THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Women's Clubs WHITEHALL-CHAI CHAPTER, Pioneer BNAI MOSHE SIS- TERHOOD will meet noon Women, will hold a business meeting 8 p.m. Monday at the Whitehall Apts. club house. Plans for a luncheon will be discussed. Guests are invited, and refresh- ments will be served. * * * Monday at the synagogue. Mrs. Eva Kohn is program chairman. Rena Tobes, president, will give her an- nual report. Members to be honored include: Rose Gran- itz, Pearl Iczkowitz, Serena Brumer, Hedda Blum, Ka- thy Kahn, Gizella Tobet, Marianne Reinstein, Marian Nueman, Belle Simon and Anne Milgrom. A program will be presented, and a des- sert luncheon will be served. * * * WINCHESTER CHAP- TER, Women's American ORT, will have its third an- nual mah jong and games light 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in le Tel-12 Mall community room. Refreshments will be served, and there will be prizes. There is a charge. BE HAIR FREE ELECTROLYSIS $7.50 2 hr. Lotest medically approved dermatology equipment used Mrs. S. Steiner 35 Years Experience Doctors Referrals LI 5-4700 PURITY CHAPTER, Order of Eastern Star, will hold a business meeting 7:45 p.m. Monday at the Oddfel- lows Temple. Refreshments will be served. * * * BETH SHALOM SIS- TERHOOD will hold its installation of officers noon Wednesday at the syn- agogue. Mrs. Sol Lipson will be installed as president. Yemenite and modern Is- raeli folk dances will be pre- sented. A petite buffet luncheon will be served, and guests are invited. S • 0 • S • (Sunday Only Special!) June 1st. 20% OFF on all our new PANT SUITS • 30% OFF on all remaining SPRING COATS • Odds n' Ends of AFTER-5 WEAR I, PANT SUITS 1/3 to 1/2 OFF • - Open Thurs. Fri. Sat. 'til 9 SUNDAY 12 to 5 BankAmericard BURT R. 0 1•7" G.AM:!,P AN: HARVARD ROW MALL NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will have a luncheon honoring Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saslove who are leaving to make their home in California, noon Wednes- day at the Lincoln Towers Apts. club house. A scholar- ship will be established in honor of the couple. For res- ervations, call the president, Fanny Press, VE 6-6768. Guests are invited. * * * PRIMROSE BENEVO- LENT CLUB President Mrs. Martha Nitzken an- nounces a meeting will be held 8 p.m. Monday at the Zionist Cultural Center. Election of officers will take place, and Mrs. Irene Rod- man, slate chairman, will present the nominees. Es- telle Alter and her commit- tee will serve refreshments. NEW YORK — Simone Levitt, wife of builder Wil- lian J. Levitt and a promi- nent social leader, was named chairman of the 1975 inaugural luncheon of the women's division of the An- ti-Defamation League Ap- peal, June 11 at the Hotel Pierre. The appointment was an- nounced by Mrs. Theodore Silbert, general chairman of the division. Mrs. Silbert also announced that honor- ary chairmen for the lunch- eon are Mrs. Dwight D. Ei- senhower; Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson; Mrs. Nelson A. Rocifcefeller; Mrs. Abraham D. Beame; Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman; Mrs. John V. Lind- say; Elinor Guggenheimer, To encourage you to shop on Sunday — all our brand new Pant Suits are reduced 20% — this one day only! Hurry in for great savings! Sorry, layaways and previous sales not in- cluded. • American ORT, installed the following officers at a recent Mother-Daughter Installation Dinner at Cong. Shaarey Zedek: president, Mrs. Louis Viedrah; vice presidents, Mesdames Er- nest Beren, Stanley Sucan, Joel Willens, Burton Schwartz, Lloyd Ruby, James Gottfurcht, Irving Markel, Morton Feldman, Irving Barit and Bernard Blase; treasurer, Ben Lusky; and secretaries, Her- bert. Samovitz, Paul Sheri- zen, Allen Woodell and Cheryl Davidson. Board members are Mesdames Joe Climstein, Milton Weitzer, Sol Cash, Michael Levine, Marvin Siegel, Jerry Cher- now, Howard Ranen, Stan- ley Blankman, Joseph Crys- tal, Mike Shapiro, Harry Weitzer and Leo Papp. * * * Mrs. Levitt Heads ADL Women Event while they last! Master Charge TOWN AND COUNTRY CHAPTER, Women's 11 Mile & Lahser, Southfield commissioner of the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs; Dr. Lilly Bruck, director of consumer education for the depart- ment; Pulitzer Prize-win- ning art critic Emily Gen- auer and Bess Myerson. The luncheon will feature the presentation of ADL's Rita V. Tishman Human Relations Award, conferred annually upon a woman for "dedication to translating democratic ideals into a way of life for all Americans." The event also launches the women's division's par- ticipation in a nationwide effort to finance the ADL's human relations programs. SHARONA CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold a plant- party at its next meet- ing S p.m. Thursday at the home of Adrienne Gold- baum, 18521 Midway, Southfield. * * * CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, will have a social meeting 11:30 a.m. Monday at the Northgate Apts. club house. PlanS for summer ac- tivities will be discussed. President Jeanette Serling invites guests. * * * BETH ACHIM SISTER- HOOD will install officers and board members at an oneg Shabat luncheon 12:30 p.m. Saturday following services in the synagogue. Mrs. Arthur Schussler will be installed for her third term of office as president by installing officer Mrs. Irving Chaiken, president of the Michigan Branch of Women's League for Con- servative Judaism. Mrs. Donald Davis is chairman of the afternoon. Attendance at the luncheon is by reser- vation only. * * * Friday, May 30, 1975 37 KINNERET CHAP- TER, Pioneer Women, will meet noon Monday at the Lincoln Towers Apts. club room. Pearl Chafetz, presi- dent, announces Rebecca Warren will present a pro- gram on "I. L. Peretz," com- memorating the 60th anni- versary of the author's death. Committee reports will be given and refresh- ments will be served. Guests are invited. * * * NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP (Nine Mile area) will meet 3:30 p.m. Saturday at Cong. Mishkan Israel, 14000 W. Nine Mile. Rabbi Sholom Ber Stock will speak. DAVID HORODOKER WOMEN'S ORGANIZA- TION will have a luncheon June 17 at the Northgate Apts. social hall. Hostesses are Janet Ginsburg, Mary Gutterman. Dorothy Kreis- ler, Dorothy Schecter, Fay Luchtan and Rose Schwartz. For tickets and information, call Mrs. Harry Schechter, 557-6674. * * * NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP (10 Mile area) will meet 3:30 p.m. Saturday in the home of Mrs. Joseph Hirsch, 24500 Radclift, Oak Park. Rabbi Hirsch will speak. * * * CITY OF HOPE CAN- CER FIGHTERS executive board will meet 8 p.m. Mon- day at the home of Mrs. Ir- California Miss to Wed Detroiter win Kanat, 24595 Lee Baker, Southfield. YOUNG WOMEN OF JEWISH NATIONAL FUND will hold its last luncheon meeting of the season noon Wednesday at the Cranbrook Club Center, 18187 South, Beverly Hills. Max Shaye, artist and phi- lanthropist, will speak and show his paintings. There is a charge, and guests are in- vited. For information, calf the JNF office, 968-0820. MISS STOWE Hadassah to Hold Annual Installation Metropolitan Detroit Chapter of Hadassah will hold its annual installation 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Mrs. Morris Adler will be installing officer, Mrs. Nor- man Rosenfeld, chairman of the day and Mrs. Eli Gross, director. An original musi- cal presentation entitled "Ms. Hadassah-1975" will be presented. Program participants in- clude Mesdames Leonard Baruch, Victor Linden, Jer- ome Kaufman, Stephan Gurman, Sidney Feldman, Daniel Levitt, Irwin Wilner, Louis Wohl, Irving Yura, Leslie Schmier, David Edel- man, Harry Platt, Jack Sol- way, Harold Hoffman, Ber- nard Stollman, David Schurgin, Nathan Sober- man, Fred Garon and Ivan I. Meisner. Mrs. Bryna Nalibow and Mr. Irving Stowe, both of Long Beach, Calif., an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Soni Lee Stowe to Mark Steven Schneider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Schneider of Selkirk Ave., Southfield. Miss Stowe will begin studies for a nursing career in the fall. Her fiance was graduated from New York University and is a master's degree candidate in instruc- tional media at California State University. '- -or a man. For a woman. For any gift-giving occasion. A heavy 1 1 /8" sterling silver initial hangs from our most popular sterling key ring. Split in ring makes it easy to add or remove keys. $12.50 GEORGE OHRENSTEIN JEWELERS Ltd. A July wedding is planned. • Certified Horologist • Graduate Gemologist • Goldsmiths • Precision Watches • Precious Stones HARVARD ROW SHOPPING CENTER HARVARD ROW MALL Lahser & 11 Mile—Ph. 353-3146 Come in for free color brochure illustrating many sterling and gold gift items. 24 Stores 8, Services 11 Mile & Lahser Our Exciting Collection of FALL FUR FASHIONS IN NOW Ready For Your Inspection Safe—Scientific—Temperature Controlled—Insured OF HARVARD ROW Designers of Fine Furs Deep Pelt Cleaning and Glacing HARVARD ROW MALL Repairing and Remodeling 21742 W. 11 Mile Road, Southfield 358-0850