Creative Party Planning U.S., Soviets No Closer on M.•. Ford said the talks had including brought about "a higher de- gree of understanding" about Candy Centerpieces , each country's position on negotiations. Personalized Party The United States favors Favors step-by-step bilateral talks Invitations and Party between Israel and the Arab accessories for all occasions., states while the Soviet Union wants resumption of the Ge- neva peace conference, for MARCIA MASSERMAN which it is co-sponsor with THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS the United States. 646-6138 Friday, Dec. 6, 1974-59 The President made his comment in response to a question as to whether he and_Brezhnev had discussed "some kind of trade - off • when you come to FLORIDA whereby Israel would deal with the PLO and the PLO enjoy the climate, the food, would recognize Israel's right the sights . . . NOT the to exist as a state." Ford replied, "We didn't turniture or wallpaper shops .. . get into that detail." He add- ed that "Israel has indicated • UNIQUE interiors that it would not negotiate with the PLO" and that "we • UNIQUE service have no way of forcing them to do so." • UNIQUE prices His talks with Brezhnev on the Middle East, he said, for complete and professional involved discussion of "our assistance in FLORIDA .. . position and their position, and, as we discussed it, I think we came to a higher degree of agreement in that our position was understood OF BROWARD by them and the prospects of 5260 north hills drive, hollywood the Geneva agreement was call collect 305-966-4819 understood by us." WASHINGTON (JTA) — President Ford indicated at his press conference Monday that differences between the United States and the Soviet Union on approaches to Mid- east peace negotiations had not been narrowed in his Vladivostok talks with Soviet Communist Party Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev. Money to Burn—Oil Money Ivances in the United States, insinuated more than $1,000,- this nation reaches out 000 into the American Of all the posturing by through such devices as the economy. By this time next spokesmen for oil-rich nations Marshall Plan and the Peace year, that amount is expect- and their energetic collabora- Corps to help relieve poverty ed to double. Arab oil income tors, none is more ludicrous around the world. Some of is topping $100,000,000 to American Jews than the our profits, indeed, go for the a year. Conservative econo- huffing and puffing of Dr. M. relief and rehabilitation of mists estimate that soon, Arab governments will have T. Mehdi. Visible as a picket refugees. Item 4: Refugees? Why half a trillion dollars to in- demonstrating against Jewish rallies and conferences, Dr. cannot Dr. Mehdi and those vest. Once this process escalates Mehdi lists himself as secre- for whom he speaks now tary-general of the Action demonstrate unselfish im- as it is expected to advance, C o m m i t t e e On American- pulse by using a sizeable Arab investors in the lJnited Arab Relations. The title is share of oil largesses to care States can be expected to in- an euphemism for a pro-Arab for Arab refugees—the one fluence American advertising propagandist in the U.S., enclave among the many col- copy. From there it's an easy busy as a bevy of bees. lections of the refugees in jump to the purchaSe of Not long ago, Dr. Mehdi the world that we hear about newspaper and magazine plants. A dreary outlook, but obtained good position on the so often? we would be foolish to stick In contrast to these sug- New York Times opposite- our heads in the sand whence editorial page. There in his gestions, the oil richness now comes the oil. swelling the treasuries of letter to unsuspecting read- Dr. Mehdi, with his double Arab lands are already being ers, he berated President talk about America's hypoc- Ford and Secretary Kissinger employed to give Saudi Ara- in dealing with food pro- for raising threats 'against bia, Kuwait, and other Arab risy duction while complaining states a piece of Western oil-producing countries. What about the outlandish boost in right had they to scold Arab property. That building down oil prices by Arab nations, states for hiking the price of the street of Atlanta, that just a small sample of oil, he asked, when Ameri_ island off the coast of South is much — far too much that Carolina, that hotel in Chi- cans •had been limiting pro- lies ahead. An energy crisis duction of food and keeping cago; take a good look, for is one thing; the capture of the price of food high for tomorrow these properties and hundreds more will be a political and economic political reasons? stranglehold on America by in Arab hands. Why, the United States Even now, Arab interests Arab oil sheiks is the energy could feed the world for years are reliably reported to have crisis multiplied endlessly. were it not for the greed of this nation, Dr. Mehdi main- tained. What right to Messrs. Hy Emery N.S.I. D. And thou wilt give thyself Ford and Kissinger have, relief, if thou doest every act then, to fuss about inconven- of thty life as if it ware the ience caused by a boost in sion of the Jews; that most JERUSALEM (JTA) last. the price of oil? —Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Meyer Weisgal, chancellor of "Palestinian" Arabs in fact As is standard operating the Weizmann 'Institute of live today in historic Pales- practice for Dr. Mehdi, he Science and the man who tine on either side of the glosses over essential factors. was a close confidant of Dr. Jordan. Item 1: America has become Chaim Weizmann, has issued And the fact that many of a great food-producing nation an urgent call to "the gov- by its own sweat and through ernment, the Jewish Agency, them came to this country its own ingenuity. No entre- banks, other institutions and from other Arab areas be- preneurs from other lands individuals" in Israel and cause they were attracted by have come in to search for abroad to raise a $10,000,000 the prosperity that Jewish the little house in the middle of the block the fertile grounds, to plow fund for what he called an resettlement engendered; that the PLO's "secular demo- the soil, to sow the seeds, to "Operation Truth." cratic state" notion is "mani- come provide the capital. By, con- He described it as a mas- trast,' a huge amount of Arab sive information campaign to festly spurious" without basis oil profits are windfalls from enlighten world public opin- in history and "has been the welcomed prospecting, ion as to the truths of the manufactured out of the in- the drilling, the investment Israel-Arab conflict and the trigues of Arab oil diplo- macy." of American and British in- tenets of Zionism. Pastor Duvernoy's letter dustrialists. Writing in the Jerusalem Our President Says Item 2: Contrary to the Post in praise of a letter it to the Jerusalem Post, which impression Mehdi attempts to published from Jerusalem stressed these points ought "Competition is strong. We make competition create, the United States has Catholic Pastor Claude Du- to be run as an advertise- our asset with unequalled service" provided food for hungry mil- vernoy, Weisgal said: "A ment in every leading news- lions, often without cost and public committee of propa- paper in the West, Weisgal Judy Rom frequently at prices humani- ganda experts drawn from recommended. In Israel, too, President tarians would applaud. Israel and elsewhere, both "the young generation—and Item 3: When profits do Jews and non-Jews, should I say this more in sorrow 355-2437 between 12 & 13 29455 Northwestern Hwy. accrue from agricultural ad- be set up as a body inde- than in anger—are being fed pendent of the government with lies, fraud, distortions . . . to direct the enlighten- and obfuscations of the his- torical truths of this area," ment programs. "The eyes of the world Weisgal claimed. must be opened once and for all to the brazen lies of the Arab propagandists and their cohorts inside and outside the UN." Weisgal contended that the 4 government and Jewish Ag- ency had been "remiss" in s. their duty "by not method- ically revealing Arab men- Fashion today is synonymous with personal flair . . . a dacity and prevarications. reflection of you as an individual . . . your hair is an Jews are the best public re- lations' men for other peo- integral part of that look . . . ples' causes but "fail to live the color, the shaping, the amount of curl . . up to that reputation for themselves," Weisgal claimed. He said he would be ready an intimate expression of self to give $10,000 personally to such a fund should it be set ROASTING ON. '7.00 'thru hair designed for you AN OPEN FIRE up. According to Weisgal, the basic facts to be emphasized THE COUNTRY PEDDLER Tel-Ex Plaza, Telegraph at 10 are: The unbroken Jewish Our artists are available Tuesday thru Saturday: link with and presence in 3577 2122 YoUr Country Store in a Plaza Palestine which itself was phone 642-3315 never an independent or sep- Daily 10 to 9:30—Sunday to 9 P.M. arate entity since the expul- taniAwericard, Matter Chary Cift Wrappil k. By ROBERT E. SEGAL (A Seven Arts Feature) UNIQUE DESIGNS ,74, PLANT 5110 Weisgal Calls for Answer - to Arabs Propaganda Attacks ' in for a change "ofclimate The FINEST & HEALTHIEST Selection of Plants & Accessories • kg& dedipted etAci4 tie v ziet est •theee astereeN444 '• •