THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS tople of Israel; "G-d." f of the land atinuously lived in the Holy Land HISTORICAL FACTS 1919 PARIS PROPOSALS BY THE ZIONIST MOVEMENT Mediterranean Sea ARAB __STATE • The Arabs of Palestine never had a government and never comprised a separate political entity. Joshua conquered the land — 1350 B.C.E. Israel rule — 1350 B.C.E.-70 C.E. A Jewish settlement in Israel has never ceased during the 2000 years of exile. Jews the world over pray 3 times daily for the restoration of our people to the land of Israel. Balfour Declaration favoring the establishment of a Jewish State — 1917. San Remo Conference by Allied Powers affirmed the Balfour Declaration — April 1920. League of Nations mandate to Britain contained express proviso that Britain be responsible to implement Balfour Declaration — 1922. U.S: Congress Joint Resolution endorsing substance of Balfour Declaration — - June 30, 1922. U.N. Partition Resolution by a vote of 33-13 called for establishment of 2 new states, one Jewish and one Arab — November 29, 1947. Rejecting the U.N. Plan the Arabs made war to prevent establishment of a Jewish state. Jewish Community of Palestine accepted U.N. Plan and declared the independence of the State of Israel — May 14, 1948. Land acquired by the Jewish people was purchased dunam by dunam. Territory of Israel established by State of Israel was 8000 square miles. 7 Arab nations which declared war on Israel have over 1,000,000 squire miles. 750,000 Jews driven out of Arab countries?. Israel urged its Arab citizens to remain. Jewish citizens in Arab states, were and are being persecuted, humiliated, and driven out from their homes and old settlements. Arab citizens in Israel enjoy a high standard of living, better health conditions, more freedom of political expression, and a higher level of education than Arabs in Arab states. I i S RAE L „ C I EASE FIRE LINES. JUNE II1117 It. a), ,, S I Y p: .. . _ Ar I A I . n ■ ;li t ' 1114.4."-i, 0 C'.. ID 1 L NAr, YOU MUST HELP TO INSURE JUSTICE , ..... A I - A ... ‘. , - ❑ Enclosed is my gift for $ it—L-----., . ij support your efforts ,- _ A Dr *I SM. NOTE: We would like to place the above advertisement in other newspapers. This is very costly. Your generous support and .ontribution is needed now! To help defray cost for justice to Israel. av T . ■ . . . y . ■ 1 : Ma! ,..7.-72......,, ? .m../ n •• les:'`V.. Sea Medittrrane• n _ War:r. li _ , .. d . i I I , s...b. .f= ,.. . S •. ii . . ... . —•—•7 Sinat RESS II \ , ; it ;'--- -----1 • \Ff.. -- \ ' '. 1 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: "MIZRACHI SPECIAL FUND" 23125 Coolidge, Oak Park, Mich. 48237 1, NE . . i AR ...„4..y. LEotwo YAK. H atence ■ Ste . !U.N.,. M .. A A.Ad. This is Tax Deductible . ---- SAUDI siA • TA - . . - 4- — A"..0.1 on . mole. • , --all:— THIS AD IS SPONSORED BY COMMITTEE FOR JUSTICE TO ISRAEL _ _.ANNIA 1 Friday, Dec. 27, 1974,25