THE JEWISH NEWS - Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue Qt . Jnly..20. 1951 Gernwq-nutou6H 10 ARAS‘FRIENDS% Member American Association of English-JeWish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published - every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription :i10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ DREW LIEBERWITZ Business Manager Alan News Editor . . . Advertising Manager Heidi Press. Assistant News Editor SABBATH SCRIPTURAL SELECTIONS • . This Sabbath, the 29th day of Iyar, 5735, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Peniateuchal portion, Num. 1:1-4:20. Prophetical portion, 1 Sam.' 20:18-42. Sunday, Rosh Hodesh. Sivan, Num. 28:1-15. . - portion, Exod. 19:1-20:23; Num. 28.726-31. Proph.etical portion, Ezekiel Friday, first day of Shavuot, Pentateuchal 1:1-28; 3:12. TYEPRESSO Candle lighting, Friday, May 9, 8:21 p.m. OL. II, No.9 Page Four - Friday, May 9, 1975 . f(EEP U? New Tr-ends in Scholarly Research Jewish scholars and lay leadership in Jew- ish communities in the free world are con- recorded factually and realistically, the newest developments in Jewish life must, similarly, be studied pragmatically. Throughout the world there is such an in- crease in intermarriages that the trend must be viewed with great seriousness. Nevertheless, in the interest of the genera- tion that stands firm and protects the spiritual and cultural inheritance the need is always great for an understanding of Jewish values, for a devotional pride that does not collapse in time of crisis or when there are temptations from the foreign cultures which are in great measure also part of the Jewish adherence to learning from all peoples. Then there is the decline in Jewish births. It is now the lowest of the three major religious denominations in the United States and it de- notes a decline that calls for urgent considera- tion. This is where Jewish scholarship plays a vi- tal role. The 'scholar must make certain that the - people among whom he ministers are knowl- edgeable about themselves and their people, about their history and traditions. How is the danger of mixed, marriages to be tackled? Are rabbis who participate as officiat- ing officials at such marriages to be condoned? Shall we depend upon knowledgeability about ourselves as a weapon against mixed mar- riages? Will it enable us, when need arises, to draw adherents to our ranks from the outside and also prevent alienation from ourselves? If gains can be made through adherents to our faith we will have overcome the menacing losses sustained by mixed marriages. Is there a communal obligation to conduct a campaign to encourage a desire for larger fami- lies? It is not enough to say that Jews are like other peoples, only more so. There may be no purpose in condemning the mixed marriage trend or merely bemoaning a decline in Jewish ranks. If the two trends are to be overcome it becomes necessary to know the facts relating to developments that emerge to challenge the wis- dom of Jewish leadership and the realism of scholarship that tests the trends. Historically viewed, the problems noted may not even be too seriously damaging. Inter- marriage and population decline is not new to Jewish experience. The many eras of persecu- tions which resulted in diminutions in Jewish ranks have recorded similar trends. In many centuries the Jewish population had been much smaller than it is today. In many lands Jewish communities vanished, only to rise up again from the ranks of the indestructible who have held fast to Jewish allegiance. This legacy of allegiance has not disap- peared. It is as firm today as ever. The continu- ity is unbroken. The weak may disappear, the strong remain. • If the smaller number of children in our schools will be the best trained Jewishly it will be a bulwark against whatever trends may con- , spire to cause numerical strength. Indeed, there is need for devOted' scholar- ship, for proper research for an understanding of the needs of the time. - All the warnings about reassessments re- late to these areas as well. If Israel's role is to be reassessed, even hind- sight admonishes that foresightedly there has to be realism as well as caution in dealing with America's friends. Wherever one turns in the world, from all the areas that have been assisted with American funds and knowhow, there continues to develop suspicion and even hatred of the people of this ,451 QHGEe. 7ei6 a. Shavuot Anthology Enriches JPS Series One of the most important anthological collectionds dealing with the Jewish festivals has just been enriched with the appearance of a volume on Shavuot. Rabbi Philip Goodman, editor of the festival book series made available by the Jewish Publication Society of America, has again ed- ited the newest JPS -work, "Shavuot Anthology." As in his previous works, Rabbi Goodman has gathered the most important accumulated literary material on the festival. Poetry, legends, history, fiction, art, music — every conceivable subject that has been related to Shavuot and contains the ethical, liter- ary and historic sites linked with the Shavuot festival are included in this volume. For the smaller Jewish student body we need the best teachers. As in the previous volumes, the extensive use of illustrations con- tributes interestingly to the value this volume attains for.readei-s of all ages and all factions in Jewry. For a knowledgeable popula'tion there - is the need for proper communication and the highest standards in schooling. Serious in nature, thoroughly traditional, Rabbi Goodman's work nevertheless includes material in a lighter vein. A section on wit and humor provides special enjoyment characterizing the festival appeals as a holiday both of Torah dedication as well as the spirit of a holiday that permits abandonment to the earthy. There is a lessening of panic over the new trends once Jewish experience is studied histori- cally. There is strength in Jewish continuity, there is indestructability in spiritual and cul- tural loyalty. As long as these are not to be lost and there is proper guidance through truly dedi- cated teachers and leaders, the future will never be bleak. \ Reassessing the Reassessment Cambodia and Vietnam, Greece and Portu- gal, have valid lessons for the State Department and the White House. Og(S q 4Et country. Only in Israel is there a firmness in friendship with the United. States. Only from Is- rael comes a powerful sentiment craving for the closest relations and cooperation. Yet reassessment has been applied only to Is- rael, and the escalating Arab hatreds are part of a mobilized propaganda campaign to undermine peace efforts. The time has arrived for a reassessment of the threatened reassessment. The need for prag- matic diplomacy is greater today, after the trag- edies in Indo-China, than ever before. Let there be a new devotion to traditional American jus- tice and fair play. There is also "The Culinary Art of Shavuot" and the section containing recipes, edited by Hanna Goodman, the wife of the book's editor, lends additional pragmatism to a meritorious effort in this anthological process. As in his previous holiday anthologies, Rabbi Goodman has included in the Shavuot work an essay on "Shavuot in Art" by the eminent Detroit scholar and authority on art history, Prof. Joseph Gutmann. The immensity of Rabbi Goodman's anthological skill is having combined the wisdom of the ages with the most modern and contemporary works dealing with the Shavuot theme. The authors from whose works he has drawn for this anthology include the Rabbis and Sages, the Bible and Talmud; Maimonides and the great commen- tators of the last few centuries, as well as the authors of current works. • The poetry and narratives for children serve an especially good purpose in the task of encouraging youth interest in and observance of the festival. The scholarly results of Rabbi Goodman's efforts on preparing the "Shavuot Anthology" justify his definitive note in his preface: "The prime significance of Shavuot today lies in its commemora- tion as the anniversary of the theophany on Mount Sinai when Moses received the Ten Commandments. This spectacular and unparalled event was the culmination of the exodus from Egypt. The saga of Is- rael's sojourn - in the desert •after their emancipation from Egyptian bondage is climaxed at Mount Sinai with spiritual freedom embodied in the Torah. Thus, following Passover, the Season of Our Freedom, comes Shavuot, the Season of the Giving of Our Law. The Decalogue is introduced with a reminder of the liberation from Egyptian slavery: `I the Lord am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage' " (Exodus 20.2).