Aliya Month Displays a Means For Reaffirming Jewish Identity By MURRAY ZUCKOFF NEW YORK (JTA) — Many North American Jews talk about aliya. But last year 3,200 Jews in the United States and Canada acted. They packed up their belongings, lifestyles and memories and moved to Is- rael. For almost all the deci- sion came after years of thinking, re-thinking and assessing — and, in many instances, agonizing — the wisdom or the folly, the ad- vantages or pitfalls of mak- ing aliya. According to Yehoshua_ Yadlin, director of the North American Aliya Cen- ter, the reasons for making aliya range from intensely personal to ideological, from a feeling that remaining in the Diaspora leads to loss of identity as a Jew to the con- viction that Israel's security requires an ongoing influx of Jews. But for almost all, he added, making aliya was the culmination of a devel- oping consciousness that tended to fuse the personal needs with the historical imperative.. Aliya is the Hebrew word for ascent, for "going up to Zion." But this is only the beginning of wisdom. It is. the negation of Diaspora, the affirmation of Jewish identity, the forging of a link in the chain of Jewish universality, the pride in the Jewish homeland, the abol- ishment of alienation, the' transformation of the Jew from being a victim of his- tory to being a participant in shaping history, the end of exile. During an interview at the Israel Aliya Center at 515 Park Avenue, Yadlin, Aaron Hauptman and Al- lan Pakes agreed that these are the basic compo- nents in the metabolism of aliya. Hauptman, an American who works in the public relations office at the Aliya Center, has been to Israel several times and hopes to make aliya. Pakes, from Edmon- ton, Canada, is an econo- mist and statistical ana- lyst who made aliya in 1964, worked in a variety of jobs including the Min- istry of Labor, and was recruited to help in the Aliya Center here. Yadlin is a Sabra who was ap- pointed to his post seven months ago. In discussing the nature of aliya, the three noted that Pinhas Sapir, chair- man of the Jewish Agency and World Zionist Organi- zation Executives, has de- fined aliya as "a revolution- ary act," the alternative to which is the "self-liquida- tion" of the Jew through assimilation. They also called attention to Premier Yitzhak Rabin's recent statement that "Aliya is the lifeblood of the Jewish state. The story of the rebirth and building of Israel is, in essence, the story of aliya." All this, however, it was pointed out, only poses some basic questions: Why aren't more North American Jews making aliya? What turns Jews on to aliya? With no visible signs of imminent so- cial catastrophes confront- ing North Ameriean Jews, what compelling reasons are there to convince them that they ought to be "going up to Zion?" Is Israel prepared with jobs, housing, and absorp- tive capacities for olim? And what is the Aliya Center in New York and similar cen- ters elsewhere in North America doing to get out the message to Jewish commu nities? "By and large," Yadlin observed, "people who make aliya are motivated by a positive drive. They are motivated by the pull of a certain concept that is meaningful in their indi vidual lives. They view aliya as moving to free- dom, rather than escaping danger, the freedom of being a Jew in a Jewish nation." He asserted that those involved in promot- ing aliya do not base their activities on any assump- tion that there is some- thing wrong with the so- cial system in this country or in Canada. "It's none of our business what the so- cial system is or is not," Yadlin said. "We do not pass value judgments on this. If an individual makes aliya his choice based on his evaluation of the system, that's his op- tion." Hauptman noted that for many Jews, going to Israel is not at this time a con- scious goal. "In fact," he said, "on a conscious level they may not even want to go because they see no rea- son within the context of their lives to leave their jobs, lifestyles and milieu. "This is especially true for those Jews who are involved in Jewish organizational activities or live in large ci- ties. They don't feel iso- lated, as do Jews in small communities. They feel they're contributing to Jew- ish identity and continuity, and feel secure in a commu- nity of friends, and co-work- ers." But, Pakes noted, in time, when a deeper conscious- ness begins to emerge, "it starts, usually, with an uneasy feeling that some- thing is missing in their lives, a vacuum, a perception that not all their life spark plugs are firing. They don't translate this into the need for aliya, not immediately, perhaps not for a long time. But the gears have begun to shift. It is only a matter of time, education, and ongo- ing consciousness raising community, so that what I that makes them realize do will be felt. We are still that where they're at is not talking about establishing a where they ought to be to society. Israel still exudes the spirit of the pioneers." find fulfillment." Yadlin focused on the Pakes noted that one of the strongest currents car- same issue. "Israeli society rying Jews to the shoreline is a young society still in its of aliya is the realization formative stage. This gives that in Israel "you're liv- many individuals a feeling ing as a majority in a ma- of forward motion and a jority culture, and the cul- chance to pursue profes- ture is ours, Jewish, not sional careers that will have someone else's culture. a bearing on the course this It's identity. It comes society will take. Aliya down to the fact that I means participating in a want my children to be total Jewish experience." He raised as Jews and feel riffled through a stack of proud that they are Jews." letters from former Ameri- Hauptman added: "Jews cans now living in Israel and have always been outsiders. held up two of them. "These For the first time in 2,000 are just examples of what I years a Jew in Israel can be mean," he said. One was a letter from a part of the majority cul- ture, not through assimila- Michael Rosenberg, 25, for- tion as in the Diaspora but merly from Bayonne, N.J. through the assertion and who studied at Johns Hop- development of Jewishness, kins University and has a to live as he wants to live BA in social sciences. "I without being programmed made aliya, he wrote, "to by another culture, to live as achieve personal liberation a human Jew and not have and to Participate in the to choose between being a national liberation of the `Jew' or being a diffused Jewish people." human." The other letter was from But, he noted, there may Joseph Schwartz, 43, for- even be more practical, per- merly from Chicago, who sonal, even selfish reasons wrote: "My aliya was moti- for makingaliya. "Let's say vated by the need to partici- he's got a job in America pate more actively in the and is good at it. Where does future of the Jewish state, he go from here, what gives for the need to live a more him a sense of commitment? complete life, to be part of a Most people are not satis- majority culture, and to participate in shaping my fied with their jobs because there is no fulfillment for own history." But for many Jews- who them. Sure, they can make a few more dollars for some are contemplating aliya, and even for some who large firm, they can apply have taken the step aliya their talents which, in the final analysis, helps the evokes visions of bureauc- racy, delays, red tape, firm, they might get a raise. frustrations and disap- But what are they contrib- uting in an overall sense?" pointments about the kind But how does this differ° of jobs and housing avail- able to the newcomer. in Israel? "A higher ideal is involved," Hauptman as- Hauptman didn't deny serted. "Israel is special. In this, nor the fact that too America or elsewhere I am many Israeli officials in- just part of the general volved in absorption are work force, undifferentiated insensitive and indifferent in commitment and undis- to problems encountered tinguished in terms of my by newcomers. Neverthe- contributions. In Israel less, he noted that fre- there is a chance for chang- quently North American olim come to Israel with ing things. I can contribute expectations that Israel to help the country. Many of the industries are still should provide them with young, still growing and conditions that are com- parable to those they had. change is still the essence of "There is the expecta- Israeli reality. There is a tion," he said, "that when I focus, a framework and a meaning to my activities." come to Israel all I have to say is 'Here I am. Make me Pakes said he couldn't agree more. "Coming to an offer I can't refuse.' But this. same person,1 who de- Israel means coming to a country that is still in flux, cides to leave New York and still developing, still goes to another city in this youthful at the age of 26. country doesn't make that same demand, he doesn't ex- "In the U.S. or Canada I pect the city in which he's can't feel this anymore. just arrived to provide him What I do here may be good with the amenities he was for my family, for my boss, but not necessarily for so- used to back home. Why, then, do Americans, who ciety. What I do in Israel are supposedly self-reliant, will have an effect in my demand that Israel provide particular field, in my par- them with all the com- ticula.r neighborhood. It's forts?" total involvement. Working Yadlin, however, in Israel with a population conceded that "there are a base of three million means lot of hardships in Israeli there is a greater feeling of life. We realize this and know that someone coming from a different back- ground, not conversant with the language or culture needs a helping hand in or- der to integrate." In line with this, he said that offi- cials at the Aliya Center "pledge to every family in- terested in aliya that we will help them to integrate, investigate job opportuni- ties for them, assist in set- ting them up in business and housing. We also pledge relocation costs to Israel and the cost of training programs to help them inte- grate." As for bureaucratic foul- ups, he noted that Sapir re- cently initiated the concen- tration of all-purpose immi- grant absorption centers to help olim get processed, housed, employed and medi- cally insured. The first such absorption processing cen- ter is already functioning in Natanya and similar cen ters are due to open in Je- rusalem, Ashkelon, Tel Aviv and Haifa. Aliya Month, launched last week by the Israel., Aliya Center of North: . America which is spore: sored by the WZC seek to convey in consciousness-ra forms the meaning ose- being part of the total Jewish experience which is provided in the state of Israel. "Aliya Month," Yadlin noted, "in a way is a cam- paign to turn the attend° of Jews to the validity o considering this option." Basically, he said, Rabin expressed the essence of, aliya when he stated that it was never an easy act but if is the ultimate challenge. Yiddish Actress Immigrates, NEW YORK — Ida Ka- minska, the grande dame of the Yiddish Theatre and in- ternational actress will be immigrating to Israel from the U.S. this week. Settling there with her actor-hus- band, Meir Melman, they will be joining the newly formed Yiddish Theatre in Tel Aviv. Both Ida Kamin, ska and her husband left Poland in. late 1968 during the anti-Jewish campaign. Miss Kaminska, star of the Academy award win- ning, "Shop on Main Street," was the founder and star of the Jewish State Theatre in Poland, estab- lished in 1946. She and her company have toured North and South America and Israel. Following the Six-Day War in 1967, many of Poland's Jews left the country caus- ing a sharp decline in the Yiddish Theatre. The daughter of Esther and Abraham Kaminsky, leading Polish Yiddish actors, Ida Kaminska has been part of the Yiddish stage since the age of four. When the Nazis ap- proached Warsaw in 1939 she and her family fled t Lvov, in Soviet occupied Poland, only to leave once again in 1941 for Frunze,-. located in Soviet Central Asia. It was in 1946 that she and her family re- turned to Poland and es tablished the Jewish State Theatre under government auspices. When asked about her motivations for going to Is- rael she said, "I am going to Israel simply because I want to live among my peo- ple." IDA KAMINSKA Economic Crunch Hits Jewish Studie* In Programs Throughout the U.S. PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — Current economic prob- lems are taking their toll of Jewish _education programs throughout the United States, according to Isaac Toubin, executive vice presi-- dent of the American Asso- ciation for Jewish Educa- _ tion. Speaking at a meeting of the Jewish education com- mittee of the Federation of Jewish Agencies of Greater Philadelphia, he said the sit- uation "may precipitate new approach to how the problems within Jewish ed- ucation are to be met." He reported that enroll- ment in weekday Hebrew and Sunday schools wa declining drastically, that the Jewish day school popu- lation had become static and that secondary school en- rollment was on the "tai end" of an uphill swing.