Al'S Foreign Car Service SPECIALIST IN Ladino Dying as Sephardim Adopt Their National Languages VOLKSWAGEN AND PORSCHE CARS CALL 548-3926 548-4160 541-9704 -nastet charge 1018 W. 9 Mile Rd. Alfons G. Rehme __Wappy a d FERNDALE MICH. Between Livernois & Pinehurst Ladino, the spoken lan- guage of Sephardic Jewry, ,seems to be suffering a fate similar to that of its Ash- kenazic counterpart, Yid- dish, in that it is a "dying language." According to an article written by Mordechai Me- vorach, released by the cul= tural department of the oyott3 asiiover to _AV World Jewish Congress, Ladino is "spoken by the older generation of Jews in Turkey, by their contempo- raries from Bulgaria, Greece and Yugoslavia, and by some Jews of, Egyptian origin living in Israel or dis- persed in various countries." Ladino, which originally stems from 16th Century Castilian, was spoken as the main language by the Jews scattered in the Balkan countries as well as -in the Middle East. The language was brought to the areas by Jews expelied from Spain and Portugal, and their lan- guage and customs made a lasting impression on the lo- cal Jewish communities and on Jewish refugees who came from other countries. This language already had absorbed bits from Hebrew and Arabic, and as the exiles settled they adopted - parts of the lan- guages of the countries in which they made their homes. An original art rendering by the Israeli-French artist, Nissan Engel, depicts the Morranos observing Passover in secret during the Spanish Inquisition. This also serves as a reinnder of .the oppression of three million Soviet Jews during the coming Passover season. Hermelin, Colburn & Colburn 314 Fisher Building Itzhak Moscona, chair- man of the Jewish Com- munal Board of Sofia, Bul- garia, who also is a linguist and scholar, has done much research into the develop : ment and use of Ladino. Moscona notes that the language spoken by Sephar- dim developed in three stages. Ladino was the first stage. Judezmo was a later- stage which absorbed some Turkish and Judeo-Espaniol is . a name he gives to the separate language which developed in the 19th Cen- tury under the influence of Best Wishes for a happy, healthy and joyo us Passover to the entire community FROM THE DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OF There's a Liberty State Bank & Trust Office In Your Neighborhood. 4 1 . - Liberty State Bank & Trust "Full Service Saturday Banking" West Bloomfield Township 6695 Orchard Lake Rd. Waterford Township 4330 Highland Rd. Other Offices: Sterling Heights. 'Clinton Township and Hamtramck . the schools of the Alliance Israelite Universelle when that language absorbed many French words. Some of this generation found it easier to use French than Ladino. Judezmo is basically corn- prised of words from four different sources: Castilian, 4,000 words; Turkish, 1,500; Hebrew, 500; and 500 of Greek, Arabic- and other derivation. The basic vo- cabulary consists mainly of Castilian words. According to Mevorach, much of the Castilian was used in the first period after the explusion from Spaiii. These words ex- press more highly devel- oped social relationships or belonging to the world of living things and natu- ral science. Since Jews did not serve in the Turkish army, many words per- taining to military matters disappeared. Hebrew is the source for the names of months, the festivals, prayer rituals and everything connected with religion and religious rites. Hebrew also is used to ex- press philosophical and moral conceptions, in suf- fixes and Jewish scholars incorporated Hebrew bibli- cal verses into Ladino sent- ences,'"so that these quota- tions have. become an integral part of the lan- guage." Arabic was used in the names of the days of the week. Since many of the 16th Century Jews lived under Turkish rule, they adopted words from that language to express economic functions, military conceptions and state services. Every wave of immigra- tion from neighboring Countries brought new words for the Ladino speakers. German and Yiddish also contritrited to the Ladino vocabu Ladino writers enrki-fed Ladino by adopting words from the language of the countries -in which they lived. The linguistic analysis of 3,500 Spanish proverbs collected by Moscona shows that the Castilian words not only serve as the core of the language but they are also are in most frequent use. Hebrew words constitute 8 percent of the vocabulary of the proverbs, with a recur- rent use of 3.3-percent. Jewish Courses Increase On Campuses Worldwide NEW YORK (JTA) There has been an upsurge in the number of Jewish students who want to take Jewish studies courses, not only in American universi- ties and colleges, but in all Diaspora countries. Prof. Moshe Davis, foun- der and former chairman of the Institute of Contempo- rary Jewry of the Hebrew University, said Sunday that an international Jewish faculty must be created to- provide the teaching and research for these,courses. Speaking at a meeting of the International and American Planning Com- mittees of the Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the headquarters of the Ameri- can Friends of Hebrew Uni- versity, Prof. Davis stressed that only a small number of the Jews on American cam- puses are -taking Jewish studies courses and many of the courses given are weak. Yehuda Bauer, -chair- man of the institute, said the Hebrew University school must not only do research and collect data on contemporary Jewish history, but must also teach the teachers of Jew- ish studies. Courses on the Holocaust are among the most popular courses on campuses, .ac- cording to Abraham J. Karp, president of, the American Jewish Historical Society and a professor of history and religious studies at the University of Roches- ter, and Franklin H. Littell, professor of religion at Tem- ple University. Dr. Littell said more Christian theolog- ical schools are adding courses on the Holocaust, including the Harvard Di- vinity School. Prof. Bauer noted that one of the major areas the institute is dealing with is the study of Jewish national communal organizations. He said it fs presently be- ginning research into the background of the United Jewish Appeal. Irving Bern- stein, UJA executive vice president, said the UJA is becoming more and more in- volved in adult education. ISRAEL ALIYAH CENTER, INC. 25900 Greenfield Rd. Suite 352 Oak Park, Mich. 48237 (313) 968-1044 Are You Aware That: There are many job openings .for professionals and technicians in the State of _Israel and many tax and other benefits available to Olim. We will gladly assist you if you're interested. for Information & Arrangements for Living and Working on a Kuhbutz Call for interview (313) 968-1044