.71-wm - 1.1MJI 1.1ELYT r FREE! . Matches Pr o rder of • Wedding • Bar & Bat Mitzva • Sweet Sixteen • or Shower Invitations with this coupon We specialize in _commercial & social printing ALERT PRINTING CO. Anti-Zionist Vincent Sheean Dead Obituary stories of James Vincent Sheean, the vi- trolic, militant, hard drink- ing, brilliant Irish author, who died in Italy, March 15, mention his anti-Zionist role. 22151 Coolidge (S. of 9 Mile) Oak Park 548-0221 PERRY , perry Ilk Drug Stores Wishes All Their Friends and Customers A HAPPY PASSOVER Sincere best wishes for a joyous and festive Passover Ruben Gold, C.L.U. Seymour M. Rosenwasser, C.L.U. & Associates 1 Northland Drive, Suite 236 Southfield, Mich. 48075 MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Springfield, Massachusetts. Organized 1851 -rnooy;-. - 1111OTC11 van: 11CW _VINCENT SHEEAN tine which might very well have been written by an ex- treme Arab nationalist. In it the marvelous Jewish achievements in Palestine, the heroic efforts of the chalutzim are glossed over to make room for and dis- play the array of Arab argu- ments which, as we know, are increasingly being sup- ported by the curved sword and the hatchet of the mur- derer. Mr. Sheean was in Pales- tine during the riots of 1929. He saw the havoc wrought by the Arab pillagers and he followed the bloody trail of Arab murderers of innocent Jewish'men and women and children in Jerusalem, He- bron and Safed. , Instead of siding with the attacked Jews, he sided with the per- petrators of the attack. He explained , that the unsatisfactory financial ar- rangements which he had made with the Zionist Or- ganization and which ena- bled him to go to Palestine during that year had noth- ing to do with his sudden switch away from the Jews and to the Arabs. Maybe that is so and maybe it is not. I am not charging that Mr. Sheean had sold himself to the Arab side, but the fact remains that that part of his book which deals with Palestine could not have been more pro-Arab and anti-Jewish had it been bought with Arab gold. He had gone to Palestine in 1929 in behalf of the New Palestine, was there during the Arab riots and turned into a bitter enemy of the Zionist movement. He con- tinued his venomous cam- paign against Israel through the years. In the early 1940s, Dr. Samuel Margoshes, then editor- of the Jewish Daily Day-Morning Journal, com- mented on the filming of Sheean's "Personal His- tory." The late Dr. Mar- goshes wrote: Of all the books I have read, it is Vincent Sheean's "Personal History" which, from a Jewish point of view, I would least like to see dramatized and shown to countless movie audiences. As a travel book, as a rec- ord of stirring reminisc- ences in various parts of the world, it makes very good reading. Mr. Sheean wields a trenchant pen and he can be very eloquent as well as caustic on occasion. But I do hold that Mr. Sheean has been most unfair to the Jew- ish people and particularly to that supreme effort of the Jewish people directed to- wards the establishment of MEYER WEIS GAL a Jewish national home in Palestine. Sheean, had been assigned In his "Personal History" •to the Palestine reportorial he has a chapter on Pales- mission by Meyer Weisgal, Piirover z•' Wish. Made Just for Our You is Very Warm and Special too May Happiness, Good Health, Good Cheer Fill This Passover and All the Year. MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK then editor of the New Pa- lestine. The Weisgal explan- ation of the incident is, therefore, of major import- ance. In his autobiography, "Meyer Weisgal — So Far," Weisgal, the eminent chan- cellor of the Weizmann In- stitute in Rehovot, Israel, wrote: My experierice with Vin- cent Sheean was very differ- ent. A young Irish newspa- perman, Sheean had a wide audience. He was attracted by the ideaOf a visit to Pa- lestine; the Zionist idea, too, interested him — I believe it was Dorothy Thompson, herself a convert at that time, who introduced him to it. Sheean understood that he would be free to write ex- actly as he felt, and I was perfectly certain that our Palestine would seduce him. And seduced he was, but not by the Jews. He was taken in hand by Mrs. Kitty An- tonius, the wife of George Antonius, the leading Arab intellectual of the time, and became convinced that the Arabs, not the Jews, were the coming force in Pales- tine. I must record that he returned all the money we advanced him, because he refused to write a single word for us. El Al to Get New Jumbo Jet TEL AVIV (JTA) — The new $41 million Boeing 747 jumbo jet that El Al will add to its fleet before the end of this year will be able to be converted from a pas- senger aircraft to a cargo carrier within 24 hours. Modifications enabling the swift conversion were ordered as a result of les- sons learned from the Yom Kippur War. . U.S. Aircraft Firms Lure Arab Buyers NEW YORK — American aircraft manufacturers are trying to sell warplanes to Egypt and Syria for the first time in many years. One ,firm, McDonnell Douglas Corp., exhibited its wares at the recent Cairo International Trade Fair. The firm's main ex- hibit showed a large model of a Skyhawk, currently used by both the' American and Igiaeli air forces. McDonnell Douglas is the first American company to have an exhibit at the an- nual fair. The firm also sent a. sales force to •Egypt to promote sales of Skyhawks. r it I I Yr)6i- Vienna College Offers Yiddish VIENNA (JTA) — The University of Vienna has started courses in Yiddish, attended by 15 students. One of them is Jewish, the others Christian. The lee.- turer, Dr. Jacob Allerhand from the Judaic .Institute of the university, said that Yiddish, in the near future, may become a dying lan- guage. Lubavitcher Rebbe Calls for the Use of Shmura Matzot NEW YORK — In his public address last Shabat at Lubavitch world head- quarters in New York, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, - called upon rabbis and Jew- ish leaders to advise their congregants and adherents to use "Shmura Matzot" on the Passover holiday. "Shmura," which means guarded, describes these special matzot because the wheat used in their baking is carefully protected against any contact with water from the instant it is reaped. Water could cause leavening and thereby dis-, qualify its use on. Passover. The Rebbe also urged the observance of selling all ha- metz before Passover. In his address the Rebbe reissued his call for a world- wide mitzva campaign to designate time every day for Torah study; that all men 13 and over put on tefillin ev- ery weekday; that kosher mezuzot be properly affixed to doorposts; that every home have the basic sacred books, namely, a Humash (Bible), siddur (prayer book) and tehillim (Book of Psalms) conveniently at hand; and that every home have a charity box for fre- quent contributions to a worthwhile cause. The Rebbe again called upon all Jewish women, in- cluding young girls from the age of 3, to light Sabbath candles at the proper time, before sunset on Friday eve- nings, and to also kindle hol- iday candles at the proper time. FACIAL HAIR PERMANENTLY REMOVED Eyebrows— Neckline— Arms— legs Recommended by Physicians FREE CONSULTATION SHIRLEY PERSIN Registered flectrologist ADVANCE BUILDING 23077 GREENFIELD Nr Room 260 Non1,1ond & Prov.clence Hospool PHONE 557-1108 15 yews Downtown KS.."00Z.,44b•WIZ:0e4Z0,4b....Z.M.**,(44NN"Z•04.40 ,0e. Best Wishes For A Joyous and Happy Passover ALPORT SCRAP AND SALVAGE CO. Fred Rapoport—David Fealk—Albert Borkin 7900 Dix Ave., Detroit, Mich. 48209 843-0721