Ambassador Scali States U.S. Position in Defense of Israel UNITEID NATIONS (JTA) — John Scali, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, told the General Assembly last week that "weaving the Palestinian interests into the give and take of the negotiating process" was the way to move toward a situation "more responsire" to those interests. At the same time, he affirmed, "it must be understood by all that Israel has the right to exist as a sovereign independent state within secure and recognized boundaries." Scali said Palestinian interests would not be advanced "through new resolutions or dramatic parliamentary maneuvers." He stressed that if any of the parties • to the conflict rejected the right to exist of any other parties to the negotiations, then "our best hopes for negotiations and for peace are lost." _Without mentioning Arafat by name, Scali denounced attempts to equate terror with revolution and Arafat's professing to see no difference "between the slaughter of innocent people and a struggle for national liberation." He added that "there are those who wish to compare the American revolution and the many other wars of liberation of the past 200 years, with brutal and indiscriminate terrorism." The American free- dom fighters, Scali said, never succumbed to the easy excuse that "the end justifies the means." HE JEWISH NEWS Federation's nior Division: Social Activities, Community Service A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Jewish Vocational Service, Community Workshop Helping People- Page 64 Page 23 Michigan's Only 'English-Jewish Newspaper VOL. LXVI, No. 12 4 411W 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833 $10.00 Per Year; This Issue 30c November 29, 1974 Bigotr in UNESCO Shocks Civilized Society UNESCO Actions Denounced, Ford, Brezhnev Offer M.E. Hope By JOSEPH POLAKOFF WASHINGTON (JTA)—The major significance of the Middle East pas- sage in the Brezhnev-Ford communique in Vladivostok following their one- hour discussion on that area's problems, appears to be that the super pbwers have agreed to prevent a fifth Israel-Arab conflict in the near future. Beyond that, a conclusion drawn by some is that the super powers have edged a bit closer to the long held Moscow viewpoint that Moscow and Washington must impose a "peace" on the Mideast. That "peace" it is thought, may be disguised as a UN solution but in effect it will be a Soviet- American agreement along the lines of the old Rogers formula -- "Insub- stantial changes" in Israel's pre-Six-Day War borders. Moscow has been agitating for that type of big power solution even before the first Nixon-Brezh- nev summit in May 1972. The U.S. position has - been against an imposed agreement — a pledge . that Israel has consistently held to be a cardinal element of ties to Washington. Now it seems a "new reality" is enforcement of the 1967 Security Council- resolution 242 that is embodied in the - council's resolution 338 mentioned in the Vladivo- stockcommunique as the basis for settlement. Of utmost importance is the emphasis in the ( communique that Moscow and Washington "be- - lieve" that the Geneva conference "should resume (Continued on Page 8) EDITORIAL Israel's Moments Glory Amidst Internationalized Perfidy at UN's Cesspool Israel emerges as a light unto the nations. In an era when so many peoples have returned to the jungle and have demolished every vestige of human decency in an arena that had been planned to become the Parliament of Civilized Man, it was necessary for the inheritor and legaltee to the world of the Decalogue to hold high the banner of decency. Israel performed that task well and honorably in an United Nations that had been turned' into a cesspool by men who were transformed into beasts during the tragic moments in world history on the banks of the East River in New York. History will recall with gratitude that a handful of nations, under the leadership of the United States, up- held the hands of the littlest of states in its determination to retain a life of security and decency. Other nations, submitting to the title Great Powers, were found en- tangled in the jungle created by the insanities of haters who posed as sup- porters of a United Nations Human Charter while seeking to destroy a member of the world organization that formulated such a charter. Perfidious Albion chose to besmirch the Magna C'harta and to enter the jungle. Arthur James Balfour and his associates who fathered the historic declaration affirming Jewish rights to statehood must be turning over in their graves! Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite had been an inspiration for many peoples. Now the French nation is disgraced WASHINGTON (JTA):—Sen. Clifford P. Case (R-NJ) and Rep. Barry _ Goldwater Jr: (R-Calif.) have indicated they will seek Congressional action to offset the Arab-Communist actions against Israel in the United Nations and its auxiliary organs. Case said he is considering a request either for a Senate resolution condemning UNESCO or a move to cut off UNESCO from U.S. assistance in the foreign aid legislation. In three days last week UNESCO approved four resolutions: withdraw- ing all assistance for Israel, excluding Israel from its European regional group, calling for increased assistance within its projected budget for the liberation of Palestine and other liberation movements, and asking the di- rector general to cooperate with Arab states and the PLO in assuring the right of education and cultUre to Arabs in Israeli-occupied territory. Goldwater, pointing to the UN votes to admit the Palestine Liberation Organization to join its General Assembly debate and to exclude the Re- ublic of South Africa, said' these actions were violations of the UN Charter. He stated that he would introduce legislation in the new Congress convening in January to reduce the level of Ameri- can funding to the UN. "An organization which persists in such actions 'as these," he said, "does not deserve to be supported by the hard working American taxpapers. During a two day meeting last weekend of the (Continued on Page 5) by an evil spirit that has beguiled its statesmen! Mankind might well sit in mourning over the degradations that have been imposed upon an international organ- ization whose origin was rooted in so much hope. It , fell to the lot of tiny. Israel to hold high the torch of liberty, equality, fraternity while bestiality and insanity dominated the world or- ganization! Man, Jewish tradition has taught, was created in the image of .God. Sel- fishness and power-seeking are at- tempting to transform man into beast. The few who hold fast to hurnan -values reject the jungle. Israel, in this process of - true civilization seek- ing to cleanse the United Nations cess- pool, retains faith and adhered to the definition of her very name: "Your name shall be called . . . Is- rael, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed." —Gen. 32:29. In such faith, Israel emerges as the towering messenger of faith amidst, despair. In the hours of disgrace for mankind, in the shame that humiliates the Great PoWers and the beasts from the jungle who have influenced their actions, Israel looms taller in a stature of dignity. A people that refuses to be tram- pled upon, a nation that holds high the banner of civilization, and a peo= ple small in numbers nevertheless holds, out the hope for mankind that there will be a return to just human- ism. It takes one adherent to justice to hold high the lamp of civilization. That hand, - finding support from this great nation, will not weaken. A nation that stands erect, dignified, re- fusing to be crushed, emerges as a light to all mankind. The people Israel lives. The jungle will be cleansed. The glory that stems from Israel's ancient codes will once again guide mankind so that beasts of the jungle will not be shamed by humans who attempt to imitate their worst habits. Perhaps there will yet be a day of glory for the United Na- tions, and when that day comes, Is- rael's present great moment, of cour- age and dignity will be the shining light leading it out of humiliation.