36 friday, June Tf, 197S THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Nazi Novel Makes You Dizzy Is the world ready for another nazi-hunting novel? The answer, of course, seems to be that as long as the public will buy, the pub- lishers will sell. "No Earth For Foxes" (Delacorte Press) is the lat- est nazi-hunting book. It is written by Manning 0'- Brine, an _ex-British secret agent turned author and playwrite. O'Brine served behind the lines and was even captured by the Gestapo. He man- aged to escape and served in France, Italy, Algeria and Yugoslavia. In his book he certainly displays his venom for the nazi beast, and rightly so. Gertrude Stein's `How to Write' Re-Issued in Paperback Edition that escapes this reviewer, Auntie does not tell Pavane his assignment directly. Gertrude Stein has be- ume for the unknowing to Through a maze of mes- sages, codes and insinua- come a legend. Her works whom the very name of the tions, Pavane finally works have both puzzled and in- author is a puzzle. . spired, and her leadership in The Dover reprint of Ger- out what he has to do. And thus starts one of the the field of literature is un- trude Stein's "How to Write" gains added import- most complicated spy sto- challenged. When she undertakes to ance in a scholarly introduc- O'Brine's story deals ries with one of the simplest tion by Patricia Meyerow- with Ray Pavane, British of all plots. Ray Pavane, guide writers, the pupils can itz. The latter is in itself a Secret Service agent ex- who is part Jewish and part be expected to be awed as masterful approach to liter- traordinaire, who wants to French aristocracy, surrep- well as directed towards ary studies and a specialty retire because he is madly titiously leaves Great Brit- goals. INVITATIONS in love with the widow of ain for France in order to in judging and defining Ger- In 1931 she wrote a book, by HATTIE an ex-KGB double agent have a secret meeting with "How to Write." It has just trude Stein and her writ- SCHWARTZ and because he is simply his invalid (caused by nazi been reissued as a paper- ings. 356-8563 tired of the whole bloody brutality) mother. Another intriguing paper- back by Dover. STATIONERY mess of spying around. back issued by Dover is the From there, the reader It really isn't a textbook. 'PARTY FAVORS * * * * Auntie, the head of the winds his way to the island Yet, because she defines her humorous Dadaist classic * * * * ENTERTAINMENT Secret Service, will permit of Elba and to Italy. • ASTROLOGER own sentences, her own way "What a Life" by E. V. Lu- SEYMOUR • CARICATURES Ray to retire, only if he cas and George Morrow. In the meantime, there of depicting her characters, • MUSIC SCHWARTZ • NAME GROUPS carries out one last mis- are agents and double "What a Life!" is a AGENCY • STROLLERS the book is really a writer's sion. • AL SIMMS BAND agents from the CIA and guide for aspiring authors strange little book — an 356-8525 • VARIETY PLUS * * * * however, for some reason the KGB and the British and an inspiration for lay "autobiography" composed Secret Service following readers who search for the of a satiric text illustrated Jerry Niskar's Sales & Rentals with pictures from a mail Pavane and company. secrets of the eminent Ger- order ca4logue. People are getting killed trude Stein. Written in 1911, it is a hu- and there are chases on The aphorisms and bit- man drama — from child- winding roads in the Ital- MEN'S FORMAL WEAR ing humor, the Steinism in hood to marriage, with ian Alps. It all sounds very • 90 different styles to choose from the uniqueness of her writ- chapters on London, a dia- complicated and dis- ( the latest styles) ing, how she frames her mond burglary, youthful • All sizes boy's 3 to Men 60 jointed. And it is. • Personal attention Meanwhile, back at the paragraphs, the Gertrude romance, travel and wedded Stein dismissal of the con- bliss. No charge for grooms Tux Nazi lair, which just hap- (5 or more in wedding party) pens to be a castle in Aus- ventional, her tactless use Formal wear by: After Six, Lord West of paragraphs, her indi- tria's Tyrol, the head SS Formal Craft, Palm Beach \ viduality — these and ADL, Vanderbilt trooper has organized his 26472 Grand River 531-0500 underlings to expect a visit many more aspects of a Host Theologians (Bet. Beech Daily & Inkster- Rds.) noted author's writing in- from Pavane. NEW YORK — Religion As Pavane and his men- dividualism emerge here tor, Mills, close in on the as a guide for those who and social studies scholars nazi castle with their band know her words so they and teachers representing of Garibaldi freedom fight- can understand it her way, 17 universities and seminar- ers, a CIA agent is closing in and as- an explanatory vol- ies in 12 states are partici- pating in the eighth annual on our hero. Graduate Summer Institute However, the Nazis get to Spain Bars U.S. on Judaism, co-sponsored the CIA agent first. Ah, but by Vanderbilt Divinity Transfer of Arms one of the Nazis is really an School of Nashville, and the I sraeli agent. to Israelin War Anti-Defamation League of Needless to say, the good Bnai Brith_ guys win and the bad guys WASHINGTON (JTA) -- The 10-day institute of- die, horribly. And in the The Spanish government e nd, we have a book that is has informed the United fers college faculty, theolo- good in intention and bad States that it would not per- gians and clergymen practi- n execution. mit the use of Spanish terri- cal preparation for teaching Unfortunately, the writ : tory for the transit of mili- about Jews, Judaism and ng was disjointed and the tary supplies to Israel in the Jewish-Christian relations. c linches seemed too trite. event of a new war in the And complicated? It would Middle East. Professional Enierlainnient, t ake a crossward puzzle ex- According to American ert to determine who was The sources, the Spanish posi- d oing what to who, where Sheldon Rott tion is one of the conditions a nd when and why. for the renewal of American And a double why, too, Orchestra air and naval bases in Spain. and or all the double agents. B ut they caught up with the Previously, the Portugese Vickie Carroll N azis, so it can't be all bad. government ruled out the use of Portuguese territory for that purpose. T el Aviv Theater MR. TUX MORE THAN JUST A WINDOW BLIND May Be for Sale TEL AVIV (JTA) — The 0 wners of the Tel Aviv, this c ity's largest movie house, a re considering selling the after ushers went on _s trike for a special- danger a llowance. The ushers claim they are in constant danger of vio- le nce from the audience. T he owners, 20th Century F ox, say the demand is not in accordance with labor ag regiments. t heater 107 great colors LEVOLOR RIVIERA Visit our showroom in the Advance Bldg., Greenfield at 9 Mile Rd., Suite LLEO, between 9:30 and 5:00, Monday through Friday, [Saturday and evenings by appointment], or call 559 - 2117 any time, day or night. CALL 559-2117 111: ESTIMATES INSTALLATION Golda Reported in Good Health NEW YORK — After six days of treatment, Golda Meir left Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem Sunday "in excellent condition." The former prime minis- Xer's ailment, originally identified as sciatica, was later described as an infec- tion of a leg muscle. Blaustein- Institute Names Chairman NEW YORK — Philip E. Hoffman, who has just re- tired as United States Rep- resentative to the United Nations' Human Rights Commission, was appointed chairman of the Jacob Blau- stein, Institute for- the Ad- vancement of Human Rights. He succeeds Morris B. Abram who headed the in- stitute since its founding. The institute, an arm of the AJCommittee, was es- tablished by the .Blaustein family in memory of Jacob Blaustein, a former AJCom- mittee president. Aruba, third largest of the six autonomous islands of the Netherlands Antilles, has a Jewish population of about 200. It is important both in the history of British nonsense and in the history of modern art, predating by almost a decade the collages of kax Ernst. Ban. on New Funds for UNESCO OK'd WASHINGTON — The Smithsonian Institution announced that it would back congressional action barring new U.S. funds for a UNESCO project to rescue an ancient temple on an is- land in Egypt's Lake As- wan. According to the Ne- East Report which quoted British sources, the State Department earlier indi- cated that it would support a move to bypass the cur- rent congressional ban on U.S. contributions to UNESCO by having the Smithsonian contribution made directly to Egypt. 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