16 Friday, June 20, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CJF Plans to Open Washington Office NEW YORK — Plans to set up a special office and staff in Washington by the Council of Jewish Federa- tions and Welfare Funds for the two-fold purpose of providing information and guidance on government fund potentials for federa- tions and their agencies, and in matters of national . -. • FIRESTONE • JEWELRY U holesfile Diamond, A. Jewel, Retrumntink, jewel, U h SUITE 315 ADVANCE BLDG. 23077 Greenfield at 9 Mile (313) 557-1860 Among the primary re- sponsibilities of the Wash- ington office will be the following: to provide ex- pert information and anal- ysis on specific govern- ment funds available to voluntary agencies; advise BIG JOHN'S TOBACCO SHACK 1 CIGARETTES S3.69 & 3.79 plus tax I legislation of priority health, welfare and edun- don concern to communities were approved by the CJF's board of directors at its re- cent quarterly meeting here. The new CJF Washington service, to be funded by a consortium of larger city federations through their respective endowment funds, calls for an initial demonstration period of three years with financing thereafter through the CJF budget, with operations likely to begin in the early fall. 933 S. Woodward bet. 10 & 11 — Evening Hours We Are Happy To Announce That MR. PHIL BRICKER is ready to serve His Many Friends & Customers at federations on how to ob- tain funds for which they are fully qualified as well as the potential for gener- ating additional funds for voluntary agencies; and to cooperate with other Jew- ish and non-Jewish agen- cies for these purposes. As planned, the Washing- ton office will provide weekly reports geared to practical use by community federations; guidance and assistance to community leaders and staffs on visits to Washington; the servic- ing of specific inquiries from communities; and in Washington regionally, will conduct seminars on legisla- tion and government fund- ing for federation leaders and staffs. The CJF Washington of- fice will also maintain liai- son on programs of mutual interest in the health, wel- fare and education field with representatives of other national Jewish or- ganizations and those of major non-sectarian and Christian _groups in Wash- ington. Trepper 'Band' No Musicmaker furs by ... TEL AVIV (JTA) — The Jordanian censor has re- cently revoked the ban on the "music" and "records" of "conductor" Leopold Trep- per and his "orchestra," it was disclosed. &MAK& Cf 600 181 S. Woodward Ave., 1 Block South of Maple Birmingham, Michigan 4801 1—Phone: 642-1690 PRICE Buy Smart Buy NOW While Trade Ins Are Worth More "A PHONE CALL WILL SAVE YOU MONEY" Harry Abram , Fleet Manager ALL OUR OLDSMOBILES HAVE SAKS APPEAL 35300 GRAND RIVER FARMINGTON HILLS I 478-0500 • 478-6677 Res. 968-5048 9 )442*I Jordan's General Control- ler of Publications, appar- erttly has just discovered that Trepper, now a citizen of Israel, is not a musician and that the "Red Orches- tra" he headed was the code name for a highly successful Soviet espionage network in Nazi-occupied Western Eu- rope during World War II. The Jordanian ban was decreed when Trepper came to Israel last year after years of struggle for per- mission to emigrate from his native Poland. The Jordanian censor meanwhile banned Verdi's opera "Nabucco" from Jor- dan "in any form" because the work presents an his- toric event "in a way that sheds a favorable light on the Jews and thus serves the Israeli campaign." BET WE'VE GOT THE BEST Selection of Backgammon Sets in town!! (at a price that's nice) You already know we have the best selection of jewelry! DIAMONDS • FINEJEWELRY • GIFT BOUTIQUE Iflunniat hipers L 31313 Northwestern Hwy. 114 ill 0ri9inui ere„lion AUTHORIZED APPRAISERS ESTATE LIQUIDATORS JEWELRY DESIGNERS . e zy-,41.3„,c, rsiw — S ui te 1 09 Farmington Hills A literary classic, made available in an English tran- slation from the Hebrew, as a major contribution to the Jewish bookshelf by the Jewish Publication Society of America, gains special consideration and added sig- nificance in an introductory essay of special merit. "Gates of Bronze," the famous novel by Hayim Hazaz (1898-1973) is in itself one of the most important novels with an historical aspect. In the English tran- slation it has the added value of having been done into English by a highly qualified writer — S. Ger- shon Levi. At the same time, the 15-page introduction by Robert Alter fills an added purpose. It offers a biogra- phy of the great writer and in the process analyzes the events marked by the story narrated in the novel. While the Hazaz novel appears posthumously, it had already gained fame as one of the great master- pieces by the eminent and highly acclaimed Hebrew author. His prize-winning novel, a work defining Judaism and Jewry in an age of revolution, is historical and deals with the lives and fortunes of a settle- ment — Cherto Ossied- losti. It is a landmark of Hebrew literature. In Hazaz's fictional vil- lage of Mokry-Kut, the most portentous currents con- verge. It is a place where the generations contend and id- eologies clash, where a way of life is painfully disinte- grating. Caught up in the mael- strom is a rich gallery of characters, old and young, each who embody a variety of contradictory beliefs, as- pirations, and emotions. There is the heroine Leahtche, the daughter of Reb Simcha Hurvitz, whose belief in Bolshevism con- flicts with her desire for romantic love. Her life becomes inter- twined with the Jewish Bol- shevik, Polyishuk, "The take-charge man; always on the job," and Sorokeh, the "anarchist-individualist-in- ternationalist," Hazaz's most complex and signifi- cant portrayal. Sorokeh, the son of a famous rabbi and a youth- ful student of Torah has turned from the tradi- tional Jewish way of life but not from the Jewish quest for redemption. GRADS 14 `Gates of Bronze' in English 851-7333 The ultimate theme of the novel, as Robert Alter points out in his introduc- tion, is the "debate between universalism and particu- larism that is at the heart of all modern Jewish history." The Jews of Mokry-Kut, suffering through the hard- ships of the Russian Revolu- tion in 1917-19, personify this essential conflict. Their story in its sum constitutes a powerful assault on the contradictions of Jewish re- volutionary universalism — which also makes it an in- structive text still relevant in the last decades of the 20th Century. Alter's brilliant introduc- just very difficult. In the instant case it is doubly difficult because there is so much of Hazaz that is necessarily lost in the transfer to English — not only overtones, but whole tones, images, allusions rich and complex, even ideas. HAYIM HAZAZ tion traces the background of Hazaz's "Gates of Bronze." Alter thus de- scribes the step-by-step de- velopment of the JPS-pub- lished novel: "The kernel of his novel, `Gates of Bronze,' first ap- peared in print in 1924 in the periodical Ha-Tekufas, as a series of fictional vig- nettes entitled 'Revolu- tionary Chapters.' In 1956 Hazaz radically revised and expanded these chapters into a short novel. In 1968, four years before his death, he published a new version of the novel, almost twice as long, with certain signifi- cant additions to the histori- cal picture presented in the earlier material. "As the book grew in length, Hazaz's conception of how he must handle his subject became firmer, moving away from effects of decorative elaboration through imagery and flaunted grotesquerie in the first version (qualities he would remain addicted to in other works) to a spare, concentrated pres- entation of the conflicts between classes, genera- tions, and ideologies in the second version, finally rounded out with greater novelistic specification of scene and subsidiary char- acters in the final version. Specific episodes and characters, however, re- main substantially un- changed through all three treatments of the subject Alter's definition of Haz- az's immense literary activi- ties conclude with this ob- servation: "Hazaz needed Hebrew in order to define his Jewish material with some pro- fundity of historical dimen- sion, to take its measure through and against the ac- creted meanings of its own distinctive terms; and, of course, he needed his Jewish material in order to describe the full impact of the Revo- lution at the point he knew most intimately and could probe deeply." Publication by JPS of the Hazaz classic gains added significance in the transla- tor's comments on the proc- esses of translating a work that contains many other foreign words in addition to the Hebrew text from which "Gates of Bronze" has been rendered into English. In his translator's pre- face, S. Gershon Levi wrote: "It is not true that tran- slation is impossible. It is "Lost, too, is the una- bashed use by Hazaz of Rus- sian, Ukrainian, and Yid- dish words and idioms. Only a limited number of these could be refracted through the prism of the translation offered here." "This is said, not by way of apology, but of warning. Let not the reader imagine that he holds in his hand anything like a facsimile of the original. It would be more appropriate to call these pages an echo, a rever- beration of the novel from which they are drawn." Friend of Arabs Nomination Hit President Ford's nomina- tion of Colorado beer manu- facturer Joseph Coors as an appointee to the Corpora- tion for Public Broadcasting has aroused indignation and strong protests. Allen Lesser, writing in the Zionist Organization of America's "Perspective," said that Coors is a close friend and political sup- porter of Lebanese anti-Is- rael lobbyist Samir J. Zak- hem. Coors helped finance Zakhem's successful 1974 election to the Colorado leg- islature. Zakhem's brother is a division chief in the Le- banese Information Minis- try, and in 1973 accused American Jews of disloy- alty by giving allegiance only to Israel. In 1969 the elder Zakhem wrote that Israel had "brainwashed" the American public. Coors' appointment to the politically-sensitive Corpo- ration for Public Broadcast- ing is being considered by a subcommittee of the Sen- ate's Commerce Committee headed by Sen. John 0. Pas- tore of Rhode Island. Jewish Agency Reunites Brothers JERUSALEM (JTA) — Two brothers who had lost contact with each other for 45 years were reunited here last week with the help of the Jewish Agency's "Search for Relatives" de- partment. Benno Weiner, who immi- grated to Israel from the So- viet Union two years ago, applied to the department to help find his brother, Isi- dore. At the same time, Mrs. Sara Berkowitz of Ki- butz Beeri in the Negev asked the department to find Benno on behalf of her brother-in-law, Isidore Wei ner of Montreal, Canada. The department made the connection and Isidore flew in from Montreal this week. The Jewish Agency depart- ment handles some 600 queries each month, most of them from Soviet immi- grants.