Small Combos 626-3346 11 Passport Photos *Other Identification *Publicity *Weddings & Bar Mitzvas BLAIR-KEITH 398-9111 • 968-2541 • 895-8805 letter. Originally, this facil- ity was built with kosher ac- commodations, under the influence and supervision of the Vaad Harabonim. Subsequently, the own- ers decided to discontinue this service and gave due notice. The Vaad called a number of meetings — with family, community leaders, Federation repre- sentatives, to assist in re- solving this problem — all to no avail. We call on concerned members of our community to re-evaluate the welfare services that we provide and begin to show deserved dignity due our elders and those incapacitated. Let us make ttem feel that they are still an integral part of the Jewish faith. RABBI LEIZER LEVIN Council of Orthodox Rabbis Nursing Homes Hit Editor, The Jewish News: Rabbi Gardyn is to be commended and praised for his letter to you of July 4, in which he deplores the fact that the Jewish infirm in nursing homes of his area are deprived of kosher meals and a Jewish cultural and religious atmosphere. Nursing homes are all business ventures, and, un- fortunately, kosher cuisine, special social and religious activities, physical therapy, etc. are all additional expen- ses which had to be elimi- nated. Rising labor costs, food costs, utilities, insurance, etc. forced nursing homes to budget themselves very closely to insure a profit. Of course nursing home own- ers long ago forgot that the people occupying- the beds were human beings instead of just monthly rental in- come units. J.F. LYNN Anti-Zionism Document Hit Editor, The Jewish News: The politically oriented Declaration of Mexico urg- ing the eliminaton of Zion- ism put forward at the UN sponsored International Women's Year Wolrd Con- ference in Mexico City is a blot on the record of that important conference. This latest condemnation of Israel is another example of what has become increas- ingly evident — that even those United Nations or- gans which we have a right to expect to he impeccably international and non-polit- ical are being perverted to achieve narrow political aims. RUTH MILLER President, Greater Detroit Council of Pioneeer Women Call to Arms Awake, Israel! Blow the shofar thunderously! Pro- claim: We, the people of Is- rael, warn the United States of America, which has de- clared war against us, and the rest of the nations, that we are and always shall re- main a sovereign nation, neither timorous client nor fawning colony. We warn that we shall not he the scapegoat on the .altars of vicious interna- tional diplomacy and vile trafficking of oil. We warn that to save our Land and our Independence we shall fight to the last man, to the last grain of sand, and they who plan to destroy us we shall annihi- late. Am Yisroel Chai! PAUL ELDRIDGE If a man strives to lead an upright life, God will aid him in his endeavors; if he is inclined toward evil, the way is open to him. —The Talmud NCJCS Plans Pilot Project Miss Beckstrom Plans to Marry NEW YORK (JTA) — Plans for a pilot project for continuing study by profes- sional workers in the Jewish service field, scheduled to get underway next fall, have been announced by the Na- tional Conference of Jewish Communal Service. NCJCS officials said 17 Jewish communities had ndicated they wanted to 1 Jarticipate in the project. They were listed as Boston, Cincinnati, Miami, Wash- ngton, Los Angeles, Balti- more, Metropolitan New J ersey (Newark region), MISS BECKSTROM Cleveland,. Hartford, Pitts- Mrs. Doris Beckstrom of b urgh, Buffalo, Rochester, Wilmington, St. Louis, Min- Melvin Ave., Livonia, an- n eapolis, St. Paul and New nounces the engagement of her daughter Margaret Pork. May, to Philip Steven Kut- nick. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kutnick of Oak Park Blvd., Oak Park. t Miss Beckstrom is a grad- uate of Western Michigan NEW YORK — Fort-five University. Her fiance was U.S. and Canadian Israel graduated from Kalamazoo Bond leaders will go to Jeru- College. alem at the invitation of An October wedding is Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin Aug. 2 for intensive planned. d iscussions on Israel's ur- g ent economic needs. Jewish Leaders o Meet Rabin During the three days of ntensive sessions and visits o strategic economic and ecurity sites, the Israel and leaders will also con- er with former Prime Min- is ter Golda Meir, Finance M inister Yehoshua Rabi- n owitz, Defense Minister S himon Peres, Chief-of- S taff Mordechai Gur and 0 ther high government offi- ci als. 'WATCH FOR SKIN SHOP THE LEATHER APPAREL WOMEN WANT AT A DISCOUNT PRICE THEY CAN AFFORD! Lallore Stone Esther Marks Music by Sam Barnett Big or small, we custom the music to your needs. 968-2563 '"" •••• —41 Jewelers Win Competition Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday by appointment only JULIUS PASSERMAN ALLAN PASSERMAN Reg. Pharmacists 9- a 25901 Coolidge • Oak Park, Mich. DIAL LI D for the Whom who should not take aspirin.! I I &- - TYLENOL acetaminophen tablets , safe.fast pain relief...without aspirin R - U - G - S 1 . SPECIAL 100 TYLENOL I TABLETS I I I J 89 Norman Wachler of David Wachler and Sons jewel- ers in Southfield, is shown accepting the company's fifth consecutive "Diamonds Today" award from a DeBeers Ltd. representative. The company won the award in a nation-wide competition of more than 2,000 entries for an original jewelry design of an eternity ring, which is a circle of diamonds. 11 CI Ce Northland Center Concourse Stairway X (313) 358-1414 — 15 9/Clchie Caut