12 Friday, May 16, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Tru faith finds expression in devotion. —Sholem Asch Act of Kneeling in Prayer Banned by Bible Tract Flint to Participate in UJA Mission The- Flint Jewish commu- nity will send some of its members on a United Jew- ish Appeal young leadership mission in November. A four-day pre-mission trip to Warsaw and Auschwitz is planned. Participating in the mis- sion will be Dr. and Mrs. Brian Beck, Dr. and Mrs ; Bruce Foote, Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Kasle and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Melet. For in- formation, call the Flint Jewish Community Council office, 767-5922. Dr. Beck reported that the Council's leadership de- velopment committee had a successful year. The com- mittee, headed by Dr. Beck, studied the operation of the FJCC and hosted several speakers in a variety of fields. A major activity of the committee was the host- ing.of a seder. 1 Sports Beat Larry- Wolf, a senior at Carman High School, was named to the second team in the south division of the Genesee County High School Hockey League: Marty Wolf was recognized for having scored 85 points for his team. Men, age 15-75, are in- vited to join the FJCC soft- ball team. Practice will be held on Sunday mornings with- games played on Thursday evenings. For in- formation, call Carl or Ste- phanie Rittman, 232-5716. Mrs. Rittman is forming a women's softball team to participate in a YMCA league. Anyone. interested in participating may 'call her. Couples interested in participating in- bowling in the fall may call the Ritt- mans. • In the Hadassah Bowling League, Muriel Patek still holds the game high score of 220, 262 with handicap. Marla Stone has a three- game high total of 498. Em- ily Bank has a three-game high with handicap total of 638. Members of the first place - team are Harriet Kahn, Muriel_ Patek, Elain Pier and Linda Wolpe. Aliya Conference 'Scheduled June 1 The Michigan Area Re- gional Aliya Conference will be held from 9 a.m. to, 4:30 p.m. June 1' at the 10 Mile Jewish Community Center in Oak Park. The conference Will focus on current issues and establish a regional council. Anyone interested in at- tending the Michigan Aliya Conference may call the Council office, 767-594.. Community Calendar May 19—Beth Israel Sister- , hood board meet- ing, 12:30- p.m., synagogue. • —Temple Beth El board meeting, 8 p.m., temple. 20—Bnai Brith Wom- en's Mah Jong Night, 7:30 p.m., River Forest club house. —Bnai Brith board meeting, 8 p.m. 21—Ann Lebster Chapter, Hadas- sah, luncheon and installation, 12:30 p.m.; Temple Beth - El. 22—Beth El Sister- hood luncheon for Senior Friendship Club, 12:30 p.m., temple. Mrs. Bayer; 238-7367, - or Mrs. Elk, 239-1654. Guests are invited. Mrs. Bayer chaired the re- cent District 7 Biennial con- vention at the Heritage Ho- tel in Detroit. Also attending were Mesdames Benison, Elk, Friedberg and Greenberg. The abolition of kneeling In prayer by Jews is one of the interesting examples of a custom's abolition simply because it had become char- acteristic of the forms of worship evolved by other religions. The Mohamme- dan custom- of removing one's shoes for prayer led to its abolition as a Jewish form of reverence,' and kneeling as an essential form of Jewish worship was abolished when it became ass@ciated with the Chris- tian Church. Telegram Bank Aids Threatened Diaspora Jews The rationale was found by interpreting the verse of Lev. 26:1 tb mean that it was forbidden to kneel or prostrate oneself on any ORT Women Plan Installation • Flint Chapter, Women's American ORT, will have its annual • installation and champagne gourmet lunch- eon, 12:30 p.m. ,Tuesday at the Flushing Valley Golf and Country Club. Rose Elk is -luncheon chairman, and Bea Greenberg will b•toast- mistress. Henrietta Kurtz, past' Michigan Region president and a member of the over- seas schools study mission, will install Eve Bayer, presi- dent; Carol Benison, Gayle Silverman, Tobye Weiss and Rose GoOdstein, vice presi- dents; Carol Hurand and Bea Greenberg, secretaries; and Harriet Friedberg, trea- surer. For reservations, call 1 Bar Mitzva Lorne Lebster, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lebster, will become Bar Mitzva 11 a.m. May 24 at Temple Beth El. OBITUARIES1 Miriam Bateman Miriam Bateman, - a Flint resident for the past 30 years, died April 29 at age 51. Born in Connellsville, Pa., Mrs. Bateman was a mem- ber of Temple Beth El and its sisterhood, St. Joseph Hospital. --Auxiliary, Hurley Medical Center Auxiliary and the Flint Institute of Arts. She resided at 1708 E. Second. She is survived by her husband, Dr. Lawrence G.; a daughter, Mrs. Steven (Rhea) Kutnick of Chicago; and one grandson. The soul is sustained by the regard for that which transcends all immediate purposes. The sense of the transcendent is the heart of culture, the very essence of humanity. The world is sus- tained by unworldliness. —Abraham J. Heschel Kneeling in prayer is no longer practiced by Jews. It was practiced during the biblical period, and specific reference to it can be found in the Bible, e.g. Daniel 6:11, - Ezra 9:5. During. the period of the Second Temple it was also characteristic of the Temple service, and the Mishna prescribes/ the 13 acts of prostration which had to be performed by those visiting the Temple. In addition, during the Avoda, on the Day of Atonement,' soon as the high priest mentioned the ineffable name of God, all those present grostrated themselves, according to the Encyclopaedia Judaica. The Flint Jewish Commu- nity •ouncil's community relations committee is seek- ing subscribers to its tele- gram bank project. The telegram bank is used to express Jewish' commu- nity opinion on a matter in- volving Jews living any- where in the world. In the past year telegram banks were used for urging Congressmen to ,continue their support of the Jack- son-Mills/Vanik Amend- ment, urging Soviet officials to .mitigate penalties to So- viet Jewish activists, urging the President and Congress to maintain their support of Israel and protesting the invitation to Yasir Arafat to speak before the UN. Mailgrams may be charged to a monthly tele- phone bill or may be paid for in advance at the JCC of- fice, 120 W. Kearsley. Arabs Prosper With Strawberries NEW YORK -- Most of the off-season strawberries in Europe come from Tira, an Arab village located 18 miles from Tel Aviv. Referred to by the Israelis as "Strawberryville," Tira has the highest income per capita of any non-petroleum Arab region in the Middle East. The Arabs have planted 350 acres in strawberries,, average 3,000 tons anually; more than 80 percent of Is- rael's total strawberry pro- duction. This year the 9,500 residents of Tira expect to gross- about $2 million in what they aptly call "red 1. • 24 Pct. of Jews `Shy,' Study Shows NEW YORK (JTA) — Ini- tial results of the first sys- tematic study of why people are shy and how it affects their lives, now underway at Stanford University in' Calif., shows that only 24 percent of the Jews sur- veyed report themselves to be shy — about half that of most other ethnic groups. stone floor, with the excep- tion of the floor of the Temple. As a result, al- though the Aleinu prayer which concludes every service has the specific phrase, "and we bend the knee and prostrate our- "selves," etc., the act of bowing is not generally practiced. ems: WE BUYimmata vs g ISRAEL BONDS ANY AMOUNT — BEST PRICES PAID g TRANSMITTAL SECURITIES 'M 80 WALL Sl., NYC 10005 bk Am= (212) D, 4-8245 igsiza# For Custom Drapalre Cleaning, Call Nevertheless there are two exceptions the act of prostration in the syn- agogue during the Aleinu prayer of the Musaf service on Rosh ti ashana and Yom Kippur, and during the recital of the Avoda on Yom Kippur. — DRAPERY CLEANERS "All That The 'Name Implies" We Also Wash & Finish Drip Dry Curtains Professionally - The Custom of prostration during Aleinu was intro- ..duced because of the sol- emnity of the occasion, while with regard to the •Avoda its purpOse was to re- capture as far as possible the spirit of the solemn serv- ice on that day when the Temple. stood, so as to keep alive the memory of /the Temple. WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVE AND INSTALL 891-1818 Suburban Cal/ Collect Reverse Charges •SALES *SERVICE *PRICE Buy Smart Buy NOW While Trade Ins A Worth More "A PHONE CALL WILL - SAVE YOU MONEY" vop esa(w s Abram ar ALL OUR OLDSMOBILES Fleet Manager I.• HAVE SAKS APPEAL 35300 GRAND RIVER FARMINGTON HILLS 478-0500 • 478-6677 Res. 968-5021 ATTENTION JEWISH PARENTS The Pre-School program of Yesiiivath Beth Yehudah 15751. W. Lincoln Drive, Southfield, Michigan Is conducted in NEW, MODERN, SPACIOUS-FACILITIES By certified and highly qualified teachers FULL DAY PRE 7 A--CLASSES - • Balanced program of Hebrew and Secular learning activities • Sidur reading and conversational Hebrew • Carefully structured reading and math readiness program, geared to individual abilities • Hebrew stories, songs, holidays, plays, customs, etc. • Development of perceptual and motor skills • Opportunities for creative play and games • Activities in Science and Social Studies readiness • Supervised rest period • Fully equipped outdoor activities area • Large variety of indoor equipment NURSERY SCHOOL • Option for either morning or afternoon nursery • Well balanced program, alternating between learning and play activities . • Excellent facilities indoor and outdoor - Transportation to and from school For information- and enrollment call — 557-6750 Only a few more openings available in the Pre lA class.