Temple Women Name President Mrs. Robert N. Canvasser was elected president of Dis- trict 11, National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods at a recent biennial convention at Temple Beth El. Elected with her were Mes- dames S i d n e y Katzman, resident-elect of T e m pl e_ Emanu-El; Stuart Goldfarb of Beth Israel, Jackson, James Baer, Temple Beth El, South Bend, Ind., and David Booth of Temple Beth El, Windsor, vice presidents; Louis Peven of Temple Em- .anu-E1 and Herbert Saper- stein of Temple Beth El, secretaries; and Harold Co-. MRS. ROBERT CANVASSER ( hen of Temple Emanuel, Mrs. Canvasser is on the Rapids, treasurer. board of trustees of Temple Beth El, vice president of the OUR WEDDING Metropolitan Federation of BAR MITZVA Reform Synagogues, nation- al board member of the NFTS and past president of Temple Beth El Sisterhood. WILL BE Make sure to be in with your equals if you're going to fall out with your su- periors. WHEN PHOTOGRAPHED BY ALBIll FINER WINES Among the sponsors are: Former Supreme Court Justice Arthur J. Groldberg Harold Beznos, Max Biber, will be guest speaker at the A. Howard Bloch, Jack J. Yeshivath B e t h Yehuda's Carmen, Ernest L. Citron, 60th anniversary dinner Nov. Irwin I. Cohn, Reubin Du- 'brinsky, Dr. Arnold Eisen- 17 at Cobo Justice Goldberg, perma- man, Kenneth Fischer, Sid- nent U.S. representative to ney Fischer, Nathan I. Gol- the UN, was secretary of la- din, Ruben Grevhin, Samuel bor under 'President Lyndon Hechtman, David B. Holtz- B. Johnson. He is the author man, Arnold' Joseff, Mrs. of "The Defenses of Freedom: Morris Karbal, Daniel A. the Public Papers of Arthur Laven, Joseph Nusbaum, Irv- J. Goldberg," and "Equal ing I. Palman, Julius Roten- Justice: the Warren Era of berg, Alex Saltsman, I. Wil- liam Sherr, Max Stollman the Supreme Court." Irwin I. Cohn is general and Phillip Stollman. Graduates of the Beth --Ye- chairman- of the event and I. William Sher is dinner hudah schools serve the Jew- ish community in many ca- chairman. Black Sect Still Recruiting for Land .of Milk and Honey A black Detroit Police re- cruit is searching for his estranged wife and son who are reported on their way to Israel to join a black sect. A report of James 0. Wil- liams' search has revived interest in the sect, which has not b,een accepted by the Israeli government under the law of return because mem- bers fail to meet the law's conditions. Arieh Shapira, director of the Israel Aliya Center in Southfield, said he hoped any new converts to the sect were warned of what to expect in the desert towns where they live in Israel. The climate and conditions are not good, he said, if the immigrant lacks funds and food, and must sleep in a crowded apartment with other followers of the sect. "Israel is trying to dis- courage these illegal immi- grants," he said, • because they conflict with other im- migrants and refuse conver- sion under accepted proce- dures of Israel's law of re- turn. "Let me emphasize this International Music with HENRI WAKNINE AND ASSOCIATES Complete Coverage AND HIS ORCHESTRA KE 1-8196 357-0139 355-4913 * BUY A FRONT QUARTER * OF BEEF FROM US WE WILL Kosher • Trim • Cube • Dice • Grind • Make Portion Corrtiolled Hamburger Patties • Roll & Tie • Slice & Pound and Polycoat Freezer Wrap to Your Specifications • FREE DELIVERY Of Front Quarter FOR A PRICE QUOTE CALL DEXTER DAVISON KOSHER MEATS Owned by the Feldman Bros. In the Dexter Davison Shopping Plaza LI 8-6800 Under the supervision of the Council of Orthodox Rabbis ' NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCTS AT LOW, LOW EVERYDAY PRICES BEST 15 STRICTLY KOSHER SAUSAGE • Smoked • POLISH • ITALIAN YOUR CHOICE 12-oz $1 Pkg 25 KLEENEX White or Decorated JUMBO TOWELS ROLAND IMPORTED Roll Pack DEXTER DAVISON MARKETS SARDINES In Olive Oil 2 79 3 - 4 %.oz. Club $1 Size Cans . 1111 1 111/ Specials We Reserve Right to Limit viG t"horo.ud Quantity r --_PRODUCE SPECIALS • U.S. No. 1 MACINTOSH or JONATHAN SUNSWEET Unsweetened PRUNE JUICE Ln 49 Qt. e TETLEY TEA BAGS 100 Count Box 89' DELICIOUS MEAT OR DAIRY TRAYS We use' only Kosher-Wilno-Best-Zion or Feinberg: Kosher Products on our Meot Trays FOR FREE' DELIVERY CALL JO 6-4640 TASTY BAR-B-0 CHICKEN r 'Very, Very Beist 1;6011:11 o l Ts (We Use Empire Kosher Poultry Only) SUPER SELECT CUCUMBERS Jar for your special parties 'or other events try our ' tftioJ APPLES 3 Lbs.39 AUNT JANES KOSHER DILL PICKLES THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 25, 1974-35 Former Justice Goldberg to Speak at Beth Yehudah Schools Benefit L 3 For 2 cr tiurtm FRESH FISH DEPARTMENT The finest and largest selection in the area. We.clean, bone, skin and grind all fish free of charge. For special service coil JO 6-4640 isn't a matter of race, but of religious and ideological differences," he added: Is- rael has a large percentage of dark-complected Oriental Jews from many parts of the world. The sect, called the Orig- inal Hebrew Israelite Na- tion, entered Israel in 1969 after failing in an attempt to form a colony in Liberia, Africa. Their arrival and refusal to leave or make an accepted conversion caught the Israeli government by surprise. But of the 1,000 in the sect who settled in the Negev Desert towns of Arad and Dimona, there - are now less than 200 because of internal discord and government refusal to extend visas. Shapira said that they are not entitled to any govern- ment services because of their lack of citizenship, in- cluding schools, housing, health services and welfare. Sutton - Ravines Chapter, Women's American ORT, will hold its third annual holiday bazaar 10 a.m.-9,p.m. Nov. 7 at Sutton Place Apts. club house. Booths will include oriental imports, jewelry, handicrafts, toys and tropical plants. Re- freshments will be 'available. Mrs. Ellis Goldberg, chair- man, and Mrs. Max Schultz, president, invite guests. ARTHUR GOLDBERG Women to Hold Donor Lunch David-HOrodoker Women' Organization will hold its 37th annual donor luncheon noon Nov. 12 at Cong. Beth Achim. Mrs. Bernard Chase will be chairman of the day,' announces Mrs. Alex Dorch- en, president. - Proceeds w i 1 1 aid the needy locally and projects in Israel. For tickets, call Mrs. Harry Schechter, 557-6674. Classifieds Get Quick Results MICHAEL KAPUT-- Photography Weddings • BaOtiiizviii If Rosen's bread isn't home made it's the next thing to it. It's still made the way bread used to be made — with loving hands, full-bodied nour- ishment,and a tasty, hard crust in the very best old world fradition. The same is true for Rosen's rolls. The onions are not the usual processed and de- hydrated variety. They're fresh and whole, peeled by hand so the juice be- comes a part of the onion roll, Available -at your favorite supermarket and deli counter. Rosen - s The Bread With the Hard Crust 642-1039 GIRLS' NYLON SKI JACKET TARNOW - CHERKINSKY: Better to lose with a wise man than win with a fool. HOME MADE pacities, and more than 100 graduates have settled in Israel. • For reservations, call the Beth Yehudah Schools, 557- 6750. . arrtages Janel Marleen Cherkinsky and Steven Mark Tarnow were married recently at Temple Israel of Bay City. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cher- kinsky of Midland. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. William Tarnow of Bellbrook Dr.,-Southfield. Re- becca Tarnow, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. Duane Cherkinsky, brother of the bride, was the best man, and ushers were E dow a r,d Cherkinsky, the brother of the bride, and Michael and Henry Tarnow, brothers of the bridegroom. The new Mrs. Tarnow at- tended Michigan State Uni- versity and Mr. Tarnow at- tended Wayne State Univer- sity. * * STEARN - LEWIS: Robyn R. Lewis and Scott Stearn were married recently at Temple Israel. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schwartz of Fairfax Ave., Southfield. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stearn of W. Echo Valley, Farmington Hills. ORT Women Set Holiday Bazaar By Weather Tamer featured in Harpers' Bazaar Triple insulated for maximum warmth. Completely pile lined. Heavy duty Talon zipper. Two pockets. Belted. Ma- chine washable. Made in U.S.A. Red, Navy, Orange and Yellow. SIZES 4 to 6X $20 $22 SIZES 7 to 14 DEPARTMENT STORE FOR CHILDREN TEL-TWELVE MALL, 12 Mile & Telegraph OPEN DAILY 10 o.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAY 12 to S P.M. ALSO NOR- INWOOD SHOPPINO.CENTER 13 MILE AT WOODWARD OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 USE YOUR BANK AMERICARD OR MASTER CHARGE