, Y ' I urely Commentary Deluded Gangsterism Keeps Dragging Humanism Into the Gutter and the Oil-Rich Arabs .Glorify Stupid Terrorism . . . Jews ARE News Remains Dominant in the Media By Philip Slomovitz ws ARE News Remains the Dominant Factor in the World's Radio, Television and Newspapers n the most tragic earlier years of this cen- ry, under Czarism in Russia, during nry Ford's ignorant propagation of anti- mitism, when Charles Coughlin the de- ed priest was glorifying the fallacious otocols of the Elders of Zion forgeries, and en in the Hitler era, Jews were constantly the limelight. Many in Jewry's ranks were either puzzled embarrassed or hurt mentally or fright- r ed, and they asked: why does the press c ep us in the limelight, always outwitting sensationally in the headlines? That's when the reply, given so interest- gly, was: ws ARE News! Apparently this is still so, and perhaps the enforce that ideal,*Jews in Israel have learned to defend themselves and to warn that never again will there be a Holocaust like the Hitler-made mass murder. • They did not need to acquire that quality. It is taught them by history. If there is to be life, there must be self-defense for life. Now the hatred for Jewry is because Israel lives, because that name of the people also is the name of their state. And what a.state! A pinpoint in the vast area of oil-rich 20'Arab It's a bit better now. Jews are prominent nations who are united by a hatred for this in the professions, in finance and industry. little people determined to hold on to life. Yet others in the world, nations with les- But they have the audacity, having suffered a third of its world population to the bestiali- sons to teach them otherwise, are being mis- ties of the German Nazis, thep keep affirim. led by their oil-greedy diplomats to join in ing an old principle: "shall not die . . ." To the task of constantly rebuking little Israel. reasons are the same. In earlier years Jews were charged with being capitalists by the socialists and socialists by the capitalists. They were disliked because they always re- fused to abandon their faith. They were hated because, confronted with many obsta- cles, always battling for very existence, they had to be twice as good as the competitor if he was to be recognized as being half as good as his opponent in trade, and education, in skilled labors. , Jews not only make the headlines: they win the magazine cover emphases, as evi- denced in the recent Time Magazine article, "American Jews and Israel." Little Israel is begrudged the right to live. That's why there are people on a misjudged bandwagon called Palestinians. That's why there is so much terrorism — because bar- barians know no other way of striving for an end to Israel. That creates sensation — and the headlines! The situations have not changed very much, from the era of brutalities by nations and individuals to the present day. That is why the explanation today is like the one of the earlier 1900s: Jews ARE News.' ales of Horror as Terrorists Keep Brutalizing Innocents in Their Continuing World Vendetta of Hatred It is hardly to be expected that deluded gangsters who are trained to hate and to destroy at the risk of their own lives exercise a modicum of common sense in risking invasion f and attacks upon Israel. The amazing puzzle is that the leaders of these gangsters, who ncite them to murder innocent people, have not learned that operations like the one on he shores of Tel Aviv last week are futile. They are hopeless for the bandits and they .eveal the stupidity of the leaders. It is easy to come to the forum of the United Nations with gun in holster and to threaten Jews, Israel, the democratic elements of the world's .- ociety of nations. Why not? Isn't night day, black white, man beast, when the Soviet and Io fro-Asian blocs unite to attack Israel. What a peculiar role little Israel plays in the annals of mankind! People who hate each ther become partners in crime, are united, when Jews are the targets. \What does it all mean? Will the quest for oil become so demanding that even after Lod, Munich. Ma'alot, Kiryat Shemona, Tel Aviv and other incidents, that selfish among the nations will continue to worship Arafat and yield to his barbarism? The jungle assumes a parasitical form compared with the humanities evidenced in the rab domains. The Tel Aviv night of horior caught them gloating in their quarters. The y en murderers were hailed as heroes. In such an atmosphere, how can Secretary of State Henry Kissinger be expected to attain an understanding in a serious conflict? How can it be helped when the posers as statesmen, who are ever ready to condemn Israel in the aborted United Nations, have failed to speak out against the terror? How much hope is there for civilization when Pope Paul VI, who is ever sanctimonious in his peace sermons has again failed to speak out firmly against anti-Jewish brutalities? These are among the travesties experi- enced in the Middle East, bloodied by Arab-made terror. - Not a single Arab has deplored any of the Arafat-inspired horrors., Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger was the first to condemn what had happened on the Tel Aviv water- front. A few hesitant politicians in other lands echoed his sense of horror. Only the United States speaks out decently. Only this great Republic lives up to the principles of justice. Israel and world Jewry are grateful for it, and all of mankind can well appfeciate the American attitude of friendship for Israel. It sets an example for human beings to keep alive the human spark in al,vorld society that submits to brutality and medievalism under the inspiration of Arab bandits who boast whenever they kill. Their emissaries for mur- der never survive. That, too, is the lesson of humanism when contrasted with the common decencies which must be reconfirmed if man is not to be perpetuated into- beast. M udge Mack's Role as Libertarian Movement Leader Biographical literature, 'actualy presented, can rovide most fascinating nd instructive reading. It erges the personality with iistory and defines the tem- 2erment of the time in which the hero of the biog- raphy lived. "The Life and Time of Ju- lian W. Mack" by Harry Barnard is this type of book. It is about one of Ainerican Jewry's most distinguished personalities of the first half of this century. It traces the --crucial events in world Jewry, the rise of the Zionist movement into its great libertarian position, the struggle for just rights by Jews in this country and abroad and the success of a native Ameri- can Jew who chose closest alliance with his people in the law, government and major causes for social jus- tice. A Reform Jew who could have fallen under the in- fluence of extremists whose bitterness in rela- tion to the Jewish national movement matched the most violent in the council for Judaism of today, Ju- lian Mack was cautious in teaching judgment on the values ofAhe movement for Jewish national revival. The late Rabbi Emil Hirsch was a friend and a close associate and he might have been led into the other extreme of anti- Zionism had he listened to him. But he also was a friend of the distinguished philosopher, Horace M. Kellen, and he was an admirer of Louis D. Bran- deis. The latter two had greater effect upon him ti than the enemies of the Jewish libertarian cause. He might have been in- fluenced, as was his wife who never endorsed his Zionist views, by the man who married them — Dr. David Philipson of Cincin- nati. Rabbi Philipson never recovered from his anti-Zionism. He failed to influence Judge Mack. Mack's two brothers, expecially Ralph Mack, were anti-Zionist, and Ralph became an adherent of the Council for Juda- ism. But Julian Mack emerged the great liber- tarian who not only dedi- cated his life to Zionism but 'also was among the early supporters of civil liberties and a defender of the blacks in an expecially impressive matter involv- ing Negro students at Har- vard. Judge Mack was closely allied with Felix Frank- furter and an incident in- volving Mack's battle against Harvard President A. - Lawrence Lowell's prejudices is worth men- tioning. Lowell had charged that Jewish stu- dents were stealing books from the Harvard Library. Mack became concerned. He was advised by Frank- furter to ask Lowell how many book thefts were re- ported by the library. Lowell sheepishly told him there were two robberies: one was by a Jew. Many more anecdotes are related, lending to the fascination of reading Barnard's life story of Judge Mack. This biography has the special merit of historical analysis of - Zionist events in the early years of the movement's growth in this country, the relationship, of American leaders — Brandeis, Mack, Stephen Wise — with the world leaders — Chaim Weiz- mann, Menahim 'Ussish- kin, Shmaryahu Levin — and the Americans who sided the the latter. Judge. Mack played an important role as a Bran- deisist at the Cleveland Zionist convention in 1921. Like his associates, espe- cially Rabbi Wise, he re- turned to the ranks. Later, in the era of Nazi threats, he labored with Brandeis to strive for havens for the oppressed Jews of Europe. Those who knew Mack will find in the recon- structed story of his life a means of recalling the struggles for Zionist rec- ognition. A nostalgic sense of admiration is reborn in recalling the idealism of Judge Mack. A dedicated religious Jew, a great American, one of the na- tion's most distinguished jurists, it is well to recall his notable contributions towards the development of American Zionism. He has left a legacy to be cherished by American Jewry and the Zionist movement. —P.S. . Encyclopedia Lists Backers of 3 U.S. Jewish Movements Each branch of American Jewfy tends to give the maxi: mum figure of adherents for statistical purposes, the Ency- clopaedia Judaica states. The Conservatives claim 350,000 affiliated families, com- prising approximately 1,500,000 persons; the Reform movement 250,000, representing 1,000,000 persons; the Orthodox approxi- mately 300,000 families, consti- tuting 1,500,000 persons (Or- thodox families tend to be slightly larger than the rest). It must be born in mind, how- _ ever, that membership in an Or- thodox synagogue is not to be regarded as identical with ob- servance of Orthodox Judaism, and the number of strictly ob- • servant Jews in the U.S. is re- garded as not higher than 300,- 000. Accepting the Jewish popu- lation of the U.S. as six mil- lion, it would emerge that two-thirds of American Jews • are synagogue affiliated, with one-third unaffiliated. Meanwhile, the encyclopedia states 'there are approximately 13,160 synagogues in the world, but the figures for several coun- tries are not absolutely exact. Israel's' ministry for religious affairs provides a figure of 6,- 000 which puts Israel on top of the list. In 1971, the United States followed with roughly 5,500 synagogues of which the Conservatives claim 830, the Re- form 698. Britain has 399 synagogues, France 187, Canada 169, South Africa 166. In the Soviet Union there are about 100 synagogues, but the number of those func- tioning is probably much smaller. Then follows Argen- tina with 99, Italy with 54, Aus- tralia with 53, Iran and Mor- occo with 50 each. N.Y. Federation Tests New Job Training Plan for Jews By BEN GALLOB (Copyright , 1975, JTA, Inc.) NEW YORK — The 40-year-old Federation Em- ployment and Guidince Service here is testing a cooperative program with New York City synagogues to provide, both in the syn- agogues and in FEtS of- fices, help to many more Jews to cope with current economic pressures. The FEGS, an affiliate of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, is providing free training programs to members of cooperating synagogues to serve as liai- son with the FEGS in the new program. The federa- tion commission on syn-. agogue relations, which serves as a link between fed- eration agencies and syn- agogue groups, has organ- ized a special task force for the cooperative project. Lay and religious leaders from the metropolitan are make up the task force. The cooperative program is one of several new efforts by the FEGS to expand the number of Jews to whom it provides training, rehabili- tation and job placement, including the aged, 'handi- capped, poor Jews and young people, as well as those with special job prob- lems. Each participating syn- agogue selects a congre- gant to be trained as liai- son for the FEGS individ- ual and group vocational services. More than 55 synagogues have already named such representa- tives, a spokesman said. The first grOup of repre- sentatives have already received the training needed to carry out their functions. Through synagogues, FEGS will offer to elderly, young, aault, middle-aged and teenage congregants such services as career coun- seling, testing, rehabilita- tion, skills training, job programs and some scholar- ship training funds. In another effort to meet the job needs of people within their own commu- nity, the FEGS said it was bringing job opportunities and job training to residents in Brooklyn's Crown Heights and Queen's Far Rockaway with the opening of facilities in those areas. The FEGS Crown Heights office was opened especially to serve Orthodox Jews who have special problems in finding jobs. Temporarily housed at the local Jewish Community Council and operating on a part-time schedule, the FEGS office is putting special emphasig on helping Orthodox women who need jobs. The Rockaway Penin- sula FEGS office arranges job counseling for young people and provides for other job-related pro- grams on the premises of existing local Jewish or- ganizations. The FEGS also reported that 11 Hasidic Jews had been hired by Consolidated Edison, described as the first company to start a training course for Hasidic Jews.