14 Friday, June 27, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Max Fisher Acclaims Ford's M. E. Aims, Backs Him for Re-Election In an interview granted in Jerusalem to Jewish Tele- graphic Agency representa- tives, David Landau, the Is- rael correspondent, and Jack Siegel, JTA executive vice president in New York, Max M. Fisher commended President Ford's Middle East efforts. In the interview, and ad- vance portion of which ap- peared in last week's Jewish News, Fisher asserted that he will be active in the 1976 campaign for Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. He criticized the tactics of some American Jewish leaders as well as Senator Hanry M. Jackson, while crediting all of them with sinceritytin dealing with the Russian- Jewish a,,gd the Middle East situation. Fisher, who was re- elected chairman of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors, spoke of Presi- dent Ford in almost a fath- erly tone but with admira- * tion and deference. He has known him for more than 20 years, since the days when "Jerry" was a young con- gressman from his own state of Michigan. Now, however, he finds himself addressing him as "Mr.Pres- ident." Partly, it is the ef- fect of the Oval Office and the trappings of the Presi- dency, but also, he says, the effect of Ford's perceptible and impressive growth in stature as he "takes hold" of the Presidency. Ford has in effect an- nounced his candidacy for 1976 and Fisher asserts that he (Fisher) will be "very involved" in the campaign. Ford has always "had a strong feeling for the ac- complishments of the Jew- ish people," Fisher says. "He admires people who do things for themselves." The fact that the President is a religious man has also influ- enced him towards a con- * * Jewish Agency Picks Fisher to Head Board of Governors JERUSALEM (JTA) — The Jewish Agency's board of governors, under • the chairmanship of Max Fisher of , Detroit, was unani- mously re-elected at the agency's fourth annual as- sembly. Six former members who did not stand for re-election were replaced by five new members for a total mem- bership of 42 instead of 43. The new members are Jo- seph Kumkummer, of Bel- gium; Donald Robinson and Frank Lautenberg, both of the United States; Dr. Car- los Goldmann, of Venezuela; and Phillip Granowsky of Canada. Lautenberg is gen- eral chairman of the United Jewish Appeal. They replaced Rabbi Is- rael Miller, of the U.S. chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organiza- tions who was previously president of the American Zionist federation; Thomas Hecht, of Canada; and Max Schein, of Mexico, all of whom declined to stand for re-election for personal rea- sons; and Tibor Rosenbaum, of Geneva; Albert Adelman and Edward Ginsberg, of the U.S. The 300 delegates adopted resolutions ex- pressing world Jewry's unity with Israel,. concern for the plight, of Soviet Jewry and pledged to in- tensify the fight against the Arab boycott, to prom- ote aliya and to work to build a model Jewish so- ciety in Israel. The assembly adopted a resolution stressing the pri- macy of the/ United Jewish Appeal andi the United Is- rael Appeal as the fund- raising instruments for Is- rael and emphasized the importance of cash contri- butions. The resolution stated that the UJA and UJA "are the only instruments author- ized to raise funds for the basic human needs of Israel and must not be eroded by diversion or competition for funds, times and energies of other drives . . ." The assembly resolution on Jewish uhity declared ad- miration for the "superb courage of the people of Is- rael." Expressing concern over the continuing haras- ment and persecution of Soviet Jews, the assembly declared that "We say to our brothers and sisters in the Soviet Union that the Jews of the free world will inten- sify their efforts to open the gates, so that they will be permitted to join their brothers and sisters in Is- rael." The delegates called on Jews throughout the world to combat the Arab boycott and to condemn those who yield to blackmail and place economic and political expe- diency above international morality. The assembly also condemned terrorism and those who "have condoned this savagery" in the counL cils of the world. The agency adopted a surprise resolution sup- porting charter flights to Israel before it wound up its fourth annual session. The resolution was pro- posed from the floor by an American delegate, Merill Hasselfield, a member of the assembly's fund-raising committee, who argued that the more Jews who come to Israel as tourists, the more are prompted to increase their donations to the United Jewish Appeal of the Keren Hayesod-United Is- rael Appeal. The Israeli government is sharply split on the issue of charter flights. The minis- try of tourism, worried about the severe decline in tourism this year, has been urging that the charter ban be lifted. But the transport ministry, under pressure from El Al, Israel's national air carrier, has gone on rec- ord in opposition to charter flights. sistent sympathy with the able man (Fisher has known Zionist cause which, Fisher him for many years), there asserts with confidence, has is no truth in the rumor that he, together with Illinois not changed since he as Republican Sen. Charles sumed office. Ford certainly perceives - Percy and White House aide Israel as the bastion of de- Bob Goldwin are seeking to mocracy" in the Mideast, elbow Kissinger off center- and believes in "the funda- stage on Mideast issues, mental dovetailing of Amer- Fisher asserts. The Jewish Agency As- ican and Israeli interests in the deterrent of Soviet ex- sembly this year is taking pansionism," Fisher says. place under the shadow of At•he same time though, he steeply declining aliya fig- points out, the President is ures from the Soviet Union. constantly conscious of the Fisher sighs resignedly — broader American interests as if to say: I told you so. He in the region, especially in had warned, he now recalls, preventing an infiltration of against forcing the Soviets Soviet power into the oil- into an intolerable situa- tion. "Nixon and Kissinger producing areas. Fisher's frequent meet- ings with the President are public knowledge since in the Ford White House the secrecy of the Nixon years has dissipated and the appointments appear on the daily calendar. Asked about the rumors current in some American- Jewish quarters that a new combination compris- ing Rumsfeld, Percy and Goldwin is moving into a predominant role in Jew- ish and Israel-oriented policymaking, Fisher dis- misses the notion with a wave of the hand. kept saying all along: Let's incentive to let the Jews not rub their faces in it leave," Fisher points out. . . ." Fisher was inclined to The Jewish pressure agree with them. He advo- groups were also partly to cated striking a deal with blame for - the overkill, the Soviets — beneficial to Fisher Says sadly. The So- all concerned and with all viet Jewry campaign devel- concerned able to live with it oped a momentum of its honorably. own which in the end over- In the light of hindsight, reached itself. Everyone he blames Sen. Henry M. acted out of the very best (Scoop) Jackson's (D. motives. Jackson "has al- Wash.) Presidenttial ambi- ways been a good friend of tions primarily for the im- the Jews," Fisher stresses. politic "overkill." The last But the overall result has straw for the Soviets had been to weaken rather than been the niggardly $300 mil- strengthen the leverage lion trade credits voted by wherewith it was hoped to Congress as part of .the most influence the Soviets to- favored nation clause. "The wards a more liberal emi- result is that they have little gration policy. ++4"14*****44 44+++++++44 4. 4 4 Princeton's BAR MITZUA, MEN While Donald Rumsfeld, President Ford's White House Chief of Staff, is cer- tainly a rising star in the Administration and a most Michael Schatz `Hatred of Enemy a Vital Quality of Syrian Army' son of Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Schatz of West Bloomfield TEL AVIV — article published by the 'Syrian army journal Jish a-Shaab dealt with the factors influ- encing the combat behavior of the Syrian soldier. The writer, Nabil Baluk- bashi, said in part: "The compulsory military emotions, loyalty to the homeland and hatred of the enemy increase the war- rior's courage, for these are the most difficult tasks con- ceivable. "The first thing sensed by the man in the battlefield is a surging of anger and hatred toward the enemy. This hatred reaches its peak and thus the warrior can ov- ercome many difficulties and dangers he would be incapable of overcoming under regular circumst- ances." 83. 111* 2 1" Bar Mitzvaed June 14th 4 Temple Beth El, Birmingham 1 1. 1 1. For Over 20 Years. Princeton Shop Has Been Dressing Young Men For 8 1* THAT "SPECIAL DAY!" Europe Arms Pact Aids Israel U.S. — NEW YORK (ZINS) — The decision of four Euro- pean countries (Norway, Holland, Denmark and Bel- gium) to purchase the U.S. made combat plane F-16 rather than the French Mi- rage F-1 is not only of im- portance to the American arms industry but also has vital significance for Israel. Best estimates are that America will be selling her allies approximately 2,500 aircraft. Mass production will substantially lower the unit price. Israel is interested in ac- quiring the F-16 and it is, therefore. in her interest that the plane be available at the lowest possible price. tio ti• Come In And Let Us Dress All Your Men tr) For This And All Other Mitzvas 1. 1 Old Orchard Shopping Plaza AMMON Maple at Orchard Lake Rds. 851-3660— West Bloomfield Mon., Thurs., Fri. 9-9 Tues., Wed., Sat. til 6 For Young Men Eight to Eighty 4 4 • • • • : Boys' & Men's Clothing SALE IN PROGRESS Savings Up to 50% 1. Ei• MASTER CHARGE BANKAMERICARD PRINCETON CHARGE iwimovilemoosmos***•••••••oefbmifl000mommo• • • • • 1 Shop Now & Save • • • • sie 41, si, ail, • • „. • • ,„ • : ++614+4ii4+++++++++61i#44++61444"1"Wmimi