„ THE DETROIT JEWISH - NEWS .1 ■ 1110• ■■ • 19701 W. 12 Mile Rd. (Just East of Evergreen) 559-3377 • Businessmen's Luncheons • Complete Dinners • E FASHION SHOW EVERY WED.— MARGO'S BOUTIQUE HAPPY PASSOVER TO ALL 4. OPEN MON.-SAT. FROM 1 1:30 P.M. 1 BANQUET,FACILITIES UP TO 275 v`- WEDDINGS • SHOWERS FOR • BAR MITZVAS • • PARTIES FOR ALL OCCASIONS • 1■ 11111M11.111 ■ 1.1 RESTAURANT COCKTAILS BEING SERVED - JAPANESE TEPPAN STEAK HOUSE Featuring Food Prepared Before You • Businessmen's Luncheons 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 16825 MIDDLEBELT Just South of 6 Mile • Complete Dinners 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Closed Mondays 427-3170 EAuberge presents Seafood Sunday! That's this and every Sunday—a unique Seafood Buffet to round out your weekend. You start with our unusual appetizer buffet that's loaded with steaming chowder, glazed salmon. shrimps in the shell and other delicious treats. Then on to the Fre- Sh Salad Bar for your choice of a tempting salad that you make yourself. And then. the crovioning touch—platters and chafing dishes filled with baked fish, french fried fish, filet - de-sole. shrimp and other items from the ocean's larcier_that defy description. It's something you Won't want to miss, all at only $7.95 per person. And you can heighten all those glorious flavors with fine wines from our exclusive cellars. This Sunday, from 5:30 until 9 PM. Call us now for reservations. won't you? 643-7474. IL Menuhin Blasted in Israel • THE SUSSEX 110ITSE By MOSHE RON Jewish News Special Israel Corre- spondent TEL AVIV —'The Israeli population is angry at Ye- hudi Menuhin because he has isolated himself from the protest against UNESCO. Menuhin demon- strated his solidarity with UNESCO, which had con- demned Israel for its ar- chaeological excavation of Jerusalem. Beginning 30 years ago the Israeli press has carried accusations against Menu- hin. During the Holocaust Menuhin decided to travel to Germany to play in front of German children, who had suffered during the war. He played as soloist in concerts conducted - by German con- ductors, who were active during the Nazi regime. In "Davar,” Zeev Rav-Naf appealed to the Israeli art- ists to break off all relations with Menuhin. He also ap- pealed to all artists in the world not to .allow Menuhin to appear in concerts. In the course of the years Menuhin's "sins" were forgotten and he came often to Israel for Autumn Wedding for Cathy Kirsch concerts. His Father, Moshe Menuhin, had for years attacked Zionism and the Jews of Palestine, publishing articles in the German Neo-Nazi news- paper "Deutschenationale and Soldatenseitung." This is the newspaper of _former Nazi officers and soldiers who annihilated the Jews of Europe. Menuhin's father accused the Jews of expelling the Arabs from their soil. Menuhin was the first Jewish artist who came to the Bergen Belsen Camp in 1945, but the Jewish inhab- itants refused to attend his concert. It seems not enough for Menuhin, that hundreds of great non-Jewish artists and writers and scientists have broken their relations with UNESCO after its an- ti-Israeli decisions. Menuhin wishes to dem- onstrate common human feelings and prove that he was not subjected to narrow feelings for the Jewish peo- ple. Therefore, he always tries to play- for enemies of the Jewish people. PIZZERIA RESTAURANT * Bar B Q Ribs * Chicken * Shrimp * Sea Food Platter * Pizza * Spaghetti * Ravioli • Lasagna HOURS: MON. thrii THURS. 4 to 12 Mid. FRI. & SAT. 130-2 a.m. SUN. 112 Mid. 4033 W. 12 MILE Just E. of Greenfield Berkley • BEER 4ft WINE Dining Room or to Take 00, 548-3650 PRIVATE DANQUET FACIUTIES •111•1•1•111•11=11111 ■ óøe w. HURON PONTIAC. MICHIGAN • • • • • • • 0'. • • • • • • • • • • • Since 1960 . Good friends get together at . . . • • i SCUM =MIR 6 Jewish Sports Figure Honored WASHINGTON — Ed- ward Rosenblum,alamiliar • and popular figure in ama- teur athletics and in this • city's Jewish communal ac- • Something new at this old favorite. Menus that tivities for more than six • feature even better eating fora whole decades, has been inducted • lot less than you would expect into the Interdational • Sing along at the ChurChmen's Sports Hall of • Fame. Piano Bar and Rosenblum is a founder of enjoy the spirit. the Jewish Community Cen- • ter of Greater Washington • • • THURS. & FRI. and a long-time leader in SCOTCH'N SIRLOIN • LOBSTER • Bnai Brith activities. He ••••••••••••••••• BOIL $8.95 was among sports celebri- • 20480 James Couzens (the Lodge E>ipressway service drive) at ties honored at induction • the corner of Greenfield Road. Call 342-5660 for reservations. ceremonies held on the Uni- • versity of Tennessee' cam- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • pus. The Sports Hall of Fame is in Tullahoma, Tenn. AnOther of this year's honorees was former Uni- Restaurant-Delicatessen versity of Michigan football EVERYONE IS TALKING player and now President ABOUT...AND GOING TO FOR Gerald Ford. • Somerset Inn, Big Beaver Road, east of Coolidge, r .Troy, Michigan 48084 • MISS CATHI KIRSCH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kirsch of Brooks Ln., Southfield, announce the engagement of their daughter Cathi Su- san to Neil Lefton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lefton of Wildwood Ave., Oak Park. Miss Kirsch was grad- uated from Wayne State University. Her fiance at- tends WSU's school of phar- macy. A September wedding is planned. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THE SOMETHING DIFFERENT Fashion Show Focus of Women's Donor A fashion show will high- light the Maimonides Medi- cal Society Women's Auxil- iary donor luncheon to be held noon Tuesday at the The Apocrypha is the Raleigh House. Spring fash- term used to refer to those ions will be modeled. Mfs. Alfred Kreindler, books which were available during the Biblical period fund-raising chairman, is which some had claimed to coordinator of the luncheon be Holy and which the rab- and fashion show. Assisting bis had rejected from inclu- her are Mesdames Jerald Weinberg, Richard Zurkin, sion in the Canon. The term "Apocrypha" Ralph Coskey, Milton Na- indicates that they were thanson, Bruce Danto, Nor- "hidden away" or "kept se- man Wechsler, Edward cret." There are some who Bartholomew, Melvin Les- claim that this title was at ter, Leonard Schreier, Mar- first given to such works as tin Hart, Burton Epstein, those that were "hidden Bruce Kaplan, Leslie Man- away" because they con- del, Harold Glen, Seymour tained a certain mysterious Salesin, Leonard Sahn and or esoteric content which Abraham Gotman. For tickets and informa- was regarded as too pro- found to be read or commu- tion, call - Mrs. Kreindler, nicated by any but the 645-5244, or Mrs. Samuel Freid, president, 353-0547. learned and initiated. • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Carry- Out DINING ROOM XI AND TRAY CATERING STYLISTS Apocrypha Your Host, STEPHEN BECHARAS, WILL MAKE SURE EVERYONE IS SATISFIED! • DINING ROOM • CARRY OUT • DELIVERY BREAKFAST SPECIAL 7 a.m. to 1 1 a.m. Orange Juice, 2 Eggs (your choice), Roll or Toast, Tea or Coffee 99 ALL OCCASION TRAYS INCLUDE: Corned Beef, Pastrami, Turkey, Salami, Pickled Tongue, Chopped Liver, Swiss Cheese, Pick- les, Olives, Bread. 27167 GREENFIELD 1 BIk. N. of 11 Mile Next to Great Scott Market 559-1380 25 per person OPEN TUES., WED., THURS. & FRV., 7 A.M.-11 P.M. — SAT., 7 A.M.-1 A.M. — Sun., 7 A.M.-9 P.M.