Purely Commentary Frequent Re-Emergence of Lunatic Fringe Recalled in a General's Blunders . . Recurring Question Whether an Apology Corrects Misspoken Untruths By Philip Slomovitz Exposure of Shocking Libels About Jewish Lobby, Banking and Press Control Apologies may soothe a sinner into believing that he has corrected errors or interview with Agnew, in which Agnew a Vice President's openly attacking the gained forgiveness. All too often, damage done by misrepresentation has a tendency to said he never intended to castigate all the press constituted a distinct threat to free- give greater emphasis to the lie than to its corrections. media:- Instead, he said he had in mind dom of the press. Isaacs did not mention Indeed, apologists seldom attain even the most seriously sought atoning. J. C. certain "Eastern," "big city," "liberal" the anti-Semitic underCurrent in Agnew's Harris had an interesting definition in his "Uncle Remus" in which simplicity is marked newspapers and commentators. The words words. But the response Isaacs received by good sense in the chief character's comment: Agnew used have long been code words to in his mail Was not about the First Amend- many Americans: each of them means "No 'polligy ain't gwine ter make hair come back where the bil•ng water hit." ment rights of the press. As he told his old Jew, or under .jewish influence. Thus what friend Klein at the time, "I've never seen General George Brown, whose role is so vital in our nation's miltary ranks, may Agnew was understood to be saying was such a flow of hate mail in my life—just have been sincere in an effort to amend outrageous condemnations of American_Jews. that he and the administration were upset plain, vicious anti-Semitic stuff!". Reflect- Perhaps he was not facetious in subsequent remarks aimed at correcting his ignoronce, with Jewish newspapers and ,commenta- ing on that response recently, Isaacs sa but it may well be asked whether he gathered satisfaction from the laughter that greeted tors. Despite the disclaimers of.Herbert G. that "I spent a lifetime being what o his comments at a public gathering. Klein, a non-Jew who was then assistant to might call a eunuch in the religious sens( This is not a laughing matter. Judging by the joy the general's remarks created President Nixon for communications, the It never occurred to me that there we in the ranks of crackpots, there is a bit of hell to pay for the words of a responsible Times' Ivan thought otherwise: "The pros `Jewish judgments.' One treated news and official who emerged as an ignoramous. The duty of fact-seekers now is not to resort to who are doing those speeches don't blun- commentary in the clinical sense—antisep- name-calling. It is no longer a question of whether or not General Br6wn continues to der into that kind of thing," he said. "They tically professional. This experience hold his high-ranking position in the American military forces. The task ahead is to know what they are doing." shocked me. It proved that there is a but- prevent the spread of the libels that were formulated by the general. The head of the American Society of ton one touches in America and an expect- First, let it be established that talk about a Jewish lobby in Washington is not Newspaper Editors was then Norman E. able response ensues." Hate mail similar only exaggerated but approaches the nonsensical. Like Americans of all faiths, Jews Isaacs of The Courier-Journal & Louisville to that Isaacs received was sent to news- not only have a right but an obligation to seek freedom and security for their kinspeople. Times, the Society's first Jewish president. papers and columnists all across the coun- Committees engaged in defense of Russian Jews and their right to emigrate from the He attacked Agnew's statements in speech- try, whether or not the owners and journal- Soviet Union are duty-bound to act in behalf of the persecuted. I. L. Kenen and the es and via network television, holding that ists were Jewish. American Israel Public Affairs Committee are acting properly in outlining the facts regarding Israel and the Middle East. Through the Near East weekly newsletter Kenen Would that the truth could dominate. Admittedly the lunatic fringe keeps repeating and the AIPAC render a valuable service not only to Jews and to Israel but to American every conceivable libel in the search for poisons to destroy Jewish people. Stephen needs in the affected area and to the cause of truth. Isaacs rendered a great service in presenting the facts about the Jewish role in journal- ism. Similarly, the research staff of the American Jewish Committee proved its skill in • Why, therefore, this nonsense about a "powerful Jewish lobby?" Why does a an accumulation of data regarding Jews in banking. The AJC review of actual conditions responsible magazine like Newsweek call upon an uninformed Jewess to give . credence makes known the following: to such truck? Newsweek could have done much better '41 search for analyses of the libels by an American general than to draw upon those of Meg Greenfield who emerges The disparity between fact and fiction and others. At this meeting Morris B. so confused in her own lack of knowledge of the status of American Jewry as to have is even greater where alleged Jewish con- Abram, then president of the American become unqualified to deal with the subject. Jewish Committee, outlined the mechan- Then there are the two other libels: about Jewish control of the; press and the , trol of banking is concerned. Not only have Jews never controlled American finance; isms by which discriminatory patterns per- banks. These blessings do not exist. they actually were excluded from commer- petuated themselves. By 1969, the Civil What, really; is the status regarding the newspapers of this country. Stephen D. cial banking until quite recently. Even Rights Bureau of the New York State At- Isaacs, in "Jews and American Politics" (Doubleday), presents the facts. They are so torney General's Office reported substan- relevant to the issue which keeps recurring that even at some length the following from I now, they are only minimally involved in that industry. tial progress in employment of Jews and Isaac's book must be emphasized and kept. as the record of truth in American other minority group members at various ./ There were some Jewish money brokers journalism: in Colonial America', the Revolutionary pa- levels of authority in New York banks. Reluctance to put Jews out front has seem tangential to this book, it once was a But by and large, things continued to move triot Haym Salomon is probably the best been clearly evident in newspaper journal- political issue and recently became one slowly, certainly in the executive bracket. known. In the middle of the 19th Century, a ism nationwide. Many Jews are attracted In 1973, a survey of 25 banks (not neces- again. In 1941, as anti-Semitism •in America number of Jewish investment houses— to journalism and they hold many key sarily the largest) in 10 cities outside New was building, aviation hero Charles Lind- Lehman BrOs., Kuhn, L6eb & Co., and newspaper positions. Yet of the approxi- bergh told an audience in Des Moines, York found just one Jew among 377 senior others—came into being. They contributed mately eight hundred members enrolled in officers, or • 0.27 percent. In middle man- Iowa, that Jews' "greatest danger to this substantially to capital formation in the the American Society of Newspaper Edi- country lies in their large ownership and U. S. during the late 19th and early 20th agement the proportion was 1.26 percent. tors, which limits membership to "direct- In short, the industry by and large ap- inflence in our motion pictures, our press, centuries, but their number and their com- ing editors," fewer than twenty are Jewish. our radio and our government." An in- bined assets represented only a small part pears to be inching only slowly toward a It happens that these few include ranking ternal communication of the American of the American banking system. Though less minute representation of Jews among editors of four newspapers that are espe- management personnel. On boards of di- Jewish Committee in.the early 1970s noted some of these firms survive, they are no cially influential in terms of national poli- that: longer exclusively Jewish concerns, and rectors, Jews seem to be less scarce; in tics, those being Rosenthal and John the 1973 survey, the proportion was 5.30 they have lost much of ;their former im- The theme of America's press being Oakes of the Times, Howard Simons and percent. But even assuming that some such portance in the face of the steady trend controlled and dominated by a small group Meg Greenfield of the Washington Post, ratio holds for the industry as a whole, the of Eastern Jews has been a dominant one toward ever larger corporations. Warren Phillips of The Wall Street Journal, nation is, as it has always been, light in the anti-Semitic lunatic fringe type Meanwhile, in the increasingly crucial and Dorothy Schiff of the New York Post. years away from "Jewish control" or press at least since the halcyon days of commercial banking industry overt _exclu- And, although Lippmann and David Law- "Jewish ownership" of banks. the German-American Bund, the Christian sion of Jews was practiced until a very rence were members of the Society for Front and the numerous native American If Jews have been so few and far be- few years ago. In 1939, only 0.6 percent of ' tween years, the organization did not elect a in American banking, why does the fascist groups. 93,000 bankers in the U. S. were Jews, and president who happened to be Jewish until image of the "all-powerful Jewish banker" in 1942, a little over 3 percent of directors Intentionally or not, the issue was re- 1969. cropping up? On the face of it, the freshed in 1969 in, of all places, Des and trustees of banks belonging to the New keep The phenomenon of selecting non-Jews matter looks deceptively simple. There York Clearing House Associations were Moines, the same city where Lindbergh's to be directing editors seems to be a have, after all, been times—though not in Jews—at a time when 30 percent of New assault had come. The attacker this time constant, whether or not a newspaper is this country—when Jewish bankers wield- York's population was Jewish. There were was Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President of the owned by a Jew. As it happens, few Amer- ed major influence. During the first half practically no Jewish employees in. the United States, who assailed the (Eastern- ican newspapers are owned by Jews: 3.1 of the 19th Century, the house of Roths- largest commercial banks. Fortune stated based) television networks and certain percent of the 1,748 newspapers in the child was one of the power centers of in the early 1940s: "Very definitely, (Jews) United States, comprising about 8 percent commentators as being elitist news and Europe. Earlier, in the 17th and 18th cen- do not run banking." thought managers who withheld truth from of total daily newspaper circulation. The turies, kings and princes often retained the public. Soon thereafter, Agnew went By the 1960s, discrimination against Jewish agents, so-called court Jews, to Newhouse chain of newspapers, which rep- before the Chamber of Commerce in Mont- Jews in commercial banking was waning resents more _than half of that 8 percent manage financial matters for them. In the gomery, Alabama, to say that: at lower levels of authority; but it was still" Middle Ages, when the Church forbade circulation, employs only non-Jews as edi- going strong in executive echelons and on When The Washington Times-Herald tits or publishers except for members of Christians to lend money at interest, Jews boards of directors. In 1966, a survey of —who were excluded from almost all other the immediate Newhouse family. In fact, in died in the nation's capital, that was a the 50 largest banks in the U. S. found that livelihoods—functioned as petty of political tragedy; and when The New York 1951, when Philip Hochstein was a direct- only 1.3 percent of top officers and 0.9 per- Journal-American, The New York World ing editor for Newhouse, he conducted a lenders. cent of middle management were Jews. In search for a new editor for the chain's Telegram and Sun, The New York Mirror Yet this does not really explaii..- the savings bank field the picture was and The New York Herald-Tribune all col- newpaper in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, stereotype, for there have been groups of similar:- As of 1965, fewer than 2.5 per- lapsed within this decade, that was a stipulating that the editor could be neither equal or greater financial power who have cent of key officers and under 3.5 percent a Jew nor., a Catholic. Apparently unable to great, great political tragedy for the peo- not become bogeymen for the credulous or of trustees of mutual. savings banks in New ple of New York. The New York Times locate a suitable Protestant, Newhouse for seekers after conspiracies. In the Mid- York City were Jews, and 82 percent of chose a Catholic. was a better newspaper when• they were dle Ages,, when Jews were small-time these banks had no Jews as executive all alive than it is now that they are gone. (Former Newhouse Newspaper Chain lenders, the Knights Templars were the officers. A year later, thanks to the ex- Editor Philip Hochstein, now editor of The Washington Times-Herald, owned by big financiers, but who remembers them posure of these figures, the percentage of as such? In the era that followed, Italian Jewish Week, New York, last week refuted the McCormick-Patterson family, had been Jewish trustees had risen to 4 percent, but Isaacs' charge that Sam Newhouse had not purchased by the Washington Post's Eu- and German financiers originated banking that of Jewish officers remained employed Jews as editors. He said four gene Meyer, a Jew. -The defunct New York in the modern sense; yet neither Itlaians unchanged. such positions were held by Jews when he newspapers all were owned by gentiles; nor Germans are thought to possess excep- was in Newhouse's employ). In September 1967—a time when non- tional financial poWer of canniness. Nor the lone survivor mentioned by Agnew, The syndrome of a-Semitism, Jewless- the Times, is owned by a Jewish family. discrimination was high on the nation's have the great financiers of old American ness, occurs as well in the two major He did not for some reason mention the agenda—the American Bankers Associa- stock—men with names like Chase or Mor- American news agencies, the Associated tion conducted a workshop on equal em- gan—created a popular image of the Anglo- New York Daily News, which is read each Press and United Press International. No ployment opportunities for Blacks, Jews day by far more people than read the Saxon American as prototypical. banker. Jew has ever served in a top capacity in Times and which is not owned by Jews. either agency. As 'a current analysis, with an historical badkground, this AJC statement is of After those two speeches, the issue was Although the subject of Jewish involve- fueled further when U. S. News & World immense value to all regardless of faith. It is reasonable to believe that fair-minded ment and Ownership in the media may Americans will be able to differentiate crackpot charges from existing and irrefutable Report published a question-and-answer truths. But there is no avoiding the lunatic element: The pity is that a U. S. general may 2—Friday, Dec. 13, 1974 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS now become one of its heroes.