54—Friday, October 25, 1974 THE DETROIT 'JEWISH NEWS' On Teachers and Disciples: Wisdom From the Ge'niata ,He who learns and does not teach is like a myrtle which grows in the There are others who claim that desert: no one receives enjoyment tearing the clothes is a symbol of from it. — Rosh ha-Shana, 23a. a heart which is torn over the grief Rabba bar Bar Hana said: "Why in losing a dear one. It is also con- tended that the tear is torn near are the words of Tora likened unto the heart in the case of a parent fire (Jer. 23:29)? It is to teach because the heart can no longer that, as the fire from a single express its love for the deceased: piece of wood does not give forth heat, so the Tora of a single stu- A benediction is pronounced dent likewise does not give forth when the tear is made. warmth." . . . Baiically, the benedietion is an Rab Hanina bar Idi said: "Why expression of the Jewish tradition is the Tora likened to water (Isa. which claims that a man should bless God both when he enjoys life as well as when he suffers, be- Hebrew as Golden Hinge cause, in the long run, even suffer- - The knowledge of Hebrew is the ing has a good purpose. Tearing golden hinge upon which our the rent at the time that the bene- national and religious existence diction is made indicates- that at turns. Flowing down from the hills the moment of deepest anguish we of eternity, the Hebrew language still proclaim that God is just and has been set apart by God as the thank Him for whatever life has receptacle of truths destined to sway mankind and humanize the brought us. world.—Sabato Morais. Some contend that it was the in- tention of the rabbis to try and have some physical deed associat- ed with each benediction which is pronounced so that our worship of the Almighty is more than lip serv- ice. In this respect, the required blessing which is pronounced upon hearing of death is associated with the tearing of .one's clothes to in- dicate that our expression of faith, even in grief, has the overall pur- pose of demonstrating' that we serve the Almighty even with our regrets and with our tears in times of bereavement. Custom of Tearing Mourners' Clothes By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, JTA, Inc.) Jewish tradition requires that a mourner tear a portion of his clothes. A number of reasons are offered for this practice which seems to be mandatory according to Jewish law. It is derived from the Biblical injunction which forbids tearing one's flesh and hair in mourning (Deuteronomy 14:1). In this respect the tearing of one's clothes would be a substitute for tearing one's hair and flesh, which one is inclin- ed to do in a state of anguish and which was something done by early pagans. Others feel that the tearing of clothes was a means of obtaining relief from the anguish that builds up psychologically. The Jewish tradition felt it wise to give expression to one's innermost senti- ments of despair, but restricted the method so that it would be a controlled element of expression. The Bible contains many episodes where people tore their clothes upon hearing of the death of a loved one such as was the case of Jacob when he heard that his son, Joseph, was dead, or David when he learned about the death of Saul, or Job when his loved ones died. Sabbath Hallah The bread used for the Sabbath is traditionally of a different na- ture and texture than that used during the rest of the week. Generally speaking, it was tra- ditional to make everything done on the Sabbath assume a different character than that which is done during the week. In this way one displays his regard for the Sabbath as an unusual day. Naturally, the course of the week-day activity included the consumption of bread. Thus the bread of the Sabbath was naturally one which should be dif- ferent. It was therefore compara- tively richer, more decorative and therefore, more luxurious. One of the ordinances which Ezra the Scribe was said to have initiated was that the housewife was to rise early on Friday and occupy herself with the preparation of the bread for the Sabbath. Thus, of course, the Sabbath bread would usually be fresher than that con- sumed during the week. Some would make special markings on the Sabbath bread for a different reason. Since the Sabbath bread would at times be enriched with animal fats, it could not be eaten with milk foods. On the Sabbath when the main meals are meat meals this is no problem. On the week days when there are many dairy meals, there might inadvertently be an occasion when the bread left over from the Sabbath might be eaten with dairy foods. Therefore, special markings are made on the bread. The Sabbath bread also re- minds us of the show bread placed on the special table set aside for that purpose in the temple. This was usually placed there on Fri- days. The Sabbath bread is called hallah. Most authorities claim that this is done to serve as a reminder to the housewife to break off a piece of dough before baking the bread. This piece of dough is now burned. Originally, it used to be one of the gifts given to the priest. Man, thus learns to share his bread and to recognize that a portion of all his earthly endeavors belongs to the Almighty—the source of life. Call- ing the Sabbath bread Halla brings all this to mind, because this por- tion which was given to the priest was called halla. 4t ♦ §** ♦ ,4**$.4, 55:1)? It is to teach that just as laugh a little. Then he would be- one who is thirsty is not too lazy come serious. Sabbath, 30b. to seek water, so a disciple who has the thirst for knowledge does not hesitate to seek out a teacher." — Ta'anit, 7a. Break in case of emergency. Rabba would open his discourse with a jest, and let his hearers Old Fund Raiser A "Meshulakh" is a yiddish ex. pression referring to an agent who was sent by an institution to as- semble funds for its cause. The word comes from the Hebrew root to send: and thus a "Meshulakh" is one who was sent. It often hap- pened that these travelling emis- saries were a source of information that was traded from place to place. They were often the link between communities through whom news spread around the Jewish world. Take stock in America Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Grace After Meals Jewish tradition stipulates that the host "break" bread at the table when there are guests present. It is because the host would cut larger pieces from the bread to impress his guests, while the guests might cut small pieces as the sign of modesty. Grace after meals is tradition- ally led by the guest and not the host. The Rabbis (Shulhan Arukh, Orah Hayyim,) claim that this is done because the grace after meals contains blessings which a guest would offer for the host. Ap- parently this custom came into be- ing at the time when the practic ,2. still prevailed where one of the comp-any would offer the grace in the name of the entire company. Thus, if the host offered the grace after the meals he could not very well bless himself. The guest, how- ever, out of courtesy and thankful- ness to the host can invoke the blessing of the Almighty for his host. what's going on in THE WORLD ? ? ? JEWISH NEWS The Crown on the Torah A silver crown is placed on top of the Sefer Torah. The earliest recollection we have of this custom is about 1,000 years ago in the literature of the Gaonim. Some claim that "this was placed on the Scroll on the day of Simhat Torah when the people rejoiced with the Torah and bestowed the honor of being "The Bridegroom, of the Law" which was given to the one who_ was called up to read the last portion. There was• an ancient custom for a bridegroom to wear a crown and in some cases mention is made of the bride also wearing a crown. A bridegroom is considered a king and his bride a queen. The Torah is like-the bride and thus deserves a crown. Generally, this has been taken to mean that the only abso- lute ruler — a real king — can be the Almighty God, whose word is reflected in the holy Torah, which, therefore, is adorned with a. crown. ♦ t Keeps everyone abreast of happenings here, there and everywhere ! THE PERFECT GIFT FOR THE \HOLIDAYS I ORDER - TODAY 1••• Please send gift subscription to: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE FROM OCCASION ❑ 0 enclosed rzwrirrer r am, t ), ZIP