18 Friday, February 28, 1975 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ADL Hits Firms, Agencies (Continued from Page 1) tunities in every Middle Forster gave as an ex- East country except Is- ample of OPIC's complic- rael, the second issue men- ity, its action in organiz- tioned Israel only in pass- ing a mission of American ing. business representatives In addition, Forster also to the Middle East and cited several architectural North Africa this month. firms on the East Coast OPIC asked one of the without identifying them by firms involved to with- name. draw a Jewish vice presi- A Chase Manhattan dent proposed as a partici- spokesman denied the pant and send a non-Jew ADL's charges that the instead, Forster said. bank refused to open a The Army Corps of En- branch in Israel so it could gineers, he continued, al- do business with the Arabs. though directly involved in "We did not open a branch projects which exclude in Israel because of eco- Jews, has issued no in- - nomic and business consid- structions regarding such erations," the spokesman discriminatory conditions. said. He denied that there "The question to be asked was any Israeli official de- of the Defense Depart- mand that the Chase Man- ment," he said, "is whether hattan open a branch in Is- or not the Corps is obliged to rael, adding that the bank comply with the U.S. anti- was handling Israeli bond discrimination law." business here for many Among the companies years. He admitted, how- named were: Interna- ever, that the Chase Man- tional Schools Services, hattan is planning to open a Princeton, N.J., a teacher branch in Amman, Jordan recruitment agency, for in addition to its branches issuing job orders in be- in Beirut and the Persian half of the United Arab Gulf. The president of the In- Emirate state of Dubai which prohibit applica- ternational Schools Services tions by teachers who are Dr. John Sly, said in re- Jewish, have Jewish sur- sponse to the ADL's accusa- names or Jewish ances- tion, "We are a private, non- tors. profit organization. We do • Guaranteed- Mortgage not discriminate against Services, Inc. and Wizard anybody." Sly said that his Mortgage Banking Corp. of organization did not get any Lakewood, Colo., for a letter order from Dubai against (Sept. 11, 1974) written by recruiting Jewish teachers an official of Guaranteed, but he added that it was on Wizard stationery, offer- doubtful that any Jewish ing short and long-term in- teacher would receive a visa vestment funds to a Denver to enter Dubai. bank — with the provision Graubard gave the fol- that "no board member or lowing ADL recommenda- director shall be Jewish and tions "for ending a dis- no stock-holder controlling graceful and dangerous 20 percent or more of the trend:" banks outstanding stock be • Intervention by federal Jewish." and state anti-discrimina- • Bendix-Siyanco in Col- tion agencies to prevent umbia, Maryland, a joint American business firms venture of Bendix Field from barring Jews in an ef- Engineering Corp. and fort to win Arab contracts. Saudi Maintenance Com- • Strengthening by the pany Ltd., which — under U.S. Department of Com- the supervision of the U.S. merce of section 30 of the Army Corps of Engineers — export control law which recruits management per- now declares: "It is the pol- sonnel, technicians. and in- icy of the United States to structors for the Saudi Ara- oppose restrictive trade bian Ordinance Corps practices or boycotts fos- program and has an em- tered or imposed by foreign ployment application re- countries" against friendly quiring applicants to state nations and requires that their religion. the Department of Corn- • Pacific Pump Corp., merce be notified of re- Huntington Park, Calif., a quests for such discrimina- subsidiary of the Dresser tory compliance. The law Corp., Dallas, Texas, for should be amended to carry cancelling a pending con- penalties for failure to re- tract to sell $2 million worth port and for complying with of industrial equipment to the demand for discrimina- an Israeli corporation in tion. capitulation to the Arab • Broadening the inves- boycott. tigaTions of all congres- • Ashland Chemical Co., sional committees and fed- Ashland, Kentucky, for eral agencies currently specifically stating that it probing the extent of Arab has a corporate manage- investments in the U.S. to ment position of not dealing examine evidence of Arab with Israel "either directly anti-Israel or anti-Jewish or indirectly" because it demands as the price of the "represents too serious a investment. risk to even consider." • Instruction by Presi- • Chase Manhattan dent Ford to federal agen- Bank for refusing to open cies and departments in- an office in Israel while volved in promoting doing business throughout international trade or doing the Middle East. The first business with foreigh na- issue of the bank's new bi- tions that they must abide weekly report, "Mid-East by American legal prohibi- Markets," described po- tions against religious and tential investment oppor- racial discrimination. • Investigation by the U.S. Attorney General of possible anti-trust viola- tions and, where found, im- mediate prosecution. Graubard also called upon American business leaders "who have a high regard for this nation's constitutional precepts and democratic practices" to join together "in con- demnation of Arab black- mail demands and those who capitulate to them." He said, "Principles must come before profits." At - his press conference Tuesday, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said that the U.S. basically favors Arab investments in Ameri- can firms but opposed dis- crimination by the recipi- ents. He said the U.S. would use whatever moral pres- sure can be brought to bear in cases of discrimination against banks. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers acknowledged Wednesday that American contractors it selects for its many projects in Saudi Ara- bit, are subject to rejection by the Saudi government and the State Department declared that "quiet diplo- macy" is the best means to deal with the Arab boycott of companies identified in any way with Israel. These statements emerged at the hearing con- ducted by the Senate For- eign Relations subcommit- tee on multinational corporations concerning the boycott and Saudi Arabia's visas to American Jews. Sen. Frank Church (D- Idaho), panel chairman, is- sued at the start of the hear- ing a list of 1,500 names on the Arab boycott list and urged that it be given full publicity so that everyone in this country would know of Saudi Arabia imposing a pattern of anti-Semitism "on our country." U.S. agen- cies are acquiescing in dis- criminatory practices, he said, adding "We had better get this out into the open." The list includes such firms as Ford, RCA, Coca- Cola and Xerox which Church said are absolutely prohibited from sales in Arab countries. Sen. Church said, "Ford, for example, has been prohibited from selling a car or truck since 1966 in any Arab country." Church also pointed out that "this very day," a pri- • ate investment company is signing an agreement with Saudi Arabia in which the United States government is providing insurance against. loss. Church said the subcom- mittee would draft legisla- tion to provide equal treat- ment for "all our citizens" by government agencies. He said, after the hearing, that the subcommittee was not prepared to say what the next step in the subcommit- tee's procedures on either legislation or hearings would be. Col. William Durham, di- rector of Military Construc- tion for the Army Corps of Engineers, testified at the (Continued on Page 19) . Aliya Month Activities Support World Immigration to Israel NEW YORK (JTA) — Mrs. Charlotte Jacobson, chairman of the American Section of the World Zionist Organization, last night promised American Jews emigrating to Israel that they will have "the contin- ued interest and support of those you left behind." ter. The group will hear Israeli President Ephraim Gil Oppenheimer, Mid- Katzir and Premier Yit- west organizer for Garin zhak Rabin, received an Neot Midbar of Noam, Is- award symbolizing the $36 rael. The meeting is open million raised by the Foun- to the public, and will fo- dation since its establish- cus on questions about ment 15 years ago. aliya and the Garin Neot The conference launched Midbar. the 1975 drive for deferred For information about gifts and annuities to bene- the meeting call Irene fit Histadrut's health, edu- Speaking to some 100 per- Burg, 544-9587, or Morrie cational and welfare pro- sons at the concluding ses- Cooper, 548-3773. grams in Israel. During the sion of the sixth annual na- The Israel Aliya Center in conference, $1.76 million tional convention of the Oak Park reports that thou- was raised as the first step Association of Americans sands of jobs are available toward the $50 million pla- and Canadians for Aliya in Israel for technicians and teau to be reached within (AACA) at the Sabra East, engineers in electronics and the next year or two, offi- an Israeli night club, Mrs. manufacturing. There are cials said. Jacobson declared that the also more than 1,000 open- American Jewish commu- ings in the social sciences risiMa! WE BUY EACS/taB nity has realized that its and medical technology ISRAEL BONDS most important members fields. ANY AMOUNT — BEST M are those who go on aliya. In Miami Beach, Pinhas PRICES PAID Sapir, chairman of the TRANSMITTAL SECURITIES' Murray Safran, who was re-elected president of the World Zionist Organization 80 WALL ST., NYC 10005 WI AACA, said that for the and Jewish Agency Execu- *AR= (212) DI 4-82451ga tives, in an appeal for aliya, first time the American OUT THEY GO!! Jewish community is begin- said that Israel's greatest FINE SUITS ning to recognize the im- deficit was not money but reg. $ /35-$250 portance of aliya and is people. Speaking at the closing backing it. NOW 6950-8950-109" session of a four-day eco- 3 Days only: Fri., Sat. & Sun. The two-day convention nomic conference of the Is- Special Group Of Fine marked the beginning of rael Histadrut Foundation, SPORT COATS "Aliya Month" in the Sapir said, "to us, the Jew- reg. 590-5125. WHILE THEY LAST! United States and Can- ish people, there is no price $59.50 ada. A national aliya con- tag on Jewish life." He said ference has been scheduled "We need to double," the not in New York for March 1-2 quite three million Jews in Fine Clothes for Over 39 Years headed by Pinhas Sapir, Israel. 24750 Telegraph at 10 Mile Sapir, who was lauded chairman of the Jewish Daily to 6 P.M. Thurs. to 8 P.M. Agency and World Zionist in cabled messages from OPEN SUNDAY 11 to 4 Organization Executives. 11 HARRY THOMAS Mrs. Zenallarmon, a for- mer member of the Knesset, urged the potential immi- grants to help combat the Arab propaganda which is distorting the aims of Zion- ism. She also urged them to go to Israel with humility ready to become part of the country and contribute their skills to it. IDA 33 Years of Love, Devotion & Understanding RUBE Other speakers at the weekend convention in- cluded Rabbi Israel Miller of the Conference of Presi- dents of Major American Jewish Organizations; David Rivlin, Israel's consul general in New York; and Irving Bernstein, executive vice president of the United Jewish Appeal. r NEW CADILLAC? BUY OR LEASE FROM ANDY BLAU in BIRMINGHAM at WILSON-CRISSMAN CADILLAC CALL BUS. MI 4-1930 • 1 The convention also in- cluded practical advice on settling in Israel. There were workshops yesterday on practical and ideological aspects of Jewish immigra- tion, special projects for in- dividuals and families plan- ning to emigrate, and a series of audio-visual pres- entations on immigrant life in Israel. The convention adopted resolutions welcoming the new awareness of the entire American Jewish commu- nity towards the import- ance of aliya, urging the creation of more programs for group aliya, and urging immigration programs for single young people and older people over 50 who still have something to con- tribute. cAznicTE ro.,a GZ RES. 642-6836 IRMINGHAM PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS Group Starting Shortly For Further Details Call Shirley Cash Realty 543-6488 Ask for Shirley Cash i l. . 5 —COUPO cc_ _ „ c=5 PI DRAFT. I 5% DISCOUNT 111 - ----.'e - ON MOST MERCHANDISE IN STORE " WITH THIS AD . . . OAK PARK PLAZA L R i L ni OFFICE ART SY AND DRAFT DRAFTING SUPPLY OFFICE FURNITURE ll Dr= . The Detroit chapter of the AACA will meet 3 p.m. March 9 at the 10 Mile Jewish Community Cen- 11 , 23067 Coolidge Highway, Oak Park - 544-2430 • i .. ,-_ I-- f--- r— 1- L L L