30 Friday, June 13, 1975 Danny Raskin's LISTENING POST THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Many Israelis In Bad Housing JERUSALEM (JTA) — A survey by the housing min- istry disclosed that some 64,000 families live in sub- standard housing in Israel's urban areas. The survey classified sub- INVITATION COMES the kids of course getting standard housing into three FOR July 5 shindig in form samples . . . If the Shaarey categories. It found that of a testimonial ... written Zedek Nursery School had 23,000 Jewish families live by Moe Miller . . . "On July election of officers, little in damaged flats; 26,000 4, 1935, the following ques- Barry would be a sure bet families in overcrowded tions were asked and an- for president! apartments and the balance swered in the affirmative: "I DO" DEPT. . . . Ei in housing that is both over- Do you, Lena Levenson, tan Kandel and Lisa Black crowded and unfit because take this man- to be your are engaged . . . for a mid of its poor physical condi- lawful wedded husband? Do dle-aisle session set for ar tion. you, Moe R. Miller, take this ound Passover of next year. The survey said that woman to be your lawful DON'T PUT Scotch tape many families live in Arab wedded wife? After 40 years on registered mail. houses which were deserted and extensive travel from TUNE IN CHANNEL 2 by their original occupants 12th Street to Linwood, to Saturday night, 11:30, for in 1948. Large areeas of Dexter, to Seven Mile Road, the Ninth Annual Victor such housing in the towns of to Eleven Mile Road, won't Awards Spectacular by City Ramallah and Lod must be you please celebrate with of Hope Sportsmen's Club razed or extensively reno- the Miller family this im- . . . originating from Las vated, the ministry said. portant milestone in their Vegas . . . An estimated The survey noted that the lives so that with good for- 150 stations across the coun- situation was not much bet- tune, health and happiness, try will carry the show, ter in the crowded ultra- we can travel to Eighteen with Buddy Hackett, m.c., Orthodox Mea Shearim Mile Road?" Liberate, Connie Stevens, quarter of Jerusalem. Unfit GIVE APPLAUSE TO Bill Cosby, Ann-Margaret housing must be torn down, . . . the Oak Park Post Of- and other top celebs . . . the ministry said. fice employes on Nine Mile plus a host of great athletes Rd. . . . Don't think their ,who'll receive awards. job is as easy as it may look LOOKING BACK on Israeli to Aid U.S. behind those counters . . . columns of yesteryear . . takes a lot of patience with Jan. 5, 1962 . . . "Robert Jewish Centers some of the people who Taub, nine-year-old son of - JERUSALEM — Dr. Hil- come in there . . . The fel- Mr. and Mrs. David Taub, lel Ruskin, head of the de- lows get their mail off for went with his 4th grade partment of physical educa- them . . . Or people with . class and teacher Etta tion at the Hebrew nonsensical questions like, Weitzer to see Santa Claus University, will spend the "How much is postage to- at Vernor School . . . When next two years "on loan" day?" . . . or "Can I mail a it came his turn, Robert from the university as spe- box to my brother in Ari- asked Santa for a dreidel zona even though it doesn't . . . The white-bearded gent cial scientific adviser on health and physical educa- have anything in it?" furrowed his bushy eye- tion to the National Jewish SUE BAND pens corn- brows, took a deep swallow Welfare Board, which over- and said, "Next." plaining letter about every- sees community centers and Jan. 26, 1962 . . ."Ask thing being youth oriented cultural centers in most of her friends and they will tell for single people . . . the Jewish communities of isn't anything mentioned as you Marian Stein has brown the United States and Can- to where single girls over 40 eyes . . . But take a closer ada. can go to meet Jewish single look next time and you'll see These centers operate a t men, not boys." asks Sue, they re blue! Optometrist large variety of sports and "Why do synagogues cut off hubby, Dr. Ben Stein, local physical fitness programs, c their singles activities at age contact lens specialist, is the enjoyed by a substantial 40, and why not start reason . . . He wanted her portion of the Jewish popu- groups at age 40 so mature to have blue eyes and fitted lation. Most of the institu- men and women can meet Marian with a pair of co- tional Jewish summer lored contacts . . . Now Ben each other" writes Sue. camps in the United States wants Marian to change are connected with the DURING THEIR TRIP back to blonde hair to match board as well. through Europe, some years her new lovely blue eyes! ago, Rudy and Bess Izen . . . What color eyes do you loved Scotland . . . "In want, gals? Glasgow, we stayed at the FEB. 23, 1962 . . . Soviets Warn Central Hotel, which is lo- "March issue of Inside De- Against Sabotage cated in the railroad station. tective magazine has a story It's the first time I've ever about barrister Harry An- By Palestinians had a room with an adjoin- bender's work in freeing a COPENHAGEN (ZINS) ing locomotive. I wouldn't murder suspect convicted to — Soviet security agencies have minded so much, but life imprisonment for a have issued an open warn- every 10 minutes my bed crime he didn't commit . . ing hereagainstthe possibil- was leaving for Dundee!" The article tells how Hy ity that Palestinian terror- THE 23 KIDS in his class Lewis used his hypnosis on ists may commit acts of at Shaarey Zedek Nursery the suspect to learn why he sabotage against ships pass- School . . . plus 6 adults couldn't have done it, plus ing thrOugh the Suez Canal. . . . can thank 4-v ear-old other valuable information Local editorial comment that eventually led to his Barry Feldman, ' son of regards this warning by the Debbi and Mike Feldman freedom . . . This is the Soviets as most unusual. for an unusual good time first time hypnosis with a They attribute this Soviet . . . They were all taken on murder suspect has been alert to a fear that pro- an eye-opening tour of dad's used in Michigan. Chinese Palestinian ele- Dexter Davison butcher WHILE IN TOWN re- ments would gamble on shop . . . shown different cently, Bess Nader, ex-De- sinking oil transports, thus meats and how hamburger troiter now teaching ele- hlockir.4- the canal to naviga- is made . . . Each of the mentary school in Des lion. kids was given four lamb Moines, Iowa, told about rings and the adults Scotch having her class write a lamb chops, both sold only homework composition ti- BB Cites Dinitz at Mike's place . . . He took tied, "My Dog." . . . After them next door to Mertz reading all the comps, she WASHINGTON (JTA) — Bakery and shown how the called up one boy and said, The Eastern District of Can- ovens worked in hack . . 23 "Your composition is the ada of Bnai Brith has awarded its David Ben-Cur- packages of cookies were same as your brother's — passed out . . . Then to the word for word." ... And the ion Memorial Award to Is- Bagel Factory and how ba- boy answered, "Why 'not? raeli Ambassador to the TT S LARCO'S Fine Italian-American Cuisine Deliciously Prepared lot the Discerning Tosle • BANQUET FACILITIES Now: Open Sunday 12 Noon 7523 W. McNichols Rd. UN 2-6455 TALIAN-AMERICAN CAFE • LUNCHES • DINNERS • COCKTAILS ENJOY A NEW DINING EXPERIENCE RIKSHAW INN ORCHARD MALL Orchard Lake North of Maple (15 Mile) 851-6400 ADAM'S RIB PRIVATE BANQUET FACILITIES CLOSED SUNDAYS 17630 WOODWARD (4 Blks. N. of 6 Mile) For Reservations Attendant Parking 869-3988 FOR PARTIES 544-1240 JAKKS Restaurant and Lounge 25234 GREENFIELD, 1/2 BLK. N. OF 10 MILE IN THE GREENFIELD CENTER 546-1224 Sparkling Spring Sounds BOBBIES' BASH Sunday Concerts Featuring on June 15 New McKinney's Cotton Pickers CLOSED SUNDAYS DURING THE SUMMER • CHOPS • STEAKS : WE ARE OPEN FOR : • CATERING • ALL OCCASION PARTIES • • : SATURDAYS, 12 to 3 p.m. and SUNDAYS ALL DAY : • SEAFOOD • FINE LIQUORS 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. ALL DINNERS ARE COMPLETE, INCLUDING SOUP, SALAD, POTATO OR VEGETABLE, COFFEE, TEA OR SANKA Dinners/Cocktails Available • ENTERTAINMENT AND $2.50 per person cover Reservations 642 3700 - OUR FAMOUS DELICIOUS BAR-B-Q SPARE RIBS LUNCH SERVED MON.-FRI., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. DINNER ALSO SERVED MON.-SAT., 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. 3 0100 Telegraph Road North of Twelve Mile a • • 14/111111ES Your Host Herb 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Goldberg PIANO BAR ENTERTAINMENT LATE EVENING MENU WED. THRU SAT., 9 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. COCKTAIL HOUR PIANO BAR FUN WITH GEORGE NICHOLLS TUES. THRU FRI., 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Bring Dad This Sunday, Father's Day, To Act/19 Pffeti 4pmatit's affemTe0auttatit 29515 SOUTHFIELD ROAD AT 12'1 MILE ROAD Across From The Sears-Southfield Plaza We'll Take Good Care Of Him also For Delightful Parties In Our Private Downstairs Banquet Rooms Call Our Gracious Mary Ellen at 424-8780 A