12 Friday, April 25, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Camp Maccabee Registration Due 1 Community Calendar April 27—UJA Workers Breakfast and Briefing, 9 a.m., Council office. —FATY Mitzva Day, 1 p.m., Tem- ple Beth El. _ —Beth Israel Sis- terhood Art Auc- tion, 7 p.m. pre- view, 8 p.m. auction, Cong. Beth Israel. 28—Beth Israel Sis- terhood board meeting, 12:30 p.m., synagogue. —Temple Beth El board meeting, 8 p.m., temple. Bat Mitzva Lisa Failer, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Failer, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzva, 9:30 a.m. May 3 at Cong. Beth Is- rael. 29—Lag B'Omer —FJCC Leadership Development Committee meet- ing, 8 p.m., in home of Dr. and Mrs. Brian Beck, 3202 Helber. - —Bnai Brith Bowl- ing Banquet. May 1 —"Imagine" 6:30 p.m., WFBE-FM (95.1) _ —Jewish War Vet- erans Ladies Auxiliary board meeting, 8 p.m. —Cong. Beth Israel Board meeting, 8 p.m. Births 1 March 23 — To Mr. and Mrs. James Koenig, a son, Daniel Patrick. Women Name New President _ Grace Katz was elected president of Cong. Beth Is- rael Sisterhood at its recent election meeting. Other officers are Je- anette Blum, Bertha Feiler, Sharon Schreiber, Hilda Conn and Mickey Gotlib, vice presidents; and- Doro- thy Berman, Liz Schreiber, Marge Silverton, Diane Ring and Carol Benison, assist- ants to the vice presidents. Also elected were Bar- bara Klein, treasurer;_Mari- lyn Makrouer. Sue Himel- Flint Telegram Tells Solidarity With Protesting Soviet Jews Expressing solidarity with Soviet Jews in Minsk holding a hunger strike protesting the sentencing of Mark Nashpitz and Boris Tsitlionok, the Flint Jewish Community Co -uncil sent a telegram to Col. Lev Ov- sishcher, leader of the strike. The telegram, sent by the community relations com- mittee of the FJCC, read: "We support your strug- gle and are with you in your hour of travail. We will never forget or desert Mark, Boris, you and your friend's. Next year we will all be to- gether for Passover in Jeru- salem. Please respond 30-word telegram prepaid." Since the March 31 tele- gram was sent there has been no response. Accord- ing to the FJCC, Western Union cannot verify its reception in the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union will not permit ac- knowledgement of tele- grams. Another telegram, pro- testing the injustice of the trial of Nashpitz and Tsi- tlionok, was sent to Sergei Gusiev, chief investigator. The telegram asked for a new open trial with interna- tional attorneys to repre- sent the two. Participating in the hun- ger strike were Felix Ta- bachnik, Felix Rappaport, Grushi Khess, Andleni Khess, Michael Grichanik and Gregori t Comings . . . and . . . Goings Gary Boren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boren and a pre-medical student, was recognized "for outstanding achievement" at the honors convocation of the Univer- sity of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Mark Engelman, son of Dr. and Mrs. Raymond En- - gelman, was graduated re- cently from the Massachu- setts College of Optometry. Engelman received the Al- umni Association Award "for outstanding scholar- ship and involvement in the school as exemplified by his extracurricular activities." The Flint Jewish Commu- nity Council is accepting registration of campers for the 1975 Camp Maccabee season. The day camp will run for or a four-week ses- sion, July 14 through Aug:. 8. Holidpy Hills, the YMCA day camp facility near Fen- ton, w'll be the campsite again ,,his year. Bus trans- portation will be provided for all campers and counse- lors with three convenient pick-up points. For registration informa- tion, call the Council office, 767-5922. Hadassah Plans Talent Auction Ann Lebster Chapter Eve- ning Group, Hadassah, will hold a Talent Auction 8 p.m. May 6 at the home of Jan Eisman, 5290 N. Dyewood. Chairman of the auction is Lynn Weiss. Anyone interested in at- tending this meeting of the evening group may call Mrs. Eisman, 732-1781. • hoch, Toby Katz' and Lenore Kaplan, secretaries; Arlene Harris, parliamentarian; and Anne asher, budget chairman. Past presidents are Molly Weisberger and Sue Himelhoch. Shirley Marder and Tobye Weiss, chairmen, announce arrangements have been completed for the sister- hood's annual art auction to be held 8 p.m. Sunday in the synagogue. A. preview will be held at 7, and refresh- ments will be served. Anti-Boycott Leader Sees Few Ill Effects JERUSALEM (JTA) — recruit" American business- of that can be attributed to danger is that world busi- The man - in charge of Is- men for the joint invest- the military situation, the - ness firms will not realize rael's campaign to counter ment and trade council and general economic slowdown that it is not a strong body the Arab boycott believes conceded that any reserva- or Arab pressure. and will therefore give in to the boycott has done only tions about engaging in eco- He said that in the past, it . . . it is more of a poten- marginal damage to Israel's nomic activities in Israel certain foreign companies, tial danger than an imme- economy so far, that "it is a were damaging to Israel's such as the French Renault diate one." certain nuisance but . . . economy because it de- auto company, cut its ties James Adams, a member does not really hurt us" and pended so heavily on foreign with Israel and announced of the editorial staff of the has "never slowed down the investments. publicly that it did so Wall Street Journal, said rapid development of Israel, According to reliable because of Arab pressure. last month that "although not before the Yom Kippur sources, the problem was On the other hand, many the Arab boycott looks im- War and not after it." to recruit at least 10 Amer- foreign companies on the pressive on paper, in reality For that and other rea- ican businessmen not pre- Arab blacklist continue to it is confusing and disorgan- Flint UJA Chief s Attend Parley sons, according to Dan Hal- viously involved with Israel. ' do business in Israel and in ized." Halperin explained that Several Flint Jewish com- eral of the Jewish Agency; perin, adviser to Finance Sources indicated that the the Arab world — such as munity leaders were in •Irving Bernstein, executive Minister Yehoshua Rabi- businessmen approached the Hilton, Sheraton and In- Israel and Jewish organi- tercontinental hotel chains zations abroad, in a paral- Chicago recently to discuss vice chairman of the United nowitz, the counter-boycott feared Arab reprisals. and the Hertz auto rental lel campaign, deal with current conditions in Israel. Jewish Appeal; and Frank campaign is relatively lim- On the -other hand, the system, which operate in organizations that had Louis Epstein, Michael Lautenberg, UJA national ited. sources pointed out, a Halperin noted that Israel both Israel and Egypt. Melet, Esta Mitchell and campaign chairman. contacts with Israel in the U.S.-Egyptian Joint In- Richard Krieger attended He noted also that the past but showed signs of The delegates discussed was working with Jewish vestment Committee has the session. Ford and Leyland motor giving in to Arab pressure. the current situation in Is- organizations abroad, espe- been set up under Addressing Midwest lead- rael and Israel's future, the cially in the United States, already companies have assembly He noted that the Bnai the chairmanship of David plants in Israel despite ers were: Yigal Allon, Is- UJA 1975 campaign and the to counter the boycott. He Rockefeller, Brith Anti-Defaination president of raeli Foreign Minister; emergency cash needs of chided some of those organi- the Chase Manhattan continuous Arab pressure. League published a list of zations for focusing on com- (According to reports last such companies in New Moshe Rivlin, director gen- Israel. panies that have done and Bank. year, the British Leyland York in February, accus- still do business with Israel Avraham Shavit, deputy Co. is phasing out its oper- ing, among others, the Beth El Women A ntique Show Due while disregarding others chairman of the Israel Man- ations in Israel.) Chase Manhattan Bank of that have never had any ties ufacturers Assoc., stated surrendering to Arab pres- The sisterhood gift shop pating in the show will be with her. Halperin observed that sures because it was not that Israel is running out of and boutique and a tea room portrait artists Nancy Ul- when their own economic The issue of the boycott new investments and the willing to open a branch in featuring homemade pas- yang and Rita Skozin. interests are threatened, Israel. and its effects on Israel's effects of such a trend tries will be open. Partici- Tickets will be available economy, particularly the "the Arabs managed easily However, Halperin asked, to bend (their boycott) and what at the door or by calling the decline in foreign invest- would be felt in two years. about banks and other temple office. Free parking ments, arose from the fact Halperin conceded that —this must be made clear to economic enterprises of the Beth El Has also will be available. the world's economic com- same size that have never that no American busi- foreign investments have munity." Temple Beth El Sister- nessmen have been found dropped by an estimated 50 had any ties at all with Is- Special Shabat hood will have its 19th an- who are willing to be percent since the Yom Kip- Although he maintained rael, unlike Chase Manhat- Temple Beth El held a nual Eastern Michigan An- named members of ,the pur War. But he said it was that the boycott is a "paper tan which acts as a financial joint US-Israel Trade and impossible to tell how much Shabat Ahare-Kedoshim, a tique Show. noon-I0 tiger," Halperin said "the agent for the Israel govern- special Sabbath of partici- May 4 and noun-9 p.m. May Investment Council, a ment. (bonds) in the U.S.? body proposed by U.S. 5 in the temple. pation last Friday. "What kind of campaign can Dealers will exhibit old Treasury Secretary Wil- Participating in the serv- `Double Standard' at United Nations? be directed_against them ice were: Mrs. Michael Gold- prints, jewelry made from liam E. Simon during his when they can refute Israeli NEW YORK (ZINS) — man, Ilise Goldman, Diana: old fabrics and lace, quilts, visit to Jerusalem last consequence of political dis- charges by simply saying The _"double standard" ap- putes, and "that it is not in that Israel is not interesting Heidenrich, Mrs. Michael_ furniture, oriental objects year. Simon told reporters that plied by the UN, as it is Pelavin, Mrs.James Hal- of art and fine antique jew- the interests of the world enough business-wise?" the council would draw the presently constituted was lem, Fawn Germer, Dr. elry. organization to intervene' Halperin asked. attention of the American -evident in connection with Saul Gorne, Mrs. Milton Political observers were The counter-boycott cam- business community to the the mass exodus of refugees Panzer and Robert Segar. quick to note that when the paign therefore is directed fact that investments in Is- fleeing from the Communist issue concerned so-called only at those economic en- ANVILS During the Torah service, rael are in the common in- forces in Vietnam and Cam- Arab "refugees" the UN terprises against which Is- a new breastplate and yad Ours is a tradition terests of both the U.S. and bodia. demonstrated an almost rael and the Jewish eco- given to the temple in honor ripe with wisdom of years Israel. UN Secretary General unanimous concern for their nomic community have a of the 50th anniversary of and strengthened Halperin said he did not Waldheim declared that the plight, even when known clear and justified case that Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lande, by a thousand anvils. know "what efforts the U.S. situation of the refugees in murderers and terrorists can be proven, Halperin Were dedicated. —Sidney Greenberg government has made to Vietnam and Cambodia is a spoke in their behalf. said.