if Friday, March 21, 1975 4 0 ( i e f•, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Happy Passover To All Our Friends & Customers MARTIN AND SUE WEISS & FAMILY OF MODERN BAKERY 13735 W. 9 Mile Rd. — Oak Park and 26060 Greenfield Lincoln Shopping Center WISH ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A - HAPPY AND HEALTHY PASSOVER BEST WISHES for a HAPPY PASSOVER To All Our Friends & Patrons . •. e.ria.v., Eitabiishird 1 924 NORTHLAND CENTER Assessing Jewish Situation: Does Past Presage Future? By JACK SIEGEL (A Seven Arts Feature) As is the case each Pas- sover, we recall the plight of the Jews in Egypt 3,600 years ago, with bitter herbs. Today, it behooves the Jew- ish community to assess problems around it. At the same time, a poll Probably central to this in Israel revealed that 75 thinking is the condition of perc.ent of the people do not Israel, faced as it is with en- have faith in Kissinger's ormous economic problems method. In which case, for and the wall of Arabs sur- whom is Kissinger working rounding it. The Middle in this matter, if not for the East, by virtue (or vice) of American and Israeli peo- being the center of political ple? It is something for and economic .(oil) turmoil, American Jews to ponder. is drawing the ire and fire of Some key and leading Is- many other world powers. raelis are leaning towards Whether the conflict there Geneva as the full vehicle will be solved by Dr. Kissin- for settlement rather than ger's step-by-step approach the salami, step-by-step or whether it will have to approach of Kissinger move to Geneva where the which many are now asso- two superpowers will co- ciating with the failure in chair, is iffy at this writing. Vietnam. If he should suc- Kissinger, on leaving for ceed so much the better. the Middle East, promised Certainly he should be given no panaceas, probably to an- all support in the attempt to ticipate the lack of success. succeed. But success.— for The Soviets continue to en- whom? gage in their political pur- We are faced with other suits in the same area_ The problems at home. Infla- Israeli prime minister has tion, of course, is a ge- publicly stated he favors the neric, not a Jewish prob- Kissinger approach, not so lem, although it hits Jews much because he thinks Kis- as well. It affects, there- singer's will prevail, as he fore, the involvement of Jews in campaign efforts wishes to avoid the Geneva not only for Israel but for conference to face the So- indigenous needs which, in viets whose position vis-a-vis the light of conditions Israel is not palatable. here, become more press- However, since 1973, according to , the latest Harris Poll in the U.S., sympathy for Israel has risen from 39 percent to 52 1111111111111111111111111111/ BEST WISHES' . for HAPPY PASSOVER ------ percent while at home the - major causes for inflation and recession are laid at the doors of the Arabs. Also a high percentage of the American people blame recession on strictly home factors. 11111•1111 ■ 11111 ■1■ 111111MMINIIIII•11 NORTHLAND CENTER MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION CENTER HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. SUNDAYS: NOON to 500 p.m. Northwestern at Eight Mile and Greenfield Roads All this winds its way to the center of American government, Washington, also to presidential politics and concern over who will head either of the two tick- ets. -Whether it will be the in- cumbent, President Ford or somebody else in '76 or one of the many Democrats as- sembling and jockeying for that nomination, the heart of the matter is the stand on issues: towards Israel, the oil exchange and as causa- tive factor in inflation, the trade deal with the Soviets which apparently, but not really hinges on Soviet per- mission for Jews there to emigrate. If that figure is 100,000, as Dr. Nahum Goldmann has said, who ultimately want out, the matter of -So- viet trade is more profound than Jewish emigration, around which Senator Henry Jackson is basing one of his claims for Jewish sup- port and constituency. The European situation mirrors the overall prob- lems confronting Jews. ing. We discover there is a Jewish poor, mostly among the aged, and this calls for attention as well as funding. What has lit up the matter has been the recent investi- gation into housing and care for the elderly where Jews, on either side of the investi- gation, figure - prominently. r While these human mat- ters go on, we find that there is an invasion of Arab finance and propaganda in the United States. Petrodol- lars in Arab hands are seek- ing out pieces of American business and land; and are moving into campuses with offers to universities of grants, provided there are no Jewish instructors or professors. And to cap it off, in terms of irony and conflict, an American concern in Los Angeles is training Saudi Arabians in how to protect L their oil fields. Against whom, one New York radio station asked, against the only possible threat, the Americans? Socialites Set Anniversary Dance Detroit Socialites will ce- lebrate its 19th anniversary with a dance 9 p.m. Satur- day at the Oak Park Com- munity Center. Johnny C will perform, and refreshments will be served. Fol' information, call Mollie Stern, 342-2791. Bankers there are being excluded, according to re- ports, from business deals with Arab consortia while governments are rushing higgledy-piggledy into arms sales with Arab countries. The only recent brighter note was French disgust with Arab terror- ism at their airports and the feeling that now, fin- ally something had to be done. But maneuvering persists, especially within the oil consuming nations, as they haggle for advan- tage with the oil producer (mostly Arab) countries., While the situation 573D years ago was tough, one of the reasons was that we were slaves. But today, we are free people, even in the Soviet Union, to the degree of our distance from Jewish tradition. While a Moses now wouldn't hurt, we have leaders, but the resolution to these problems facing the Jewish communities resides within the talents of the communities themselves and their need to know the facts so that they can act on them. Best Wishes For A Happy & Joyous Passover LESTER, HAROLD & RAYMOND GREENSPAN NOR LES SALES 2260 Scott Lake Rd. Pontiac, Mich. 48054 ■•■ Happy, Healthy Passover To All HANDLEMAN COMPANY 670 E. Woodbridge Ave. Detroit, 'Michigan HARVARD ROW Barber Salon TOMMY "the Barber" & ANKA "the Manicurist" Wishes All Their Friends & Customers A HAPPY PASSOVER For Appointment Call 357-0234