30 Friday, February 28, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS NCJW Director to Address Local Beth Shalom Sisterhood Plans Section on Council Role in Israel Annual Education Day Events Pioneer Women Plan Bond Lunch Rena P. Button, executive grams in Israel." Theme of Cong. Beth Shalom Sis- fast will be served at 10 a.m. director of the National the day is "Israel: the Vision terhood will have its annual and the opening session will Council of Jewish- Women . . . and the Promise." education day program begin at_10:30. Luncheon will address the Greater De- Mrs. Button was special March 13. Rabbi Everett will troit Section 12:30 p.m. be served at noon, fol- Tuesday at Temple Emanu- projects coordinator for the Gendler, spiritual leader of lowed by discussions. React- El. Mrs. Button will speak United Jewish Appeal, a Temple Emanuel of Lowell, ing to Rabbi Gendler's pres- on "25 Years of Council Pro- counselor to federations Mass., will be guest speaker. entation will be Rabbi David throughout the U.S., pro- Rabbi Gendler, resource of Beth Shalom, vided services for the UJA person of the alternate reli- Nelson Howard Wasserman and women's division, was spe- gious community of Marble- Judy Wasserman. Mrs. Sol cial assistant for federal head, Mass., has served con- Lipson,. vice president of funds for the 29th Congres- gregations in Mexico, education and Mrs. Robert sional District in New York Brazil, Cuba and Princeton, Lewin, chairperson, are and produced and co-moder- N.J. He holds degrees in so- ated a weekly public affairs cial work, hisIory, philoso- coordinators. There is a charge. For information, television series. phy of religion and has a call Mrs. Lewin, 355-3127. She chaired the Albany plaster of Hebrew letters Fair Housing Committee degree. • Israel Diamond Theme of the day is "Yesh and was on the board of di- Pioneer Women members attending the planning meeting for rectors • of the Albany B'Rera = Is There an Alter- Business Up the Pioneer Women Israel Bond luncheon are from left, stand- County Anti-Poverty native?" Continental break- agency. TEL AVIV — A dynamic ing: Mrs. Ben Harold, Mrs. Myron Spalter and Mrs. Milton turn-around in production Weiss. From left, seated; are: Mrs. Sam Isaacs, Mrs. Victor Members are asked to and Mrs. Ralph Miller. The Pioneer Women Israel Bond and exports were reported Ross bring resalable clothing for luncheon will be held April 10, and will honor Mrs. Oscar Rap- by leaders of the Israel dia- paport. Attending the planning meeting but not shown is Mrs. the Thrift Shops. For infor- MRS. RENA BUTTON mond industry. Frank Rath. mation, call Council House, With overseas sales a rec- PEOPLE WITHOUT 557-9604. . PARTNERS of the Jewish ord $562.2 million during Coffee House Due Community Center will 1974, comprising 2,467,000 at WSU Hillel Protein Burger have a movie and lecture on carats, Israel's exports of Orchestra and Entertainment By NORMA BARACH "Heart Attacks and What to polished diamonds exceeded The Briai Brith. Hillel (Copyright 1975, JTA, Inc.) Do If You Are on the by one per cent in dollar vol- Foundation at Wayne State Scene," 8:30 p.m. Sunday 'at ume and quantity of carats University will host a Purim Here is a truly economical the 10 Mile Center branch. the record exports of 1973. Coffee House 8:30 p.m. Sat- It was also announced urday at the Embassy and different main dish for Refreshments - will be that Lt. Col. (Res.) Joseph the kosher cook. It feeds five _served, and there is a Apartments party room, Perlmutter has been named 15800 Providence Dr. There One 11 x 14 picfure of people for about $1. It does charge. controller of diamonds for will be music, and refresh- your choice with any * * need time to prepare, though it is easy. CRITERION CLUB will the Ministry of Commerce - ments will be served. For in- social engagement or- 1 3-oz. package of tex- have a house party 9 p.m. and Industry, succeeding formation, contact Alan der FREE! tured vegetable protein March 8 at the Northgate Uzi I. Nedivi who is now the Hurvitz, 557-0822. There is a Offer expires June 30th, 1975 . (ham flavored — though Apts. clubhouse. Guests are Ministry's deputy director charge. there is NO ham in the invited. For information on of foreign trade. CARMEL STUDIO MEATLESS In a related trade move, a product) the club's party and spring collection of 55 styles of 3 tbsps. margarine schedule_of public dances, OF PHOTOGRAPHY SPAGHETTI 1/2 cup flour A false friend is like a call Sylvia Bruch, 545-1108, hand-blown glassware will Jerry MuskaN4tz 1 /2 tsp., salt SAUCES or Betty Weinberg, be a featured Israel gif- shadow on a dial; it appears 851-3397 ' tware export line to be 1 cup milk in clear weather, but van- 559-5175. You pour on Italian Ta'am, ALL SOCIAL shown to foreign buyers 2 tbsps. chopped onion ishes as soon as a cloud ap- when you glorify. your spa- ENGAGEMENTS from Europe and North proaches. — Anon. flakes ghetti with a sauce by Chef America at the Frankfurt Boy-Ar-Dees. His home- 1 beaten egg Fair in West Germany. style Meatless or Mushroom 1 tsp. water Sauce makes it a richly deli- 1/2 cup matzo 'meal cious dish. Use these superb oil sauces to make the most of Women Line Up The Cook vegetable protein meat loaf and pot roast. With Mr. and Mrs. Harry Son- according to package di- noodles and ricotta, you've Sheldon Rott rections. Cool and set kin of Cloverlawn Ave., Oak Artists for Show got a great lasagna. Wait till aside. Melt margarine and Park, will be honored this you try them with omelets or Orehestra fish. Just keep plenty handy. mix it in the flour. Then weekend at a brunch with and their family and friends on Between'you and Chef Boy- add salt and milk to flour Vickie Carroll Ar-Dee, a family could never and cook over medium the occasion of their 50th go hungry. fire, stirring until thick. wedding anniversary. Al- Let mixture cool. Add ve- though both the Sonkins getable protein and onion were born in Russia, Mr. flakes to the flour mixture. Sonkin came to the U.S. through Winnipeg, Canada, Chill about 1 1/2 hours. Mix egg and water. and Mrs. Sonkin by way of Shape chilled mixture into Hartford, Conn. They met • patties. Dip the patties in Detroit and were married 9 Mile at Ridgedale 547-0140 first into egg mixture and March 1, 1925. Members of Oak Park's Lowest Prices on Quality Fruits & Vegetables then into matzo meal. Fry Cong. Mishkan Israel Nu- Mrs. Milford Singer, sach H'Ari, the Sonkins will r in hot oil until brown on , Farm Fresh both sides. Makes 10 pat- be joined by members of left, and Mrs. Sol Luft; Doz Jumbo size ties. Can be served on bun. their immediate family, in- lined up more than 200 NO LIMITI cluding Dr. and Mrs. Shel- Michigan artists in all media to exhibit their I GOING LIKE MAD 1 I Yellow Cooking The natural progress of don Sonkin of Troy, Mrs. works for Temple Israel I is for liberty to yield Seymour Sonkin of Oak Sisterhood's "Art and Ar- I Gefilte Fish Onions I White & Pike and government to gain Park and four grandchil- tisans '75" artfair to be dren. Longtime friends of I 3 1b. bag 25 I ground. — Thomas Jeffer- the couple also will attend. I $1 .35 24 oz. jar held March 9, 10 and 11 at L., a 1 son. the temple. Hours are r I 1 March 9, noon to 9 p.m.; POP I Dannon Yogurt I Sinai to Sponsor and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. I Assorted Flavors SERVING ONLY Metabolism Parley March 10 and 11. There I still 3 for $ 28 oz. bottle PRIME AND will be a fashion show 11 I all flavors Sinai Hospital of De- I a.m. March 10, and at 11 CHOICE MEATS L for $ 1 j L troit's departments of medi- a.m. Tuesday. Milton Cov- cine and research will spon- ensky, professor of history r Borden's Cream 1 Borden's Homo sor a metabolism and at Wayne State Univer- I I endocrine conference 11 sity, will speak on "The 1 Cottage Cheese 1 1 I MILK STILL I a.m. Wednesday in the hos- Jew and the Changing Member Detroit Retail lat I 1 / I I pital's Zuckerman Audito- World" and "The Effect of 1 1 lb. ct. Kosher Meat Dealers Assoc. 5 ` 1 7 2 gal. I . rium. `Petrodollars' on Jews the Dr. Jack L. Kostyo, pro- World Over." Tickets are GREEN PEPPERS JACK ATTIS PHIL SWARIN fessor and chairman of the available at the temple for department of physiology at and at the door. For ticket 13721 W. 9 MILE at RIDGEDALE Emory University, Atlanta, information, call Mrs. OSCHERWITZ Products Ga., will speak on "Meta- Jack Kopnick, 548-2892, or SALAMI or BOLOGNA $1.25 lb. WE DELIVER bolic Functions of Growth Mrs. Jerome Oppenheim, Hot Dogs *Mild *Reg. $1.15 Hormone." 353-9352. Singles Events LARRY FREEDMAN 647-2367 Bouardee . Activities in Society Bob's Traveling Indoor Mkt ▪ L EGGS.. 69c 1 r 1 I LI 7-8111 1 r SINGER'S Kosher Meats & Poultry Mkt. 3. 5 1 j r 9 2 29