THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish NewsPublishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile. Suite 865, Southfield; Mich. 48075. Second-Class Postage Paid at South/field, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ - Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Alan Hitsky, News Editor . . . Heidi Press, Assistant News Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 9th day of Kislev, 5735, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Gen. 28:10-32:3. Prophetical portion, Hosea 12:13-14:10. Candle lighting, Friday, Nov. 22, 4:48 p.m. VOL. LXVI. No. 11 Page Four November 22, 1974 Well Earned Acclaim for Paul Zuckerman Appropriately, the Greater Detroit Jewish community is the first to honor Paul Zucker- man on the eve of his retirement from the general chairmanship of the United Jewish Appeal, and to take into account his un- matched services in the humanitarian labors of the great_cause he serves so diligently. Mr. 2uckerman, as leader of many tens of thousands of workers in the tasks of assuring kinship for Israel and cooperation in the rescuing of oppressed fellow Jews who were settled in Israel; displayed - dynainism in leadership that served to inspire the armies of workers in scores of American Jewish communities. The 100,000 Russian Jews who found ha- ven in Israel during Mr. Zuckerman's general chairmanship of the UJA • owe him a great debt for consistency in advancing-their cause. He was unhesitant in pressing for their re- lease from the depressing Russian spheres. He was always an ardent pleader of the cause of freedom for those seeking exit from the USSR and 'he remains deeply involved in these movements. Nothing was too difficult for the untiring UJA leader. He traveled widely and person- ally solicited the large• contributors, in the post-Six Day War, after the tragic events of Yom Kippur 5734 and during that entire seven-year period. Jews throughout the United States, in Israel and in England came to know Paul Zuckerman as the Great Campaigner. It is most deserving that his fellow citi- zens in this community, in which he had his apprenticeship in fund-raising and in com- munal participation should be the ones to honor him first, before he retires from UJA's general chairmanship at the annual UJA meeting in December. His retirement from the major post in the. great philanthropic agency in no sense ends his leadership in many areas or 'his activities. His fellow work- ers will undoubtedly always count him among their dedicated workers and will honor and respect him for his many achievements. Isaiah's Identity in a Injustice must never be hushed, whether it is in evidenee at the United Nations or any- where else. The National Geographic Magazine, justly noted for its thoroughness and accuracy, made an apology, for the first time in its 84-year-old history, for having given the wrong impres- sion that the Jews in Syria, who are suffering more than any other people since the Nazi bestialities, were safe in a land of terror. For some time it has been indicated that at the United Nations there was failure to identify the most famous declaration of paci- fism on one of its most important murals. The Vision of Isaiah is presented in the UN build- ing as if it were the saying of an anonymous writer. It is creditable, therefore, that the New York Times' Book Review section of Oct. 27 should have included the following letter from Fritz Stoeckler of New York City under the title "Isaiah": The temvoraru banning of "Gulag Archipe- lago" and the removal of a quotation from Con- fucius from a wall of the UN headquarters in New York have been preceded many years ago by the violation of the rights—if not the copy- right—of another author in the very garden of the UN and also in its immediate neighbor- hood. In the garden on the pedestal of that U N Blackout magnificent statue donated by the USSR, and similarly on• an ornamental wall opposite the UN building, there is quoted- the prophecy: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares," but its source is not mentioned in either place.' This omission may have had several reasons: the dislike of the Soviets for the book in which Isaiah's prophecies appeared; lack of interest in others, because he has never been a mem- ber of the PEN club; or it was simply tact- fulness: nobody wanted to shame Isaiah's mem- ory, for everybody was aware that, as far as his country was concerned, that prophecy would never come true. This is not the first time a protest has been placed on record over the failure to iden- tify a Jewish Prophet in the international or- ganization. It is an established fact that when the Arab-Soviet bloc wishes to declare night to be day or black interpreted as white, it can get an overwhelming vote of the great organiza- tion. Is it possible that UN leadership believes it can also tamper with the Bible? Let's ask the United States, French, Brit- ish, Scandinavian—even German!—delegates how they react to historical and theological truths. Oh, they'll surely affirm authorship of "Isaiah," but, will they do it publicly—in the UN? Compiling American Jewish History When the Jpwish Publication Society un- dertook the arduous task of producing a re- vised translation of the Torah, it had the wis- dom of mobilizing the ablest scholars to pro- duce the vitally needed modernized English version of Scriptures. • Under the chairmanship of Prof. Harry Orlinsky, the Five Books of Moses became available in an edition more suitable for Eng- lish readers of a new generation. Prof. H. L. Ginberg similarly was enlisted to supervise the translation of the Five Megil- lot, Isaiah and Jeremiah, 'all of which now are books of pride to the JPS and to the American Jewish community. In the wake of plans for the celebration of the American Revolution Bicentennial a simi- lar responsibility rests upon the Jewish com- munity to provide historical material gath- ered by the ablest men in the cultural com- munity. The need for interpretation as well as the facts demand that whatever is published should be accurately provided for availability not only to the Jews of this country but to the non-Jewish community as well. History, like the Scriptures, must be treat- ed with respect and with the fullest under- standing of all implications. American Jewry has a rich history. Jewish spiritual traditions served to cement the ideal- ism that marked this Republic's democratic ideals. In statesmanship, industrially, in the social sciences and in philanthropy, American Jewry has played significant roles. These need adequate presentation and authoritative interpretation. Dr. Roth's History of Marranos Reissued With New Commentary . Dr. Cecil Roth has left a valuable legacy with his any studies of- Jewish historical developments, with special emphasis on his evalua- tive works on Spanish Jewry, the Inquisition, the Marranos and re- lated subjects. "A History of the Marranos," reissued in a fourth edition by Hermon Press, is one of the very important works by Dr. Roth that retains its value for Jewish students of the his- . tory of the Spanish tragedy. Its thoroughness, the relationship to the 'Marranos of the present time, those who were in evidence in the cen- turies after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and the agonies imposed on the converses the New Christians — has equal merit for - all students of the era that left an indelible mark on religious discrimi- nation. — Dr. Roth's preface written for the first edition of...this notable work is a familiar reminder of the studies that were _conducted by the eminent scholar. Adding significance to this' new edition is an introductory essay 'by Prof. Herman P. Salomon in which Dr. Cecil Roth the creative research of Dr. Roth is defined as a timely note of guidance to the widely acclaimed Marrano history. Dr. Salomon had been invited by Dr. Roth himself to write the introduction, thus indicating the suitability of a more current appendix to a work of research conducted more than three decades ago. Dr. Salomon notes: "What has not been superseded in. Cecil Roth's pioneering work is his clear-cut distinction between the Spanish and Portuguese origins of Inquisitional persecution, as well as his distinction between Spanish and Portuguese New Christians." "Cecil Roth." he adds, "was the first historian of the Marranos to make plain that, contrary to still current popular opinion, the unbaptized Jews of Spain were never subject to the jurisdiction of the Inquisition in respect to their practice of Judaism. "Until July 31, 1492, Judaism in Spain was officially recognized, tolerated and protected. The Jewish exiles of 1492 who departed for North Africa, Turkey and Italy continued to hold tenaciously to their Spanish Jewish culture. "A History of the Marranos" concentrates on that numeric stronger mass of Spanish Jews who crossed the border into -Portugal, joining there the small, but long established native Jewish population ; and undergoing with the latter forced mass conversion in 1497." Dr. Salomon adds an interesting excerpt from the text to illustrate how •Roth showed that most victims of the Inquisition were not guilty of "Judaic practices:" "A Portuguese nobleman, in order to secure from the Inquisition the release of his body-physician, 'a very good Catholic' who had' con- fessed to Judaizing under threat of torture, seized the Inquisitor himself and extracted an identical confession from him by similar means." Salomon says Roth's work "raises as many questions as it answers." But, "like any major historical work, 'A History of the Marranos' will have fulfilled its mission when one day it will inspire a scholar to write a better one. In the meantime, Roth's seminal volume remains the best introduction to the entire subject, supplemented, but not super- seded by subsequent researches."