7 WZR:ir3;17., +iRu r The Anguish and the Grandeur The Nelson Rockefeller Probe and David Schwartz's Paper Recalling Chaim Weizmann's Historic Services Editor's Note: Meyer W. To beg of you, forgive Me! Weisgal, chancellor of the Forgive your God, you Weizmann Institute, was the that ,have been shamed right hand man and guide of forever! Dr. Chaim Weizmann in the For all your dark and 1930s and to the end the life bitter lives Forgive Me, of the first president of and for your ten times Israel. The folowing article is dark and bitter death! one of a series to be pub- (Trans. Helena Frank) lished on the centenary of Weizmann must ha v e Dr. Weizmann'sF birth to be brooded often during the observed in November. carnage of 1939-1945 upon the By MEYER W. WEISGAL significance of Malik's_ pow- In one of the finest- elegies erful lament for a massacre ever Written, Chaim Nach- that was to be dwarfed by man Bialak, acknowledged the Nazi Holocaust: I often Hebrew poet laureate and saw him in those years, one of Chaim Weizmann's stricken by the fate that had closest friends, penned these engulfed his people — a fate lines in the wake of the of which he had warned long Kishinev pogrom in 1904: • before the catastrophe ma- Go, look and look, behold terialized.. them where they lie Only another Bialik could Like butchered calves, and have expressed the agony of yet thou hast no tear the Holocaust or rendered its To give to them, full and dreadful depth. But as I have no reward. in 1944, when the horror of Aid for Retarded Children Theme of U. S. Postage Stamp MEYER W. WEISGAL the genocide- first became known, Bialik was no longer alive; and it was left to Weizmann to face the the scope of the tragedy and to proclaim its implications to the remainder of the Jewish people. The record shows, incredibly, that Weizmann's dirge fell largely on deaf ears. That period in Weizmann's life, the ten years between his 65th and 75th birthdays, began and ended in two ex- tremes of human and polit- ical experience. One, on the eve of war in August 1939, was marked by the lowest ebb in the tide of Zionist fortunes; the other, in May 1948, came in the swell of hope that attended the cre- ation of the .Jewish state born in the stormy, confused aftermath of the second World War. Bowed' under his almost unbearable load of personal grief and political woes, Weizmann struggled, far be- yond the capacity of his in- creasingly f r ail health, to snatch victory for the Jewish national cause from the jaws of actual and further poten- tial disaster. As the years go by there has been a tendency, at times unconscious, at times delib- erate, to confine Weizmann's political creativity to the Bal- four Declaratioin and the succeeding two decades, and thus to imply that he was only a spectator of the activ- ities leading to Vie establish- ment of the state of Israel. Rather than explOre the mo- tives behind this distortion of history, I prefer -to refute it with the record of the events as they occurred —. and as they have been narrated. That record proves that, in the autumn of his life, Weiz- mann was the decisive fig- urge in several of Israel's most formative' moments: I the creation of the Jewish 1 Brigade; the resolution of the UN General Assembly on Partition (Nov. 29, 1947); the inclusion of the Negev within the borders of the Jewish state; t h e recog- nition of Israel-by President Truman, which served as the basis for the present partner- ship between the United States and Israel; and the recept of the `first $100,- 000,000 loan from the -U.S. administration. Without Weiz- mann's stature and unique personality, none of these could have been accom- plished. It is not irrelevant that Weizmann talked always of the Jewish people, rarely us- ing the terms "Israel" or "Israelis." For him, world Jewry and the Jewish state were indivisable, one integ- ral entity. And he himself represented a national ideal that was global in its sense of destiny and in its practical fulfillment. He would, I know, hugely have disliked those elements within the state that have become parochial today and carelessly tolerant of expediency. In his speech of acceptance when he was sworn-in as Israel's first president on Feb. 16, 1949, in Jerusalem, he repeated the Biblical phrase, "Where there is no vision the people perish." He believed vision to be a hu- man imperative, a goal to be fiercely pursued,, the means towards never wholly achieved ends. He spoke also in that inaugural address, of the benefits of science to mankind and urged, "Let us build a new bridge between science and . the. spirit of man." Shortly before he died, as I sat at his bedside while he held my hand tightly, he talked to me too about sci- ence, about the need to pro- tect freedom of inquiry, about the sacred character of science and work for their own sake, rather than for ephemeral rewards. In those last moments, his wonderful mind was concentrated on the problem of national ethics and the challenge of the uni- versality of science. Today the Jewish people at large and the people of Is- rael in particular, would do well, I am deeply convinced, to look back to the content, the nobel spirit and the style of Weizmann's statesman.: ship. Any spark of it today, however small, would do much to illumine the future path. , By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1974, JTA, Inc.) The Rockefeller fortune is now a central issue. One thing about the rich has al- ways puzzled me. Let me illustrate: Some years back, the great indus- trialist, financial tycoon, An- drew Carnegie, head of the steel corporation, was a guest at 'a dinner of the Jew- ish Educational Alliance on the Lower East Side. Car- negie after the dinner didn't have money to tip the waiter. The superintendent of the Educational Alliance lent him $3. Carnegie wrote a check for the amount- and gave it to the superintendent, but the superintendent didn't cash the check. He framed it. They tell a story about one of the Rothschilds. A Jew once came to him and asked him for a loan. "Sorry," said Rothschild, "but I cannot give you the loan, but I tell you, I will be at the synagogue Saturday. You come there and you can sit with me and we will walk out together, and when you are seen walk- ing out with me, you will be easily able to get your loan elsewhere." So we say, what do the rich need money for? It's wasted on them. Congress has been probing Rockefeller's wealth. I can recall the first time I did some probing of wealth. I remarked to my mother about some neighbors that they must be very rich as they had sweet rolls for breakfast. My parents came from Rus- sia. Papa wasn't rich but he was a pretty strong fellow and hardly ever sick. Not like his brother, who was always going to the doctor and then saying later, "The doctor feels better. I gave him $2." don't recall papa ever going to a doctor. If he took sick, he would take some Epsom salts or perhaps eat some vegetable or fruit recom- mended in the Talmud. If he had the $2 he didn't pay every time he didn't go to the doctor, he would have had a fortune. NELSON ROCKEFELLER Once he thought he almost had a fortune. Papa read in a Jewish paper about an up- holsterer finding $300 in a couch he was repairing. He immediately turned uphols- terer. He had some mechani- cal ability and was a good upholsterer, but he found no hidden cache and he finally went back to peddling; his original trade in America. Later he opened a second- hand clothing store. The father of John D. Rockefeller also was a ped- dler but he didn't keep Shab- beslike papa did. Saturday then was the busiest day of the week, the day when stores made the most m ,- but papa's store was c166,..a. On Saturday, he would not even hold a coin. Papa was a student of the. Talmud and it is written there "Who is rich — he that is satisfied with his portion." .Henry David Thoreau seemed to have-had the same point of view. When-he was a young man, Thoreau de- veloped a pencil which in- terested some money people. They approached him with a view of merchandising it. Thoreau said he was just in- terested in making the best ,possible pencil and after that he was no longer interested in it. Thoreau, like the Tal- mud, had his own view_ of riches. He said you don't have to make more to become rich. You can become rich by making your wants few. Papa worked hard. He had to go around buying up the old clothes then he had to repair and press them — he did it all by himself .— then he would have to sell Ahem. When he sold, I used to get the feeling that maybe he was pOlitical minded. When a customer would put on one of his suits, which he had cleaned and repaired, he would beam and say, "This is good enough for the gov- ernor." But he never wanted to be vice president. He was presi- dent — of one shul. He believed in going to the top. DAVID SCHWARTZ Central American- Fruit Dealer Recalled After Hurricane Fifi BY JOSEPH POLAKOFF (Copyright 1974, JTA, Inc.) A specially designed postage stamp bearing the theme "Retarded Children Can Be Helped" went on sale at U.S. post offices Monday. In' Detroit, Postmaster Edward L. Baker, right, presented the first sheet of the commemor- ative stamp to Harry Berlin of Southfield, president of Detroit Association for Retarded Citizens. A print run of 150,000,000 stamps, Baker said, focuses national attention on the needs of the nation's 6,000,000 mentally retarded persons. 56—Friday, October 18, 1974 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS WASHINGTON — Among the communities wiped out on the Honduran north coast by hurricane Fifi is Omao, known .because it was . cor- porate headquarters of the United Fruit Co. when the legendary Bessarabian - born Jew, Samuel Zemurray was its principal executive offi- cer. Zemurray was among the most important figures in the world's banana business dur- ing much of this century. Both as private planter and as t h e administrator of United Fruit, and as a major stockholder, Zemurray em- bodied those qualities of in- genuity and a will to build that enabled foreigners to make personal history in Central America. He died Nov. 30, 1961, at age 84. Zemurray's career began at age 14 on the docks of Mobile shortly after his fam- ily emigrated to Selina, Ala. from Russia where he was born in 1877. His job was to buy bananas that had been rejected by wholesalers be- cause they had ripened in shipment from Central Amer- ica. Zemurray disposed of them to small dealers and peddlers. I Seven years later, in 1899, he entered the fruit business on a large scale by contract- ing to buy United Fruit Co. shipments. New Orleans was then America's banana- capi- tal and he began operations there. He met Sarah Wein- berger, daughter of Jacob Weinberger, who also was in the fruit business and they married in 1904, making their home in New Orleans where his widow continues to live. His next step was to form a partnership with Ashbellio Hubbard, the fruit dealer in Mobile. In 1910 they founded the Cuyamel Fruit Co I stifle its competition in p. ing and growing in Central America, United Fruit bought out Cuyamel and Zemurray became its general manager. Shortly before the Wall Street collapse in 1929, Zemurray sold his United Fruit stock and left the company. Weakened under the im- pact of economic depression and inferior management, United Fruit recalled him as its president and he restored the company's strength. He retired in 1357.