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January 10, 1975 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1975-01-10

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I Al's

Scholars Impressed With Israeli Towns

Prof. Haim Waxman, profes-
sor of sociology at Brooklyn
College — have begun an on-
going project of linking devel-
opment towns to American
Jewish communities, sponsor-
ed by the World Zionist Or-
The three said they were
surprised to find out that con-
ditions in the development
towns were much better than
their image in the mass me-
dia abroad. They said they
had found out, contrary to
r their expectations, that the
development towns were not
at all similar to poor neigh-
borhoods in the U.S., and that
the residents led a much more
organized life.

Three American visiting pro-
fessors were impressed with
the development towns of
Neivot, Beisan and Hatzor.
Prof. David Sidorsky, phil-
osophy professor of Columbia
University in New York, Prof.
Erwin Kotler, professor of
international law at McGill
University in Montreal, and

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American Jewish leaders who
held a three-hour briefing
session with Premier Yitzhak
Rabin came away impressed
with the long-range policy
planning of the Israeli leader
and impressed also with his
personal qualities.
"Some of us had been un-
der the impression that Is-
rael's government was "mud-
dling through' without a
clear-cut plan. But now we
see the overall plan," said
Rabbi Israel Miller, chair-
man of the Conference of
Presidents of Major Ameri-
can Jewish Organizations who
headed a 25-member delega-
tion on a four: day special
study mission to Israel.
Debts are now-a-days like
The delegation, which met
children, begot with plea- with Rabin and Israeli and
sure, but brought forth with Jewish Agency officials dur-
pain.—Moliere • ing the tour, came to Israel

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as an Investment


Israeli, U.S. Jewish Leaders Meet

to discuss common issues
confronting the people of Is-
rael and the Jews of America
and to exchange views on the
effort to build understanding
of Israel's cause among the
makers of public opinion and
public policy in the U. S.
All delegation members had
high praise for the Premier's
analytical ability to set recent
and current :Mideast events
into their broader global con-
text. Many delegation mem-
bers remarked that their
mision—the third at the Pre-
mier's request—had been the
first at which a true "dia-
logue," rather than two com-
peting monologues, took place
during the meetings with Is-
rael's top leaders.
Rabbi Miller rejected cur-
rent fears expressed in Israe-
li newspapers of "erosion" of
American support for Israel.

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25% to 50%
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He challenged those present
to present concrete evidence
for these fears.
He cited continued staunch
Congressional support demon-
strated by the $600 million
aid package voted for Israel,
by the passage of the Jackson
Amendment, and the Admin-
istration's firm support in its
ready response to Israel's
arms requests. Rabbi Miller
said these actions speak
louder than words.
At the same time, the
American Jewish leaders re-
mained aware of the danger
that the step-by-step ap-
proach to a Middle East set-
tlement could deprive Israel
of vital security needs.
The delegates said they
would not hesitate to fight
Secretary of State Henry Kis-
singer if vital interests were
at stake. Rabbi Miller said
the delegation came to Is-
rael "expecting to find
frightened people" but they
had found "a people not
frightened, but concerned."
Speaking of the "hard"
year ahead, Rabbi Miller said
the real concern was not
"erosion" of support but the
possible effects of the eco-
nomic recession and the en-
ergy crisis in the U. S. on
American attitudes towards
foreign policy and foreign
One disturbing factor, he
said, was the subtle and so-
phisticated onslaught of Arab
propaganda. With unlimited
funds, the Arabs are com-
missioning the top public re-
lations firms and are main-
taining a solid stream of
cleverly persuasive ads in
the newspapers, Rabbi Miller
Arab money was now threa-
tening to buy up important
sections of the mass media
and the danger then would be
of tendentious and selective
coverage of the news itself,
he added .
On Soviet Jewry, Rabbi
Miller said the President's
Conference would closely
watch the situation inside the
Soviet Union and was press-
ing the Administration and
Congress to initiate their own
check of the situation long in
advance of the 18 month
deadline stipulated in the
Jackson Amendment.
Rabbi Miller and other
delegation members seemed
satisified with President
Ford's assurances on this
m a t t e r received at their
closed meeting with him two
weeks ago.
Rabbi Miller, who with
other Jewish leaders, was
invited to attend the White
House signing of the Trade
Bill, said he saw the invita-
tion as signalling the Presi-
dent's determination to en-
sure that the emigration un-
derstanding is enforced.

A non-believer once asked
Shammai to convert him, pro-
vided he could teach him the
entire Torah while standing
on one leg. Shammai, who
was quite impatient, drove
him away. When he ap-
proached Hillel with the same
request, Hillel said: "That
which is hateful to thee, do
not do to thy neighbor. This
is the whole Law, the rest
is Its commentary."

Friday, January 10, 1975-7

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